User's Guide


Converts a tie point file to a labeled table (LT)


Converts a tie point file to a labeled table file. The tie point file can be a tie point selection file or a tie point location file.


Input tie point file. This tie point file should be of the file type that is specified by the parameter FTYPE.

Output labeled table. The output labeled table file will consist of two files. The main file will contain the header information of the tie point file and the subfile will contain the tie points and related information.

File type. The type of tie point file to be read.

  = TPS:  Tie point selection file
  = TPL:  Tie point location file


  1. LAS> tie2tab intie=in outlt=out ftype="tps"

    The information in the tie point selection file IN will be read and written to OUT. The files will be closed and the completion message displayed.


After reading and parsing the parameter values, the input tie point and output labeled table files are opened for read and write, respectively. Each field of the input tie point file is written to a field of the the output labeled table file. This output labeled table file consists of a main file and one subfile. The main file contains the header information of the tie point file and the subfile contains the tie points. After all the information has been written to the output labeled table file, the files are closed and the completion message is displayed.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [tie2tab-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The output file may or may not be valid. The message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.

  2. [tie2tab-open] Error opening <XXXXX> file

    An error was encountered while trying to open the specified file. Verify that the file exists.

  3. [tie2tab-read] Error reading input file

    An error was encountered while trying to read the specified file. Verify that the file is in the correct format.

User Note:

  1. Related function is TAB2TIE.