User's Guide


Removes inactive points from Tie Point Selection (TPS) files.


Removes inactive points from the input reference/search Tie Point Selection (TPS) files and creates new reference/search TPS files. The inactive tie points are specified by an input Tie Point Location (TPL) file.


Input tie point location file. This file is read to determine which points are active and should be copied.

Input tie point selection files. The input reference and search TPS files containing the information to be copied.

Output tie point selection files. The output reference and search TPS files that are created.


  1. LAS> tpl2tps intl=test ints=(ref srch) outts=(ref.out srch.out)

    The input tie point location file TEST is read to determine which points are active. The corresponding points from the the input TPS files are then copied to the output TPS files.


The input TPL and TPS files are opened. The header information from the two TPS files are copied to the output TPS files. For each tie point in the TPL file, the tie point ID is compared against the tie point ID for the reference and search file. If the ID's do not match, processing terminates. For each active tie point in the TPL file, the corresponding tie point information from the input TPS files is copied to the output TPS files.

Nonfatal Error Message:

  1. [tpl2tps-warn] Nonfatal error encountered

    A nonfatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing continues.

Fatal Error Message:

  1. [tpl2tps-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered. The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing terminates.

  2. [tpl2tps-match] Tie point ID's do not match

    The tie point identifier fields are not the same. Re-run using the correct reference and search TPS files that were used to create the TPL file.

User Notes:

  1. The TPL file is created from the input TPS files for use during the modeling process. Since the TPS files do not have an active/inactive field, the TPL file is used to determine which points were used in the modeling process.

  2. For more information on the modeling process, refer to the Geometric Manipulation Package Overview Document, GEOMPOD.

  3. Tie point files can be displayed to standard output destinations with DSPTIE.