3.0 Image Views

3.1 Full Resolution Image

The full resolution option allows the user to load (from disk) full resolution windows of subsampled images. The full resolution image is loaded into a separate display window (i.e., it does not overwrite the main image window). The left mouse button is used to select the center point of an area of interest within the main image window. A full resolution window of the specified size is then read from disk and displayed. Edge conditions are handled by moving the selected point of interest such that the specified size may be loaded. If the full resolution window size specified is larger than the loaded image, the entire image will be loaded. On both 8-bit and 24-bit displays, the full resolution window will use the same colormap as the main image window.

The 256x256, 512x512, Full Screen, and User-Selected radio buttons allow the user to select the size of the full resolution window to be loaded.

Load a full resolution window of 256 lines and 256 samples based on the point of interest selected.

Loads a full resolution window of 512 lines and 512 samples based on the point of interest selected.

Full Screen:
Load a full resolution window the size of the display monitor.

The user is allowed to outline the area in the main image window that is to be loaded at full resolution. Place the cursor at the upper left corner of the desired window, press and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to the lower right corner of the window, release the left mouse button and the outlined area will be loaded at full resolution.
Show Outline:
When selected, display a graphic outline in the main image window of the currently loaded full resolution image.

The width of the current full resolution window. The user is not allowed to modify this field.

The height of the current full resolution window. The user is not allowed to modify this field.

Close the full resolution panels.