User's Guide


Computes statistics on residuals between tie points


Computes statistics on residuals between tie points. These statistics are displayed and may be written to a file. See User Note 1 for a list of the reported statistics.


Input tie point location file. The tie point location file containing the tie point coordinate pairs to be used in calculating the statistics.

Input window specification. Specifies the area to verify. This defines the area of interest within the image (or sub-image) that INTL was created from. This window may be used to isolate a problem area and calculate statistics for that area. If NULL, all points within INTL are processed. See User Note 2.

Number of line regions. The number of regions that the number of lines (specified in WINDOW) are divided into. This defines the region size in the line direction. Statistics for each region will be reported. The total number of regions allowed is 100. NLREG * NSREG must be below this limit.

Number of sample regions. The number of regions that the number of samples (specified in WINDOW) are divided into. This defines the region size in the sample direction. Statistics for each region will be reported. The total number of regions allowed is 100. NLREG * NSREG must be below this limit.

Output destination. The destination of the statistics. See User Note 1 for a list of the statistics.

  = --:        No Report
  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the user's
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the
               printer defined by $PRINTER.
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is sent
               to a disk file named "filename;prt".

Log file. A ".txt" will be appended to the name. The name and statistics generated for INTL will be appended to the end of LOGFILE. This file may be used to keep a continuous record of the statistics generated for every TPL file processed by VERIFY2. If NULL, the statistics are not recorded in the log file.

Output file. A ";txt" will be appended to the name. OUTFILE will contain the tie point location and the total residual for each point. This file may be used as input to TICMARK-EMBEDPT and is created if there is only one region; since, TICMARK-EMBEDPT only works with one region. If NULL, the file will not be created.

Pixel size. PIXSIZ defines the ground dimension of each pixel. The pixels are assumed to be square. If NULL, the pixel size is taken from the INTL header.

Accuracy error increment. Error range bins into which each tie point will be binned, according to the magnitude of the residual error. The number of points and the percentage of points not meeting each of these accuracies is reported. These values should be in ascending or descending order to be more informative. See User Note 1.


  1. LAS> verify2 intl=y12df2 window=(10 10 4000 3000)

    The tie point location file Y12DF2;TPL is used to calculate statistics for the one region defined. These statistics are then displayed to the terminal.

  2. LAS> verify2 intl=k1ngf4 nlreg=2 nsreg=3 print=(term,temp)

    The tie point location file K1NGF4;TPL is used to calculate statistics for the 6 (2 x 3) regions defined. These statistics are then displayed to the terminal, and written to TEMP;PRT.


VERIFY2 uses a tie point location file containing tie point pairs. First, the number of regions is calculated as NLREG * NSREG. The size of each region is determined by dividing the number of lines (found in WINDOW) into NLREG equal sized regions, and by dividing the number of samples (found in WINDOW) into NSREG equal sized regions. Next, the tie points within each region are used to calculate statistics for that region. These statistics are calculated using the standard statistical formulas and are listed in User Note 1. Finally, these statistics are displayed according to PRINT.

Nonfatal Error Message:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [verify2-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing is terminated.

  2. [verify-header] Tie point header projection information invalid

    The header projection information is invalid. Either use a tie point file with a valid header, or enter a window if multiple regions are desired.

  3. [verify2-regions] Too Many regions specified

    There were too many regions specified. Either reduce NLREG or NSREG, so that NLREG * NSREG is less than MAX_REGIONS (100).

  4. [verify2-pixsiz] Pixel size not specified

    The pixel size was not specified and does not exist in the Tie Point Header. Re-run and enter a valid pixel size.

User notes:

  1. The reported statistics are

        1.  TPL file name
        2.  Pixel size
        3.  Number of points in the TPL file
        4.  Residuals
        5.  Average line error
        6.  Minimum line error
        7.  Maximum line error
        8.  Line Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
        9.  Median line error
        10. Line standard deviation
        11. Average sample error
        12. Minimum sample error
        13. Maximum sample error
        14. Sample RMSE
        15. Median sample error
        16. Sample standard deviation
        17. Total standard deviation
        18. Total RMSE (in meters)
        19. Total RMSE (in pixels)
        20. Total median error (in meters)
        21. Total median error (in pixels)
        22. Number of points not meeting desired pixel accuracy
        23. Percentage of points not meeting desired pixel accuracy
        24+ Repeats 22 & 23 until all accuracies in ACCINC are used

  2. The WINDOW parameter applies to the area covered by the INTL. If INTL was created from an entire image, then WINDOW applies to that image. If INTL was created from a window of an image, WINDOW still applies to the entire image.

  3. A related function is VERIFY-NOREL. VERIFY2 calculates more statistics than VERIFY-NOREL. However, VERIFY2 does not calculate for relief displacement and therefore is not a substitute for VERIFY-REL.