7. Documentation Standards
Documentation standards consist of two parts: in-line and external. In-line documentation aids in
module debugging and maintenance. External documentation of support routines is typically
used to assist in determining which subroutines to call and how to do so; whereas, external
documentation of application modules is used to assist the user in operating the software in the
correct manner.
7.1 In-Line Program Documentation
In-line documentation includes two particular areas: (1) The prologue is text describing the
program unit that is placed at the beginning of the file before any code. This implies that there is
only one prologue per file. Local subroutines do not need a full prologue since they will not be
called by any routines except for those in the same file, but subroutines do need an algorithm
description. The routines should be simple enough so that a few comments can explain how
and what they do. (2) All code should contain text which identifies and describes each major
block and any complicated code sequence.
Following is a list of the various aspects to be covered in the prologue and an explanation of the
information that the programmer should include for each of these aspects. Not all of these
sections are needed for every routine and therefore are marked optional. For example, since C
supports good in-line documentation for variables, the variable sections are redundant and can
be misleading if not maintained. These optional sections can be left out of a program prologue if
they do not apply. For example, if a program has no algorithm references, the "ALGORITHM
REFERENCES" section need not appear in the prologue.
--Program Prologue--
- Name of the program.
- Brief description of what the program does.
- Describe how this module fits with other program units, including
which units must be run or called before or after it and also which
ones call it, if known.
- FILE REFERENCES: (optional)
- Describe all files, if any, referenced by this unit.
- List and describe all external variables referenced. Describe
the function of each variable, including any limits on values.
Include the variable's data type in the description. If the
variable is an array, give its dimension. An external variable
is any variable which is accessed both within the current program
unit and by some other program unit. Examples of external
variables are C external variables, FORTRAN common areas with a list
of associated variables, DCL global variables, TCL global
variables, and shell global variables.
- List and describe all internal variables in the same way as
external variables. Internal variables are variables which are
not external. Thus, all variables should appear as either externals
or internals.
- Include the date, the programmer, and a brief description and
explanation of the changes. Although the description should
be kept short, it should include a list of all problems, limitations,
or new requirements which led to the change and how that change was
implemented. It should also include a problem report number.
- List all limitations of the program unit relating to required
hardware such as the type of host, peripheral devices, the type of
operating system, OS feature, or related software.
- List the project which uses or requires this program unit.
- Describe in detail the algorithm which the entire program unit
implements. This should be written in structured English, indented to
show program structures.
- A complicated program with many subroutines should include a treelike
structure which shows the relationship of all the subroutines.
- List sources used as references in writing the major algorithm(s) of the
program unit.
7.2 External Support Module Documentation
External support module documentation is documentation of a support module that is kept
external to the program. This documentation would be useful to a programmer trying to
understand the function of a piece of code or an entire package. It would also be useful to a
programmer trying to use an entry point out of a library. It would not be useful to a typical user
trying to run a program or package. The most important function of external program
documentation is to provide programmers with instructions on how to use system or
package-wide libraries. This type of information is absolutely necessary if programmers are to
make efficient use of the libraries that LAS has available.
--Functional Guide Page--
- Short (one line hopefully) description of the entry point.
- List the calling sequence for the entry point in its native language,
identifying all parameters.
- For each parameter, list its type and significance. For entry points
which return a value, fully describe the use and significance of the
returned value. After fully describing the parameters, fully describe
the entry; this includes describing in detail what it does.
- Provide a detailed description of what the subroutine does and
describe any interesting side effects of the routine.
- List the values returned by the routine.
- List of known bugs, caveats, etc.
7.3 Application Module Documentation
The documentation for LAS 7.0 is contained on-line in HTML (hyper-text markup
language) format. NCSA Mosaic-2.0 for X is used as the document viewer via the
lasdoc command.
Every LAS function or module has at least one proc definition file (PDF) that
contains the help for LAS procs. Except for the diagrams, the user guide
information is kept in the PDF; the HTML file is generated from the PDF with
the pdfhtml function. (Section 7.3.1)
LAS procs should keep all help directly in the PDF. The parameter names are based on a listing
of standard parameter names for LAS and are agreed upon by the programmer and the LAS
coordinator. The help is divided into two levels. The first level gives a brief description of the
associated module and each parameter. Modules and parameters are discussed in detail in the
second level help. The first sentence of the second level help is the first level help.
The parameters should be ordered so that all mandatory input files and specifications appear
first on the screen, followed by mandatory output files and specifications, and then followed by
any other mandatory parameters. Keep associated parameters grouped together as much as
possible, especially any window specification. All required parameters should appear before
optional ones.
The user documentation development can be quite complex. To help programmers maintain
consistency, all documentation should be reviewed by several people. These reviewers should
include lower level managers who are tasked with supervising the entire project and
representatives of the ultimate users of the documentation, whether it be scientists or
applications programmers. In addition, the pdfhtml function, which generates a HTML formatted file which then can be used by Mosaic-2.0 to generate a hardcopy user guide, assists the programmers in maintaining
consistency. The following sections detail the accepted standards for using the pdfhtml function.
7.3.1 Pdfhtml Introduction
The pdfhtml function generates an HTML file directly from a PDF file. The programmer first
creates the PDF as normally done and then adds the necessary information for a complete user
guide by using a set of TAE comment directives. Pdfhtml reads the PDF file and determines
which parts of the PDF belong in which sections of the corresponding user
Additional information for the user guide is
determined from the TAE comment directives and text placed in the PDF.
There are several specific formatting considerations for the PDF file. These include things such
as order, capitalization, spacing, and the TAE comment directives.
This document provides a listing of the TAE comment directives and their meaning, a skeleton
PDF (to be used as a basic example) and a listing of user notes for pdfhtml and corresponding
document examples.
7.3.2 TAE Comment Directives
The following is a list of the TAE comment directives used for the pdfhtml function. A skeleton
PDF in Section 7.3.3 shows the usage of the primary directives. The user notes in Section 7.3.5
provide detailed examples for these and also for the remainder of the directives that are not
shown in the skeleton PDF.
!.HEADER Header and subsystem
!.EXAMPLE(S) Starts the Examples Section
!.DESC Starts the Description/ Algorithm section.
--The following directives pertain to error messages.
!.NONFATALS Nonfatal Error Messages --for "None." or more than one
!.NONFATAL Nonfatal Error Message --one nonfatal message
!.FATALS Fatal Error Messages --for "None." or more than one
!.FATAL Fatal Error Message --one fatal message
!.ERROR Error Messages --No error messages and some statement
is made
!.USERNOTE(S) Starts the User Notes section.
.VAR "parm name-subcommand "Needed for parameter descriptions that vary
with different subcommands
!.DYNLOCAL For dynamic parameter set within one pdf file
!.FINAL End of text directive
--TAE comment directives that pertain to formatting user guide
!.FIG < figure > Add a gif figure
!.LINE Add two blank lines
!.LIST Used for formatting at the start of parameter responses
or a list
!.LEND Used for formatting at the end of parameter responses
or a list
!.GOBBLE For inserting a comment to display in tutor mode but
ignored by pdfhtml
7.3.3 Skeleton PDF
- !.HEADER Display
- Process XXX HELP=*
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxx
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxxxxxx.
- .page
- Examples:
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- .page
- !.DESC
- Description/Algorithm:
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- .page
- Nonfatal Error Messages:
- None.
- .page
- Fatal Error Messages:
- 1. [xxx-xxxxx] Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- 2. [xxx-xxx] Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- .page
- User Note:
- 1. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- = XXX: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- = XXXX: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- xxxx
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxx(first level help)xxxxx. Xxxx
- (second level help) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxx
- Xxx(first level help) xxxxxx. Xxxxxxx
- (second level help) xxxxxx.....
- Xxx(first level help)xxxxx. Xxxxx
- (second level help)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- !.LIST
- = XXX: Xxx(1st level)xxxxxx. Xxxxx
- (2nd level) xxxxxxxxxxxx.
- = XXXX: Xxx(1st level)xxxxxxx. Xxxx
- (2nd level) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- .!LEND
- Xxx(1st level)xxxxxx. Xxxxx(2nd level)
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- !.DYNLOCAL xxxxx
- .END
7.3.4 Line Length/Margins for Formatting PDF and User Guide
The following is a reference for line lengths and margins.
- The left margin for responses should begin in column 3.
- The right margin for first level help should not exceed column 32.
- The right margin for responses should not exceed column 53.
7.3.5 PDFHTML User Notes and Instructions
- The !.HEADER directive on line 1 of the PDF generates the header "USER'S GUIDE" and the hardware specifics. The PDF must begin with !.HEADER and should
contain at a minimum !.HEADER, .TITLE, and .HELP.
- If there is specific hardware, it should be typed following the !.HEADER directive. If the hardware is two words, a hyphen or, preferably, an underscore must be placed between the two words so that pdfhtml recognizes it as one word. For example, it would be listed as such:
!.HEADER Tape_drive
- If there is no hardware specifically associated with the functioning of the module, the word "LAS" is typed in the second position. For example, it would be listed as such:
- The program name is placed after the Process or Procedure comment on line 2.
- SUBCMD and PARM must be in uppercase unless in an interval proc that is to be suppressed. Internal procs MUST use lowercase or pdfhtml will not run properly.
- The parameters for each subcommand must be between the SUBCMD and END-SUBCMD TAE constructs.
- The order of parameters as given in the declaration of the parameters at the beginning of the PDF must match the order that they are listed in the LEVEL2 section.
- The function description of the user guide is taken from text following the .HELP command.
- Examples, Error Messages, and User Notes must not extend past column 64.
- Do not have any blank spaces after directives such as !.EXAMPLES, !.USERNOTES, etc. The pdfhtml programs reads these and, as a result, the formatting is off.
- Do not leave any blank lines between parameter descriptions or between the "User Guide" sections. A blank line is allowed between the individual examples, the individual error messages and the individual user notes but not between the end of one section and the TAE commend directive for the start of the next section. In other words, a blank line is allowable between error messages themselves but not between the last error message and the !.USERNOTES directive.
- Each of the User Guide section headers -- !.EXAMPLES, !.DESC, !.NONFATALS, !.FATALS, !.USERNOTES -- must be followed with the respective header that it represents. (lines 33 and 34.) This second header is for tutoring in TAE. It is also necessary to put a ".page" before each section to provide a break for tutoring in TAE. (lines 32 and 42.) Use .page in the PDF file for other desired page breaks for "tutor mode."
- First level help must not extend past column 32 and the responses should be set up as indicated on lines 65 through 69.
- The help for subcommands in LEVEL1 and LEVEL2 must precede the parameter help and must be listed in the desired (correct) order.
- Parameter descriptions for the user guide are taken from the LEVEL 2 help from the PDF and the appropriate values for defaults are grabbed from the parameter declaration statement at the very beginning of the PDF or the parameter name is underlined automatically for those parameters that have no default. A null default value no longer has to be in the last place in the parameter declaration statement.
- If a diagram is needed in the hardcopy user guide and cannot be entered online, the !.GOBBLE and the !.FIG commands can be used to handle this for tutor mode and for the user guide. The !.GOBBLE commands can be used to insert a comment that displays in tutor mode indicating there is a diagram in the hardcopy user guide; the comment will be seen in tutor mode but not the hardcopy. The .!FIG command can then be used to designate a specific file for the diagram in the
user guide.
For example:
A diagram is available in the hardcopy user guide.
!.FIG ../gif/file.name
- Generating a user guide from the PDF file:
- To generate a user guide from the xxxxxx.pdf file, the user types, for example, the following system prompt:
% pdfhtml sample
--The first parameter initiates pdfhtml.
--The second parameter indicates the module.
- The pdfhtml program creates the following file from the PDF:
sample.html file to be displayed with Mosaic-2.0
- Printing:
- The document is printed by first displaying the user guide with Mosaic-2.0.
Within Mosaic-2.0, various save options exist for you to save to a disk
- Dynamic Parameters:
- Dynamic parameters are supported by use of the !.DYNAMIC command in the main PDF after the .VARS and before the .END. (See the skeleton PDF, in Section 7.3.3, for placement.)
- NAME= is NOT allowed.
- Each parameter definition must be on a separate line
- DEFAULT must be the last thing in the parameter definition
- A continuation mark "+" must be at the end of the line
(PARAMETER and EXAMPLES). Any text or white space after a
"+" will not be used as a continuation of the line.
- Numbered items (EXAMPLES, NONFATAL, FATAL, and USERNOTES) must
start with a number in the first column.
- There must be white space (new line) between a number item
and the items explanation. eg. the example and the explanation
of the example.
- USERNOTES are number items and must contain white space (new
line) between each item.
- LEVEL2 parameters that have valid options must start with
!.LIST and end with !.LEND
- Any line between !.LIST and !.END must not exceed 74 characters
- MOSAIC and HTML ignore new lines and white space. Although
this is the case, lines in the PDF should not exceed 80
characters including the new line.
- !.PAGE, !.PAGESUB, !.BLANK, and .PAGE, are ignored
- !.GOBBLE ignores the next line in the PDF. The next line
is not ignored in the TAE help.
- Remember,the PDF must look good in the TAE help session also.