8. LAS Filename Syntax

The LAS file name has the following format:

The username and directory name specification is enclosed in square brackets. The username is any valid user on the system. LAS directory names may contain alphabetic characters and numeric characters. Directory names are delimited by periods (".") and hyphens ("-"). The period implies a child directory, and the hyphen implies a parent directory.

LAS file names and extension names may contain alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods ("."). Filenames and extension names are delimited by semicolons.

Each of the components (directories, filenames, and extensions) of the LAS file name may be limited by the host operating system. Refer to the section on UNIX Disk Handling for more information. The fully specified file name on any system must be less than 256 characters long.

The user can specify a different disk device as shown in the following example.

See the LAS User's Guides (Version 7.0) for more details on filename syntax.