This section describes the operations available to an interactive user of the TAE Command Language (TCL). (For information on writing TCL procedures, see "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual.")
TCL is entered when:
In TCL, the user is prompted with "TAE>" (or an installation-dependent prompt) and is expected to respond with TAE commands as described in this section.
A TCL command line is either the invocation of a proc or a TAE "intrinsic" command. Command lines in TAE are "free-field": the command fields may appear anywhere on the input line, as long as they appear in the correct order.
The simplest and most common form of a command consists of the command or proc name followed by a parameter list:
TAE> command parameter-list
The "command" is the name of the intrinsic command or proc to be executed and the "parameter-list" is the set of parameters associated with the command or proc.
This command line invokes a proc named "IMGCOPY" and passes the parameter values "FILE1" and "FILE2" to the proc.
A full command string consists of an intrinsic command or proc name, a subcommand, command qualifiers, a parameter list, and a comment field, all in free-field format:
TAE>name-subcommand|qualifiers| parameter-list !comments
Command qualifiers are not available for intrinsic commands. Comments may appear at the end of any line, including a line to be continued. The following sections describe the components of a command line.
The command name may be one of the user-oriented intrinsic commands listed in Table 3.5-1 or one of the programmer-oriented intrinsic commands (described in the "TAE Command Language Programmer's Manual"), or the name of a proc. Under VMS, the name may be specified in upper or lower case. See the description of the command DISABLE-FORCE_LOWER for case considerations under UNIX. The following rules apply to command names:
Command Description ------- ----------- A*BORT Terminate proc BATCH Batch queue manipulation COHPI*LE Compile a PDF CONT*INUE Continue (after attention) DEFC*MD Define command DELC*MD Delete command definition DELE*TE Delete variables DISA*BLE Disable a TAE function DISP*LAY Display variable value(s) ENA*BLE Enable logging, script EX*IT Terminate TAE H*ELP Obtain help information LET Assign a value to a variable LO*GOFF Logoff of TAE M*ENU Enter menu mode REMO*VE Remove job from ASYNC list REPL*Y Reply to Asynchronous Job REST*ORE Restore saved variables SAVE Save variables SETL*IB Set library search order SH*OW Show status T*UTOR Enter tutor mode WAIT Wait upon ASYNC job termination ? Help on last message |
Note: The "*" implies that the command may be abbreviated by using at least the characters prior to the "*". The "*" is not part of the command. |
As explained in Section 2.4.5, a TAE command may have subcommands. A subcommand, if present, follows the command name and is separated by a hyphen. The hyphen must be immediately adjacent to the command.
This command displays the status of the batch queue named FASTQ.
A command that has subcommands may be defined to have a default subcommand. When that command is typed with no explicit subcommand, the default is used.
Command qualifiers are TAE-defined parameters that specify the environment for command execution.
The rules for command qualifiers are:
This command line submits the IMGCOPY proc for batch processing, restores parameter values from the file "TEMP", and supplies "FILE1" as a parameter.
The command qualifiers are listed in Table 3.5-2 and are described in detail below, in positional order.
The RESTORE qualifier specifies a file that contains parameter values. Values provided explicitly on the proc invocation line override values provided from the restored file.
An explicit value must be supplied for RESTORE; there is no default. If the RESTORE file specification is the empty string, then the name of the file used for the restore is the same as the proc name.
The RUNTYPE qualifier specifies whether the proc is to be run while TAE waits (SYNCHRONOUS/INTERACTIVE), or submitted for BATCH or ASYNC execution. If the RUNTYPE is BATCH, then the second value is interpreted as the name of the batch queue. If BATCH is specified, the following message is displayed:
Job (nnn) submitted to queue (que)
where "nnn" is the assigned job number and "que" is the name of the queue the job was submitted to.
RUNTYPE= (ASYNC, jobname)
This qualifier specifies that the proc is to be executed as a normal asynchronous job. (See Section 2.7.1.) If "jobname" is present, then the specified name is assigned to the asynchronous job. If "jobname" is omitted, TAE assigns a unique name to the job. When TAE assigns a unique name, the proc name is used as a base, and suffixes ("1", "2", etc.) are used to make the name unique with respect to previously submitted asynchronous jobs.
If the proc is located successfully and the parameters are correctly specified on the command line, TAE initiates execution of the proc and displays the following message:
[TAE-ASYNCJOB] Asynchronous job 'jobname' initiated.
where "jobname" is the name of the job created for the asynchronous proc.
This qualifier specifies that the proc is to be executed asynchronously without the overhead of an accompanying TAE Monitor. The specification of "jobname" is the same as, for normal asynchronous jobs. (See Section 2.7.2.)
This qualifier specifies that the preliminary processing of a proc execution should be performed without actually executing the proc. The full file specification for the proc is placed in the global variable $SKEY. Each parameter is checked for its validity. The NORUN value is particularly useful for verifying parameters in procs with long execution times.
The SAVE qualifier specifies a file for saving the values of the parameters. An explicit value must be given for SAVE; there is no default value.
If the specification of the SAVE file is the empty string, then the name of the file used for the save is the proc's name.
A parameter set saved using SAVE may be restored using the RESTORE qualifier. The file created by the SAVE qualifier may also be restored in tutor mode using tutor's RESTORE command. In one command line, it is possible to restore a file, assign parameters new values and save the parameter set using the command qualifiers RESTORE and SAVE.
The STDOUT qualifier specifies the file or device to be used to receive data sent to the "standard output". Standard output is the file or device that (a) receives messages from TAE commands; and (b) is the output destination for the DISPLAY, HELP, SHOW, and PUTMSG commands. The default for STDOUT depends upon the execution environment:
The assignment of the standard output applies for the duration of the proc's execution; the assignment also applies to lower level procs invoked by the initial proc. When the proc terminates, STDOUT reverts to the value of STDOUT prior to proc invocation.
The JOB qualifier is an alternate way for specifying the name of an asynchronous job. See description above on RUNTYPE=(ASYNC,jobname).
The ASYNCEND qualifier is only valid if the RUNTYPE qualifier is set to ASYNC. This qualifier specifies whether notification of job completion is desired. If the ASYNCEND qualifier is set to NOTIFY and the asynchronous job completes, the following message is displayed:
[TAE-ASYNCDONE] Job "'job-name'" complete.
where "job-name" is the name of the asynchronous job submitted with NOTIFY.
A parameter list is a list of values to be provided to a proc or command. The format of the parameter list is:
parm-1=value-1, parm-2=value-2,..., parm-n=value-n
"parm-i" represents a parameter name and "value-i" represents a value to be assigned to the parameter. The detailed rules for values are described in Section 3.2.1.
The following rules apply to parameter lists:
The separator between parameters may be a comma, and/or any number of spaces or tabs; a comma may be preceded or followed by spaces and tabs.
Parameter names may be omitted in a parameter list, in which case TAE determines the parameter name based upon the position of the value in the parameter list. (To assist users in specifying parameters positionally, descriptions of commands in this manual list the command parameters ordered by position.)
Note, however, that once any parameter value is specified using an explicit parameter name, all remaining parameters on the command line must be specified using explicit parameter names.
Two successive commas in a positional parameter list indicate that the corresponding parameter's default value is to be used. It is illegal to have two successive commas after a value has been provided using an explicit parameter name.
If a parameter name is specified in the form "name=", but with no value, then the default value is assigned to the parameter.
Parameter names may be abbreviated. The allowable abbreviations for a parameter consists of any set of leading characters that is not ambiguous with any other parameter available for the command. For example, if there is a command with defined parameters, FILE, FIRST, and SIZE, then "S", "FIR", and "FIL" are acceptable abbreviations, while "F" and "Fl" are ambiguous.
Each parameter in a parameter list may be "qualified". The format of the qualifier list for a parameter is:
parm=value |qual-1=value-1, qual-2=value-2,..., qual-n=value-n|
"qual-i" represents a parameter qualifier name, "value-i" represents a value to be assigned to the qualifier.
The rules for specifying parameter qualifiers are identical to the rules for parameters. Currently, no parameter qualifiers are defined for intrinsic commands.
The "@" character may be used in a value field of a proc invocation command to indicate "use the value of the following variable". The "@" syntax is called "de-referencing" the variable (because, without the special syntax, the variable name would be taken as a string constant).
The rules associated with de-referencing are:
If a user invokes a proc and fails to provide all the mandatory parameter/qualifier values, the user may then type "TUTOR" with no proc name, and TAE will enter tutor mode for the proc. Furthermore, initial parameter/qualifier values shown in tutor will include those values that were successfully entered on the failed proc invocation line. This capability is called "parameter latching".
The second command, "TUTOR", starts tutor mode with the value of the FROM parameter set to FILE1.
A command may be continued to another line with the + character as the last non-comment character of a line. For example:
TAE>+ FROM=ANAME + !Comment
A line may not be continued in the middle of a command name, parameter name, or value. For multi-valued parameters, continuation may occur between the component values.
If the ESCAPE key is, pressed twice anywhere within a command, the current command--including all previous continuation lines--is ignored and the user is re-prompted.
(Note: If the terminal is VT220 and is in VT220 mode press "CTRL [" twice to retract the command.)
If an executing proc requests additional parameters/qualifiers, TAE enters dynamic tutor mode. Dynamic tutor begins with the message "Parameters Requested:", followed by the names of the parameters that are to be set by the user. (In certain cases, however, the executing proc may replace the standard dynamic tutor greeting with a proc-generated message). The dynamic tutor options available to the user are:
The tutor mode commands are described in Section 3.4.
The following sections describe interactive TAE intrinsic commands. In the descriptions, the parameters are described in positional order, i.e., the order that the parameters are required when specified positionally.
As a convention in the following sections, a parameter is assumed to be mandatory unless specifically flagged as "optional".
TAE> ABORT-BATCH JOBID=job-number + TAE>+ QUEUE=queue-name
The default subcommand is -SYNC (form A).
ABORT terminates the execution of a proc, or terminates an asynchronous job.
This form of ABORT is only valid from proc interrupt mode. The proc executing synchronously is aborted. There are no parameters.
This form of ABORT terminates an asynchronous job.
The JOB parameter is mandatory and may specify one or more jobs to be aborted. If the JOB parameter is set to "ALL", all active, asynchronous jobs are aborted.
The -BATCH subcommand is used to terminate a specific job entry in a specific batch queue. It has the same effect as BATCH-DELETE. Users may only abort jobs submitted from their account. Under VMS, the special privilege, OPER, is required to abort jobs from accounts of other users.
The number assigned to a job upon submission to a batch queue. The number is displayed immediately following the submission of the job. The SHOW-BATCH command can also be used to get the current status of all jobs in a batch queue.
The name of the queue upon which to perform the specified function. For example, "SYS$BATCH".
The queue name is specified by the user when the batch job is submitted.
Aborts all active, asynchronous jobs.
Aborts the asynchronous jobs named "COPYJOB" and "MYJOB".
TAE> BATCH-SUBMIT PROC=proc-name SAVEFILE=saved-file-name QUEUE=queue-name STDOUT=standard-output-file-name
The default subcommand is -STATUS (form B).
Batch is used to control batch jobs.
The -DELETE subcommand deletes the specified queue entry in the named queue
The identification of the batch job to delete. The identification is a string attributed to a batch job (and displayed) when it is submitted. It may be displayed using BATCH-STATUS. There is no default.
The name of the queue from which the job is to be deleted. This queue name is specified by the user when the batch job is submitted. There is a default queue name. See Appendix A for the name of the default queue on your host.
The -STATUS subcommand requests the display of the status of a batch queue.
The name of the queue for which status is to be displayed. This queue name is specified by the user when the batch job is submitted. The default queue name is "ALL", meaning all queues.
The -SUSPEND subcommand suspends operations of a batch queue. Any currently active job is allowed to complete, but further releases of jobs from the queue are inhibited. Operations of the queue may be restarted with the -RESUME subcommand.
The name of the queue to suspend. There is no default.
The -RESUME subcommand resumes operations of a batch queue inhibited via the -SUSPEND subcommand.
The name of the queue to resume. There is no default.
The -UPDATE subcommand is used to modify the priority of a job on a batch queue.
A string, the identification of the batch job to re-prioritize. The string is attributed to a batch job (and displayed) when it is submitted. It may be displayed using BATCH-STATUS. There is no default.
An integer number specifying the desired job priority.
The name of the queue holding the desired job. This queue is specified by the user when the batch job is submitted. There is a default queue name. See Appendix A for the name of the default queue on your host.
The -SUBMIT subcommand is useful as a menu option. After tutoring on the desired proc and performing a tutor SAVE command to save the parameter values, you can tutor on BATCH-SUBMIT to actually submit the proc.
The name of the proc to be submitted for execution.
The RESTORE qualifier. The name of the previously SAVEd parameter file containing the parameters to use in running the proc. If SAVEFILE is null, the parameter file with the same name as specified by "proc" is used.
A second component with BATCH for the RUNTYPE qualifier. This specifies the name of the queue to which to submit the batch job. The default for QUEUE is the system default batch queue name. For example, "SYS$BATCH".
The STDOUT qualifier specifies the name of the standard output file (i.e., the batch log). If STDOUT is null, the batch log is given the same name as the proc name along with a one up number to help differentiate among repeated runs.
Delete job 100 from the batch queue, FASTQ.
Display the status of the queue, TAEBATCH.
Display the status of all batch queues.
Suspend operations of queue, TAEBATCH. On some hosts (e.g., VAX/VMS) special privilege is required to execute this command.
Resume operations of queue, TAEBATCH. On some hosts (e.g., VAX/VMS) special privilege is required to execute this command.
Change priority of job 100 on queue TAEBATCH to 8.
Submit the proc TAETEST.PDF as a batch job with parameters in savefile TEST.PAR to queue TAE$BATCH. The batch log for output is saved in the file, SAVE. LOG.
TAE> COMPILE INPROC=input-pdf OUTPROC=compiled-pdf
COMPILE allows the user to perform all of the syntax scanning of the declaration statements at the time of the compile, eliminating the need for scanning at execution time. The execution time for procs with many parameters is significantly reduced by compiling the proc.
The name of the source PDF to be compiled. If no file type is specified, "PDF" is assumed.
The name of the compiled PDF produced. If no file type is specified, "CPD" is used. OUTPROC may be omitted, in which case the file name from INPROC is used, with the CPD file type.
CONTINUE requests that TAE resume the current proc after the proc has been suspended with an attention sequence.
DEFCMD defines a new command name for an equivalent command string.
DEFCMD is used to create a new command definition for an equivalent command string.
The name defined. Abbreviations may be defined in the name (see below).
The string that is to be executed when the defined command (or an abbreviation thereof) is present in a TCL command field.
The -REPLACE subcommand is used either to create a new command definition or to replace a previously defined one.
The smallest command name by which the named command will be recognized by the TAE command processor is indicated by the "*" character in the COMMAND parameter. For example, on DEFCMD IMG*COPY IMGCOPY", "IMG" and "IMGCO" become equivalents for "IMGCOPY".
If "-REPLACE" is used, then the specified COMMAND name will replace an existing one.
Define COPY to be the IMOCOPY proc in the MET library. (The "metlibe:" is a host-dependent library specification.)
Define the abbreviations for the PATGEN proc to be PAT, PATG, PATGE, and PATGEN.
Define the REW*IND command to be the TAPE proc, with REW subcommand.
Define the ECHO command to set the value of $ECHO to "YES".
DELCMD deletes a command defined via DEFCMD.
The name of the command to be deleted.
Delete the TAPE command from the DEFCMD list.
The default subcommand is -VARIABLE (form A).
DELETE deletes variables or commands.
The -VARIABLE subcommand is used to delete a single global or local variable.
The name of the global or local variable to delete.
The -GLOBALS subcommand is used to delete all the variables defined in a GLOBAL PDF.
The name of a GLOBAL PDF containing definitions of global variables. These global variables are the ones that are to be deleted.
The -LOCALS subcommand is used to delete all the currently defined local variables. This subcommand has no parameters.
The -COMMAND subcommand is used to delete any command previously defined by DEFCMD. DELETE-COMMAND is equivalent to DELCMD. To view the current list of defined commands, use "DISPLAY $DEFCMDi", where i=O thru 9. At any time, there exist only as many $DEFCMDs as needed to contain all currently defined commands.
The name of a user-defined command to be deleted from the list of defined commands (set via DEFCMD).
Delete the local or global variable X.
Delete all local variables
DISABLE- disables session logging, terminal output logging, TAE interrupt mode, entry into host command language, RECVAR inputs or case conversion of all file references from TM in Unix implementations.
The subcommand -LOG disables TAE session logging, initiated by ENABLE-LOG.
The subcommand -TOL disables terminal output logging, initiated by ENABLE-TOL.
The subcommand -INTERRUPT disables TAE interrupt mode.
The subcommand -HOST disables the TCL command that allows direct entry into the host command language processor (e.g., DCL on VAX/VMS systems); in addition, -HOST disables the TCL "EXIT" command.
The subcommand -RECVAR disables the use of the REC VAR command by deleting the input queue created by ENABLE-RECVAR. See Section 3.4.2 of the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual" for the RECVAR command.
For UNIX implementations, this subcommand DISABLE-FORCE_LOWER disables case conversion of all file references from TM. This is the default. Typically, an installation will run in this mode by using this command in SLOGON (or by editing the initialization of the flag in See additional notes below.
The default subcommand is -VARIABLE (form A).
DISPLAY displays the value of the specified variable or the values of a class of variables.
The -VARIABLE subcommand with no parameter is equivalent to DISPLAY-ALL and displays the values of all variables defined in the current proc. DISPLAY-VARIABLE with a parameter displays the value of the specified variable.
The name of the variable to be displayed or a list of variable names in parentheses. Variable qualifiers may. also be displayed, if they exist.
The -ALL subcommand is equivalent to the DISPLAY command with no parameters and displays the values of all variables.
The -GLOBALS subcommand is used to display the values of all global variables.
The -LOCALS subcommand is used to display the values of all local variables.
The -PARMS subcommand is used to display the values of all parameter variables.
The -PARFILE subcommand requests that variable values from a parameter file be displayed. Parameter files are created by the SAVE command, the SAVE qualifier, and the tutor SAVE command.
The name of the parameter file to be displayed.
The names of the variables to be displayed. If VARIABLE is omitted, then all variables in the file are displayed. Variable qualifiers may also be displayed, if they exist.
The output of DISPLAY goes to the "standard output", i.e., the terminal if the user has typed the command interactively.
Display the value of the variables, $APLIB and $TUTOR.
Display the values of all variables.
Display the variables X, Y, and Z from the parameter file MYPARMS.
Display the parameter ALPHA, as well as ALPHA's qualifiers, Qi and Q2.
ENABLE enables session logging, a script, terminal output to a specified file, interrupt mode, creation of an input queue for use by RECVAR, or conversion to lower case of all file references from TM (for UNIX implementations). There is no default subcommand.
The -LOG subcommand enables session logging.
The -SCRIPT subcommand causes the TAE Monitor to use the specified script file for its "interactive" input.
The name of a script file. A script is a text file consisting of TAE responses, one per record. The script feature is primarily used for demonstrations and testing: an operator's keystrokes are simulated in a controlled, repeatable fashion. The script must anticipate every prompt in every mode.
There are two directives defined for use in script files, ".delay" and ".pause". Each ".delay" will suspend execution for 5 seconds, while the ".pause" will halt until the user presses the carriage return.
The default type for a script file is "SCR". There is no hierarchy search for script files.
The number of times to execute the script in the specified file. A count of 0 causes the file to repeat endlessly. (The script must be aborted using a host interrupt sequence.) The default count is 1.
The -TOL subcommand is used to enable logging of all terminal output to the specified file. Output from processes is not captured.
The name of the terminal output log file.
The -INTERRUPT subcommand is used to enable TAE Interrupt Mode.
The -RECVAR subcommand creates an input queue for use by RECVAR. See Section 3.4.2 of the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual" details on the RECVAR command.
Size in bytes of the queue to be created. SIZE parameter defaults to about 2500 bytes.
All file references from TM are unconditionally converted to lower case. See DISABLE-FORCE_LOWER for further discussion.
copy log to temporary file
print temporary file
(The SESSLOG proc automatically performs this sequence.)
The announcement from the server to the parent typically takes the form of a SENDVAR on the server side and a RECVAR on the parent's side; the parent's RECVAR plays the role of "wait for server to initialize".
Each TCL variable transmitted in a SENDVAR request requires about 50 bytes plus the data needed for the variable's value.
Enable session logging.
Command TAE to accept script input from the script "test". Execute the script once.
Run the "test" script in the user's library five times.
EXIT causes the TAE session to terminate; the user remains logged onto the host system.
The default subcommand is -PROC (form B).
HELP displays information on a TAE entity. In any mode of TAE operations, HELP with no parameters causes display of information on that mode.
The -COMMAND subcommand displays information on the specified intrinsic command or proc. If a subcommand is specified in the parameter field, then the information displayed will be for the subcommand.
An intrinsic command or proc name with optional subcommand appended. If COMMAND is omitted, the information on TCL will be displayed.
The -PROC subcommand is an alternate form of the -COMMAND subcommand.
A command or proc name with optional subcommand appended. If PROC is omitted, the information on TCL will be displayed.
The -MESSAGE subcommand displays information on the specified message key.
The KEY parameter is used to obtain help on a TAE message (usually an error message). If "KEY = key" is typed, information is displayed on the message associated with the specified key string. If KEY is omitted, information is displayed on the message associated with the last error detected by TAE. See Section 4 for information on TAE messages.
The -PARM subcommand displays information on the specified parameter of the specified proc.
A parameter name
An intrinsic command or proc name with optional subcommand appended.
The -GLOBAL subcommand requests that a description of the named global variable be displayed.
The name of the global variable for which help information is to be displayed.
Displays information on the "command" parameter for the DEFCMD command.
Displays help information on the message with key "TAE-NOKEY".
Displays help information on the $APLIB global variable.
The first command displays help information on the REMCOPY proc. The second command displays information on the subcommand REMCOPY-TEXT. The previous proc or command becomes default for the next help on a subcommand.
LET assigns the value to the specified variable.
The name of the variable that is to be assigned the value. The n-th value of a multi-valued variable may be set using "name(n)". The variable may be qualified, using the "parm.qual" syntax. (See the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual.")
The value to be assigned to the variable, or the name of another variable, or a TCL numeric, string, or logical expression.
See the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual" for additional rules on specifying expressions.
Enable echoing of procedure command lines.
Set the value of the variable X to the value of the variable Y.
LET X(3) = 1.2
Set the third value of the variable X to 1.2.
LET X = --
Set the value of the variable X to the null value.
LET X.Q1 = 3.5
Set the value of X's qualifier Q1 to 3.5.
LET X = Y.Q2
Set the value of the variable X to the value of Y's qualifier Q2.
LOGOFF terminates the interactive session, logging the user off TAE and the host system.
It is possible to have the SAVE/RESTORE performed automatically by adding the commands to the user's logon and logoff procs (Section 3.1).
MENU directs TAE to enter menu mode displaying the specified menu.
This form of MENU directs TAE to enter menu mode with entry into Command Mode allowed.
The name of the menu to be displayed when menu mode is entered. If this is the first entrance into menu mode for the current session, the default menu name is "ROOT"; if menu mode has been previously active, then the default operation is to display the most recently active menu.
The -CLOSED subcommand directs TAE to enter menu mode, and not allow re-entry into command mode.
The same as MENU above.
The MENU-CLOSED option might be used to lock users into menu mode from SLOGON.PDF.
Return to menu mode, using the last menu displayed.
Go to menu mode and display the "UTILITIES" menu.
Go to menu mode and display the "UTILITIES" menu, but do not permit return to command mode.
REMOVE deletes completed, asynchronous job(s) from TAE's asynchronous job list.
The name(s) of asynchronous job(s). If the special job name "ALL" is specified, then all completed jobs are removed from the list.
Removes all completed jobs from the asynchronous job list.
Removes the jobs named "COPYJOB" and "MYJOB".
REPLY allows the user to supply values to an asynchronous job that is waiting for dynamic parameters.
The name of an asynchronous job that is waiting for dynamic parameter response. If JOB is omitted, TAE selects one of the waiting jobs.
The default subcommand is -VARIABLE (form A).
RESTORE restores previously saved variables.
The name of a file previously created using the SAVE command. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
A list of TCL variable names to be restored from the file. Each variable name in the list must exist in the file and must be defined in the current TAE session. The variable may be a parameter qualifier, using the "parm.qual" syntax. (See the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual.")
If VARIABLE is omitted, all variables in the file are restored. If the TARGET parameter is specified, then VARIABLE must be specified.
A list of target variables for values selected by VARIABLE. If TARGET is present, then VARIABLE must be present, and values selected by the VARIABLE list are assigned to corresponding variables in the TARGET list, i.e., the first VARIABLE is assigned to the first TARGET, the second VARIABLE is assigned to the second TARGET, and so on.
All variables in the TARGET list must exist at the time of the RESTORE. The TARGET variables must have definitions that are compatible with the corresponding values in the file.
The RESTORE-ALL command restores all variables from the parameter file. RESTORE-ALL is equivalent to RESTORE without a subcommand and without the VARIABLE and TARGET parameters.
The -GLOBALS subcommand is used to restore only the global variables in the save file.
The name of a file previously created using the SAVE command. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
The -LOCALS subcommand is used to restore only the local variables in the save file.
The name of a file previously created using the SAVE command. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
The -PARMS subcommand is used to restore only the parameters in the save file. Parameters that do not exist in the current context are not restored.
The name of a file previously created using the SAVE command. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
The SAVE and RESTORE commands may be placed in the ULOGON and ULOGOFF procs (Section 3.1) to provide for "automatic" continuity.
Restore all variables previously saved in X (with file type "PAR").
Restore all local variables previously saved in X (with file type "PAR").
Restore the variables named A, B, and C from the file PFILE. If A, B, and C do not currently exist, they are created.
Restore variables named A, B, and C from the file PFILE into existing variables X, Y, and Z respectively.
The default subcommand is -VARIABLE (form A).
The SAVE command copies TCL variables to a parameter file.
The -VARIABLE subcommand is used to save the specified variables into the save file.
The name of the file to receive the variables. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
A list of variable names to be saved. If VARIABLE is omitted, then all TCL variables defined in the current execution level are saved in the file; for interactive users, this means that locals defined interactively and all globals are saved. The variable may be a parameter qualifier, using the "parm.qual" syntax in which case the file has no knowledge that the variable "qual" once was associated with "parm". (See the "TAE Command Language (TCL) Programmer's Manual".)
The -ALL subcommand is equivalent tothe SAVE-VARIABLE command without the VARIABLE parameter.
The -GLOBALS subcommand is used to save only the global variables into the save file.
The name of the file to receive the global variables. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
The -LOCALS subcommand is used to save only the local variables into the save file.
The name of the file to receive the local variables. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
The -PARMS subcommand is used to save the current parameters into the save file. (SAVE-PARM is not meaningful when used interactively because there are no parameters on the primary level.)
The name of the file to receive the parameter values. There is no default file name. However, if no file type is present, a default type of "PAR" is used.
Save all global and local variables into X (with file type "PAR").
The variables A, B, and C are saved. A, B, and C must exist on the current execution level.
Save all local variables into X (with file type "PAR").
SETLIB sets or deletes the names of the application libraries (directories) that participate in the library search. Application libraries and library searches are discussed in Sections 2.3 and 2.4.1.
The -SETLIB subcommand is used to set a new library list. Any libraries previously in the list are deleted from the list. The maximum number of application libraries is currently fifteen.
The names of the libraries TAE is to use when performing a hierarchy search. The order of the library names determines the search order. Parentheses are required if the list contains more than one name (i.e., normal multi-value list syntax).
The default is the null value, implying that there are to be no applications libraries in the search.
Each library has its own default file type for procs. This default type is normally "PDF", but may be changed by appending the -type to the library name in the SETLIB command. For example: SETLIB (METLIB-CPD, IMAGELIB-PDF)
The -ADD subcommand is used to add library names to the current search list.
The names of the libraries to add to the end of the search list.
The -DELETE subcommand is used to delete libraries from the current search list.
The list of names of libraries to delete from the search list.
Set the library search order to: user library, library X, then the system library.
Set the library search order to: user library, MET, OCEAN, system library.
Set the new order to: user library, X, Y, A, B, system library.
Set the new order to: user library, A,X, Y, B, system library.
Delete library B from the search list.
SHOW displays various kinds of status relevant to the TAE environment.
The -BATCH subcommand is used to display the status of all jobs in a batch queue. It is the same as BATCH-STATUS.
The name of the VMS batch queue. The queue name "ALL" is a special queue name that causes the status of all jobs in all batch queues to be displayed. If QUEUE is omitted, the default is "SYS$BATCH".
The -LIBRARY subcommand causes a display of the names of the currently active application libraries, in search order. Application libraries can be set with the SETLIB command.
The -ASYNC subcommand is used to display the status of asynchronous jobs.
The JOB parameter applies to SHOW-ASYNC only and identifies the name(s) of the asynchronous job(s) to be included in the report. If JOB is omitted, the default is "ALL", a special job name that means "show status on all outstanding jobs".
The FORM parameter specifies the format desired for the report. The "Brief" gives a report with a heading and one line per job format, while the "Full" gives multiple lines of status per job format.
SHOW-WAITING displays the list of asynchronous jobs waiting for dynamic parameters. A job in the waiting list may be resumed for execution with the REPLY command.
The status of all jobs in batch queue "TAEBATCH" are displayed.
The status of asynchronous jobs "METPROC" and "TESTPROC" are displayed.
The TUTOR command places TAE into TUTOR mode for the specified proc.
TUTOR indicates that the tutor session is to begin in the format specified by the value of the TCL global $TUTOR.
The name of the proc for which tutoring is to be performed. The proc-name field may include qualifiers; such qualifiers apply to the execution of the proc when the tutor RUN command is subsequently used.
This is a standard TCL parameter list, with parameter values specified by position and by name. Parameters supplied on the command line become initial values for the tutor session.
The -SCREEN subcommand forces tutor to start in "full screen" mode, ignoring the value of $TUTQR.
The -NOSCREEN subcommand forces tutor to start in "no screen" mode, ignoring the value of $TUTOR.
The parameters correctly supplied on the failed invocation are remembered into this "follow-on" tutor.
Start a tutor session for the IMGCOPY proc.
Start a tutor session for the IMGCOPY proc with "myfile" as the initial value of the INFILE parameter. When the proc is eventually executed, the proc will run in batch.
Start a tutor session for the TAPE proc, using the parameters for the subcommand REWIND.
Start a tutor session for the subcommands of the proc TAPE.
Same as example 1 except that the tutor form is guaranteed to be "noscreen".
Start a tutor session for the IMGCOPY proc with the parameter and qualifier values restored from the file "INFILE", and save the completed tutor session values in the file "OUTFILE".
The WAIT-ASYNC command waits for termination of the specified asynchronous job(s).
Job name(s) of the asynchronous job(s). The name of an asynchronous job is assigned (a) explicitly by the user when the proc is submitted via |RUNTYPE=(ASYNC,job-name)| or (b) automatically by TAE if the job-name is omitted from the RUNTYPE specification.
The job name "ALL" is a special job name that means "wait on completion of all active, asynchronous jobs".
"?" displays help on the last message.
"?" is the same as "HELP-MESSAGE" with no message key.