5.2 Fill

The fill polygon function provides the capability to replace image values on either the interior or exterior of selected polygons. Image values may be replaced with a constant value, a mapped value based on a piecewise linear mapping function, or a mapped value based on a renumbering function.

By default, polygons to fill are user selected. Polygon selection is accomplished by placing the cursor near a vertex of the polygon and pressing the left mouse button. The selected polygon will be redrawn with dashed lines indicating it has been selected. Use the middle mouse button to unselect a polygon and the right mouse button to unselect all currently selected polygons (see the mouse function found on the Info menu for a graphic representation of current mouse functionality).

The User Selected and All Polygons radio buttons allow a user to select the polygons to fill.

User Selected:
The user interactively selects the polygons to fill with the left mouse button. This is the default option.

All Polygons:
All currently displayed polygons are automatically selected for the user.

The Internal and External radio buttons allow a user to select whether to modify image data inside or outside selected polygons.
Modify image values inside the selected polygons. This is the default option.

Modify image values outside the selected polygons, leaving image data inside the polygons unchanged.

The Update and New radio buttons allow a user to select whether to generate a new image or to update the displayed image with the modified image values.
Update the displayed image with the image data. This is the default option.

Generate the filled image in new image planes. This implies that the memory layout has been defined such that enough free image planes are available for the output image (see the layout function found on the Setup menu for details on redefining the number of available image planes). This option is not available to a user that has chosen the full resolution image window as the fill destination.

Fill Type Option Menu:
Allows a user to select the type of fill operation to be performed. The user may choose to fill selected polygons with a constant value , a mapped value based on a piecewise linear mapping function, or a mapped value based on a renumbering function. The default is to fill with a constant value of 0. Selecting any option from this menu brings up a secondary panel allowing the user to enter information specific to the selected option.

Window Option Menu:
Allows a user to select the window in which to perform the fill operation. The user may choose to fill selected polygons in the main image window or the full resolution image window. Note: if the user chooses the full resolution image window as the destination, the filled image will always update the current full resolution window. The user does not have the option to generate a new image; this is because there is only one occurrence of the full resolution image window. The default destination is the main image window.

Generate a filled image based on the user-selected options.

Close the fill panel.