User's Guide


Scales a Tie Point Location (TPL) file's active search and reference coordinates.


Scales a Tie Point Location (TPL) file's active search and reference coordinates. The input file's active search and reference coordinates are scaled by a user-specified scale factor. The resulting coordinates are written to an output TPL file.


Input tie point location file. The tie point location file that contains coordinates which are to be scaled.

Output tie point location file. The tie point location file that contains the scaled coordinates.

Scale factor. The scale factor that the INTL's active search and reference coordinates are to be scaled by.


  1. LAS> tplscale intl=tplfile outtl=outfile

    The active search and reference coordinates in TPLFILE;TPL will be scaled by a default scale factor of 2.0. The resulting coordinates will be written to OUTFILE;TPL.

  2. LAS> tplscale intl=tplfile outtl=outfile scalfact=3.4

    The active search and reference coordinates in TPLFILE;TPL will be scaled by a factor of 3.4. The resulting coordinates will be written to OUTFILE;TPL.


OUTTL is opened and the header information from INTL is copied into it. The active search and reference coordinates are multiplied by SCALFACT and written to OUTTL.

Nonfatal Error Message:

  1. [tplscale-warn] Nonfatal error encountered

    The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing continues.

Fatal Error Message:

  1. [tplscale-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing is terminated.

User Notes:

  1. DSPTIE-TPL may be used to display the active search and reference coordinates.

  2. This function scales a set of tie points contained in the TPL file to correspond to image features in a sub-sampled or pyramided version of the original image. For example, if GPYRAMID is run, both the resolution and scale of an image are changed. The scale has changed by a factor of two in both the line and sample dimensions. To map the set of tie points to correspond with the image, the user would run TPLSCALE with SCALFACT = 0.5.