User's Guide


Copies Tie Point coordinates to an ASCII project parameter file.


Copies Tie Point coordinates to an ASCII project parameter file.


Input tie point selection file. The tie point selection file to be written to the ASCII file, OUTPPF.

Output project parameter file (ppf). An ASCII file containing tie point information in tabular form.


  1. tps2ppf ints=temp outppt=keep

    The input tie point file TEMP is read. The coordinates are written to the ASCII file KEEP.


This procedure opens a tie point selection (TPS) file and writes the tie point coordinates, point identification, and the number of points in the file to an ASCII project parameter file (ppf). The information is written in tabular form.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Message:

  1. [tps2ppf-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered. The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered.

User Notes:

  1. Tie point files may be produced by functions such as EDITTIE, TIEPTS, TRANCOORD, TIEMERGE, CORRELATE, and POLYFIT.

  2. The output format of the ppf will resemble:

        pt1         I 2 400 200
        ptid1       S 1 pt_1
        pt2         I 2 300 100
        ptid2       S 1 pt_2

  3. Refer to PUTPARM and GETPARM for more information on ppfs.