6.3 Set Attributes
This function allows the user to give values to defined attributes for the
current graphics element. Each defined attribute will be listed followed
by a text entry area followed by a 3-letter code indicating the defined
data type for the attribute. The code CHA indicates the user may
enter any ascii characters, the code INT indicates the user may enter
only integer values, and the code REA indicates the user may enter only
floating point values. Enter the attribute value in the
text entry area and press enter. This will accept and verify the
value and advance the cursor to the next attribute name in the list.
Attribute values may be specified before, during, or after a graphics element
has been selected. Attribute values may also be specified while editing a
graphics element.
XID defines 5 attributes which are used to store the color, font, line width,
and label location. These attributes will appear on the set attributes
panel but should not be modified by the user. The names of these
attributes are XID_COL, XID_FONT, XID_LW, XID_LABX, and XID_LABY.
Close the set attributes panel and save the specified attribute
Close the set attributes panel without saving the specified attribute