Converts a Tie Point Location file to a Merged Tie Point file
Converts a Tie Point Location file to a Merged Tie Point file.
- Input tie point location file. This file contains the input tie points.
- Output merged tie point file. This file contains the output tie points.
- Swap option. The search and reference coordinates are swapped. This is used to prepare files for EDITCORR-BACKMATCH.
= YES: Swapping performed = NO: Swapping not performed
The input tie point location file TEST is converted to a merged tie point file and written to OUTPUT.
The input tie point location file TEMP is converted to a merged tie point file. However, the search and reference points of the tie point file are swapped. This file is written to POINTS.
The input tie point file is read and converted into a merged tie point format. If SWAPOPT is set to YES, the search and reference points are switched (used to prepare tie point files for EDITCORR-BACKMATCH). Finally, the data is written to OUTMT.
A fatal error was encountered. The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered.