Create a Projection Definition File.
Create a projection definition file. This file contains the parameters that are needed by the Projection Transformation Package (User note 2) to transform coordinate pairs from one map projection and/or datum to another. This file is used by a number of functions which call the Projection Transformation Package. Following is a list of subcommands and their related map projections.
SUBCOMMAND PROJECTION ---------- ---------- ALASKA Alaska Conformal ALBERS Albers Conical Equal Area AZIMEQD Azimuthal Equidistant EDISCONA Equidistant Conic A EDISCONB Equidistant Conic B EQUIRECT Equirectangular GEOGRAPH Geographic GNOMONIC Gnomonic GOODE Goode's Homolosine GRINTEN Van der Grinten GVNSP General Vertical Near-Side Perspective HAMMER Hammer IMOLLWDE Interrupted Mollweide ISIN Integerized Sinusoidal LAMAZEQA Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area LAMCC Lambert Conformal Conic MERCATOR Mercator MILLCYL Miller Cylindrical MOLLWDE Mollweide OBLEQ Oblated Equal Area OBLMERCA Oblique Mercator (Hotine) A OBLMERCB Oblique Mercator (Hotine) B ORTHO Orthographic PLSTEREO Polar Stereographic POLYCON Polyconic ROBINSON Robinson SNSOIDAL Sinusoidal SOMA Space Oblique Mercator A SOMB Space Oblique Mercator B STATEPLN State Plane Coordinates STEREO Stereographic TM Transverse Mercator UTM Universal Transverse Mercator WAGIV Wagner IV WAGVII Wagner VII
o Conic. o Equal-area. o Parallels are unequally spaced arcs of con centric circles, more closely spaced at the north and south edges of the map. o Meridians are equally spaced radii of the same circles, cutting parallels at right angles. o There is no distortion in scale or shape along two standard parallels. o Poles are arcs of circles.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallels. These two latitudes, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, are the latitudes where scale will be true. This is also where the projection surface will intersect the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which STDPARL, CENTMER, and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Modified azimuthal. o Conformal.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Azimuthal. o Neither equal area nor conformal. o Parallels are generally complex curves, however, when used as a polar projection they are circles. The equator is a straight line on an equatorial aspect. o Most meridians are complex curves. Exceptions are meridians on a polar aspect and the central meridian, which are straight lines. o Distances measured from the center are true.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Conic. o Equidistant. o Parallels are arcs of concentric circles. o Meridians are straight and equally spaced. o Scale is correct along all meridians and the standard parallel.
EDISCONA is used when only one standard parallel is to be used. EDISCONB is used when first and second standard parallels are used.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallel. This latitude, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, is the latitude where scale will be true. This is also the latitude where the projection surface is tangent to or intersects the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which STDPARL, CENTMER, and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Conic. o Equidistant. o Parallels are arcs of concentric circles. o Meridians are straight and equally spaced. o Scale is correct along all meridians and the two standard parallels.EDISCONA is used when only one standard parallel is to be used. EDISCONB is used when first and second standard parallels are used.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallels. These two latitudes, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, are the latitudes where scale will be true. This is also where the projection surface will intersect the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which STDPARL, CENTMER, and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical. o Neither equal-area nor conformal. o Parallels are straight and equally spaced. o Meridians are straight and equally spaced. o Scale is true along meridians, the equator, or two parallels. o Poles are straight lines.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallel. This latitude, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, is the latitude where scale will be true. This is also the latitude where the projection surface is tangent to or intersects the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER and STDPARL are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- DATUM(0)
- Reference datum. The default datum is 0 (Clarke 1866). See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
If the input coordinates are in minutes, use the GEOUNITS parameter of the function that will use this projection definition file to convert input coordinates to degrees and then specify degrees for this parameter.
= RAD: Radians. = DEG: Degrees. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, and seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
o Azimuthal and perspective o Neither conformal nor equal-area o In the polar aspect, parallels are concentric circles. In other aspects, they are curved and concaved toward the poles except for the equator, which is a straight. o Meridians are straight lines. o Linear scale, angular deformation, and area deformation are extreme, rapidly increasing away from the center of the projection.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical composite. o Equal area. o Parallels are straight parallel lines perpendicular to the central meridians. They are equally spaced between the latitudes 40 deg 44 min N and S. Beyond these latitudes they gradually get closer together as they approach the poles. o Between the latitudes 40 deg 44 min N and S, the meridians are equally spaced sinusoidal curves. Otherwise, they are elliptical arcs concave toward the central meridian. The meridians bend slightly at the indicated latitudes. The six central meridians are straight lines that are 0.22 as long as the Equator. The northern hemisphere has two central meridians at -100 and 30 degrees longitude. The southern hemisphere central meridians are at -160, -60, 20, and 140 degrees. o The center of the map is longitude 0 degrees and latitude 0 degrees. o In the northern hemisphere, the break occurs at longitude -40 degrees. In the southern hemisphere, breaks occur at meridians -100, -20, and 80 degrees. o The meridian -180 degrees represents the edges of the projection. o Between the given latitudes, scale is true along every latitude and along the central meridian. Beyond these latitudes, scale is the same for the latitude of opposite sign. o Poles are points.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Not pseudo-cylindrical. o Neither equal-area nor conformal. o Shows entire globe enclosed in a circle. o Parallels are arcs of circles except the equator, which is a straight line. o Meridians are arcs of circles except the central meridian, which is a straight line. o Scale is true at equator. o A curved modification of the Mercator projection, having great distortion in the polar areas.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Point height. The height of the perspective point, entered in meters.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Modified azimuthal. o Equal area. o Elliptical border. o Parallels are complex curves concave toward the nearest pole except the equator, which is a straight line. o Meridians are complex curves concave toward the central meridian except the central meridian, which is a straight line. o As distance increases from the center, scale decreases along the central meridian and the Equator.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical. o Equal area. o Parallels are unequally spaced straight parallel lines that are farthest apart near the Equator and perpendicular to the central meridian. o Meridians are equally spaced semiellipses that intersect at the poles and concave toward the central meridian. There are six central meridians which are straight lines from the poles to the Equator. The northern hemisphere central meridians are the longitudes 60, -170, and -30 degrees. The southern hemisphere central meridians are longitudes 90, -140, and -20 degrees. o The center of the map is longitude -160 and latitude 0 degrees. o In the northern hemisphere, breaks occur at meridians 110 and -100 degrees. In the southern hemisphere, breaks occur at 140, and -70 degrees. o The meridian 20 degrees represents the edges of the projection. o Scale is true along latitudes 40 deg 44 min N and S and constant along any given latitude. It is the same for the latitude of opposite sign. o Poles are points. o Symmetry exists about the central meridians and the Equator.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(31)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6371007.181 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- NZONE(21600)
- Number of equally spaced latitudinal zones (or rows). It must be larger than two, not more than 1296000 (or 1 zone per second), and an even number.
- RFLAG(1)
- Right justify columns flag. Indicates what to do with zones with an odd number of columns.
= 0: Extra column is on the right of the projection Y-axis. = 1: Extra column is on the left of the projection Y-axis. = 2: The number of columns are forced to be even in each zone.
o Equal area. o Adjustable to show elongated continents or oceans with less variation of scale and angle distortion than other standard equal-area projections.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Shape value. Constants used in determining the horizontal (m) and vertical (n) flatness of the oblong region. The selection of appropriate values for m and n are not straight-forward but appropriate values usually lie between one and three. (See User Note 3, Synder 1988, p. 345) When both m and n equal two, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area is obtained.
- Rotation angle. Measured counter clockwise from North. ANGLE is the direction of an axis of the oblong shaped region or predominate extent of the geographical region being mapped. ANGLE is entered in GEOUNITS.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which ANGLE and CENTCOOR are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Azimuthal. o Equal-area. o Parallels are complex curves except in the polar aspect where they are circles. o Meridians are complex curves except the meridians in the polar aspect, the central meridian, and the equator which are straight lines. o Scale increases in the direction perpendicular to the radii as the distance increases from the center.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Conic. o Conformal. o Parallels are unequally spaced arcs of concentric circles, more closely spaced near the center of the map. o Meridians are equally spaced radii of the same circles, cutting the parallels at right angles. o Scale is true along two standard parallels. o Pole in same hemisphere as standard parallels is a point; other pole is at infinity.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallels. These two latitudes, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, are the latitudes where scale will be true. This is also where the projection surface will intersect the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which STDPARL, CENTMER, and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical. o Conformal. o Parallels are unequally spaced straight lines, closest near the equator, intersecting meridians at right angles. o Meridians are equally spaced straight lines. o Scale is true along the equator, or along two parallels equidistant from the equator. o Poles are at infinity.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallel. This latitude, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, is the latitude where scale will be true. This is also the latitude where the projection surface is tangent to or intersects the surface of the Earth.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER and STDPARL are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical. o Neither equal-area nor conformal. o Parallels are straight lines and intersect at right angles with the meridians. o Meridians are straight lines and intersect at right angles with the parallels.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical. o Equal area. o Parallels are unequally spaced straight parallel lines that are farthest apart near the Equator and perpendicular to the central meridian. o Meridians are equally spaced semiellipses that intersect at the poles and concave toward the central meridian. The central meridian is represented as straight line that is half as long as the Equator. Meridians 90 degrees E. and W. of the central meridian form a circle. o Scale is true along latitudes 40 deg 44 min N. and S. and constant along any given latitude. It is the same for the latitude of opposite sign. o Poles are points. o Symmetry exists about the central meridian or the Equator.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical(oblique). o Conformal. o Parallels are complex curves. o Meridians are complex curves except for two meridians which are 180 degrees apart and are straight lines. o Scale becomes infinite 90 degrees from the central line.OBLMERCA uses two points that are on the central line and are near the edges of the region. OBLMERCB uses a central point and an azimuth that passes through the point as the central line.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Scale factor. The scale at the central point of the projection may be reduced by SCALFACT in order that the mean scale of the entire map is closer to true scale.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Point location. These points should be near the edge of the region to be mapped. They should be entered as follows: latitude and longitude of the first point, followed by the latitude and longitude of the second point. The type of units is specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which ORIGIN and PNTLOC are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical(oblique). o Conformal. o Parallels are complex curves. o Meridians are complex curves except for two meridians which are 180 degrees apart and are straight lines. o Scale becomes infinite 90 degrees from the central line.OBLMERCA uses two points that are on the central line and are near the edges of the region.
OBLMERCB uses a central point and an azimuth that passes through the point as the central line.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Azimuth angle. The azimuth angle that is located northeast of center line and that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Azimuth point. This is the longitude of the point on the central meridian where azimuth occurs. This is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Scale factor. The scale at the central point of the projection may be reduced by SCALFACT in order that the mean scale of the entire map is closer to true scale.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which AZIANG, AZIPNT, and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Azimuthal. o Neither equal area nor conformal. o Parallels are ellipses, circles, or straight lines. o Meridians are ellipses, circles, or straight lines. o Scale is true in the direction of lines of latitude in the polar aspect.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Azimuthal. o Conformal. o Parallels are shown as arcs of circles. o All meridians are straight lines. o Scale increases away from the center of the projection. o Directions from the center of projection are true.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Standard parallel. This latitude, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, is the latitude where scale will be true. This is also the latitude where the projection surface is tangent to or intersects the surface of the Earth.
- Center longitude. This is the longitude, entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS, that the map is centered upon.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which LONG and STDPARL are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Conic. o Neither conformal nor equal-area. o Parallels (except equator) are arcs of circles. o Meridians are complex curves (Central meridian and equator are straight lines). o Scale is true along each parallel and central meridian. o Free of distortion only along central meridian.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical. o Neither conformal nor equal area. o Parallels are straight lines equally spaced between latitudes 38 degrees N and S. Beyond these lines, space decreases. o Meridians are equally spaced, resemble elliptical arcs, and are concave toward the central meridian which is a straight line that is .51 as long as the equator. o Scale is true along latitudes 38 degrees N and S and is constant along any latitude and the latitude of opposite sign. o Poles are represented as lines that are .53 as long as the equator. o Distortion is very low within about 45 degrees of the center and along the equator.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical. o Equal-area. o Parallels are equally spaced straight lines. o Meridians are sinusoidal curves except the central meridian, which is a straight line. o Scale is true along central meridian and all parallels.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Modified cylindrical. o Basically conformal. o Parallels are curved lines. o Meridians are curved lines except at each polar approach. o Scale is true along ground track of satellite.SOMA is used when the inclination angle, orbit longitude, number of minutes, Landsat ratio and path option entered.
SOMB is used when the satellite number and path number are entered.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Inclination angle. The inclination angle of the orbit is the angle between the direction of the satellite revolution and the direction of the Earth's rotation. It is measured at the ascending node, counter clockwise from the equator. Use 99005031.2 (DMS) for Landsat 1, 2, and 3; use 98012000.0 (DMS) for Landsat 4, 5 and 7. The type of units is specified by GEOUNITS.
- Longitude of the ascending node. This is the longitude of the ascending orbit at the equator that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS. Use the formula 128.87 degrees - (360/251 * orbit number) for Landsat 1, 2, 3; use the formula 129.30 degrees - (360/233 * orbit number) for Landsat 4, 5, and 7. If the resulting number is > 180 degrees, subtract 360 until it is < 180. If the resulting number is < -180 degrees, add 360 until it is >= -180.
- Number of minutes. The number of minutes that it takes for the satellite to make one revolution around the Earth. Use 103.2669323 for Landsat 1, 2, 3 and 98.884119 for Landsat 4, 5, and 7.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which LONGASC is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Path option. A portion of Landsat rows 1 and 2 may be seen as parts of rows 246 and 247. To place these locations at rows 246 or 247, set PATHOPT to END.
= START: Start of path = END: End of path
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Modified cylindrical. o Basically conformal. o Parallels are curved lines. o Meridians are curved lines except at each polar approach. o Scale is true along ground track of satellite.SOMA is used when the inclination angle, orbit longitude, number of minutes, Landsat ratio and path option are to be entered.
SOMB is used when the satellite number and path number are to be entered.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Path number. The path that the satellite was on. Valid ranges are 1 - 251 for Landsat 1 - 3 or 1 - 233 for Landsat 4-5,7.
- Satellite number. The landsat number of the satellite. Valid satellite numbers include 1 - 5, 7.
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Zone number. The number of the State Plane zone in which the input coordinates are contained. See User Note 4 for valid zones codes.
- DATUM(225)
- Reference datum. NAD27 and NAD83 are the datums associated with state plane. The default datum value is NAD 1927-Mean for CONUS, and the mean datum value for NAD 1983 is 219. The valid range for NAD datums is 217 to 242. See User Note 6.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Azimuthal. o Conformal. o Parallels are arcs of circles. o Central meridian is a straight line--all other meridians are arcs of circles. o Scale increases away from the center of the projection.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Center coordinates. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTCOOR is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Cylindrical (transverse). o Conformal. o Parallels are complex curves. The equator is a straight line. o Each meridian that is 90 degrees from the central meridian is a straight line. All other meridians are complex curves. o Scale is true along the central meridian or along two straight lines equidistant from and parallel to central meridian. Scale becomes infinite 90 degrees from central meridian.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Scale factor. The scale at the central meridian may be reduced by SCALFACT in order that the mean scale of the entire map is closer to true scale.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Coordinate of the origin. The latitude of the origin of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER and ORIGIN are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate semimajor axis and eccentricity squared for the projection. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
GCTP automatically adds a false northing of 10,000,000 m. if the first coordinate is south of the equator. Problems may occur when working around the equator.
When working in the Southern Hemisphere, enter a negative zone code.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Zone number. This is the number of the UTM zone in which the input coordinates are contained.
Either ZONENUM or LAT and LONG can be used to specify which UTM zone will be used. If both are specified, ZONENUM is used over the values entered for LAT and LONG. See User Note 5 for a list of valid zone numbers and their location.
- LAT(--)
- Latitude. The latitude of any point within the UTM zone that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS. When LAT is null, ZONENUM must be specified. Either ZONENUM or LAT and LONG must be specified. If ZONENUM is specified, the value entered in LAT is not used.
- LONG(--)
- Longitude. The longitude of any point within the UTM zone that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS. When LONG is null, ZONENUM must be specified. Either ZONENUM or LAT and LONG must be specified. If ZONENUM is specified, the value entered in LONG is not used.
- Geographic units. The unit of measure in which LAT and LONG are entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(0)
- Reference datum. The default datum is 0 (Clarke 1866). See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Pseudocylindrical o Equal area o Parallels are unequally spaced straight lines. o Meridians at 103 deg 55 minutes E and W are circular arcs. o Scale is true along latitudes 42 deg 59 minutes N and S; constant along any given latitude; same for the latitude of opposite sign.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
o Modified Azimuthal o Equal area o Parallels are curves, unequally spaced along the central meridian and concave toward the nearest pole. The equator is straight. o Central meridian is straight and half the length of the equator. o Scale decreases along the central meridian and the Equator with distance from center of projection.
- Output projection definition file. Contains projection-related information required by the Projection Transformation Package. If OUTPROJ exists, this set of projection parameters is appended to the end of the file.
- Projection key. A unique key for each set of parameters in OUTPROJ. This key is used by other functions to determine which set of projection parameters to use.
- Central meridian. The longitude of the central meridian that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.
- Geographic units. The type of units in which CENTMER is entered.
= DEG: Degrees. = MIN: Minutes. = SEC: Seconds. = DMS: Degrees Minutes Seconds. Packed degrees, minutes, seconds. (+DDDMMMSSS.SS)
- DATUM(19)
- Reference datum. Sets the datum code and appropriate radius of the sphere of the Earth. The default results in a sphere radius of 6370997 meters. See User Note 6 for valid datum codes.
- False easting. The offset of the central meridian, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- False northing. The offset of the origin of the projection, entered in meters. The default results in no offset.
- Projection units. The unit of measure in which the Projection Transformation Package expects the original input coordinates to be, or unit of measure in which the projected output coordinates will be written.
= FEET: Feet = MET: Meters
The input parameters are retrieved and IN.DAT;PROJ is opened. If IN.DAT;PROJ exists, the projection parameter values are appended to the end of the file. The input parameters are checked for errors and then written to IN.DAT;PROJ. Access these projection parameters with the key "GEO".
The input parameters are retrieved and IN.DAT;PROJ is opened. If IN.DAT;PROJ exists, the projection parameter values are appended to the end of the file. The parameters are checked for errors and written to IN.DAT;PROJ. Access these projection parameters with the key "TM".
After reading in the values of the parameter block, PROJPRM converts, if necessary, the parameter values to a value that the projection transformation package will accept. The values are checked for errors. The OUTPROJ file is opened and the parameter values are written in the correct place in the Projection Definition File. If the file named in OUTPROJ already exists, the parameter values are appended to the end of the file. After all the parameter values are written, the output file is closed and the completion message is displayed.
A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing is terminated.
Either ZONENUM or LAT and LONG have to be specified in order for the Projection Transformation Package to know which zone to use in its calculations.
The unit of measure specified in GEOUNITS is not valid. Respecify GEOUNITS using a valid unit of measure.
Only even numbers are allowed for the NZONE parameter.
Snyder, John P., "An Album of Map Projections", U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1453, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 1989.
Snyder, John P., "Map Projections--A Working Manual", U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 1987. Snyder, John P., "Map Projections Used by the USGS", U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1532, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 1982.
Snyder, John P., "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No 4, October 1988, pp 341 - 355.
Clarie, Charles N., "State Plane Coordinates by Automatic Data Processing", U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration, & Coast and Geodetic Survey Publication 62-4, Washington, D.C., 1973. "Software Documentation for GCTP--General Cartographic Transformation Package", U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Division, May 1982.
State Plane Coordinate Systems Zone Representations Zone name **NAD83 NAD27 Zone name **NAD83 NAD27 or number Zone Zone or number Zone Zone ======================== ========================= Alabama Montana 2500 ---- East 0101 North ---- 2501 West 0102 Central ---- 2502 Alaska South ---- 2503 01 through 10 5001 Nebraska 2600 ---- thru 5010 North ---- 2601 Arizona South ---- 2602 East 0201 Nevada Central 0202 East 2701 West 0203 Central 2702 Arkansas West 2703 North 0301 New Hampshire 2800 South 0302 New Jersey 2900 California New Mexico 01 through 0401 East 3001 06 thru 0406 Central 3002 07 ---- 0407 West 3003 Colorado New York North 0501 East 3101 Central 0502 Central 3102 South 0503 West 3103 Connecticut 0600 Long Island 3104 Delaware 0700 North Carolina 3200 Dist. of Columbia 1900 North Dakota Florida North 3301 East 0901 South 3302 West 0902 Ohio North 0903 North 3401 Georgia South 3402 East 1001 Oklahoma West 1002 North 3501 Hawaii South 3502 01 through 05 5101 Oregon thru 5105 North 3601 Idaho South 3602 East 1101 Pennsylvania Central 1102 North 3701 West 1103 South 3702 Illinois Rhode Island 3800 East 1201 South Carolina 3900 ---- West 1202 North ---- 3901 Indiana South ---- 3902 East 1301 South Dakota West 1302 North 4001 Iowa South 4002 North 1401 Tennessee 4100 South 1402 Texas Kansas North 4201 North 1501 North Central 4202 South 1502 Central 4203 Kentucky South Central 4204 North 1601 South 4205 South 1602 Utah Louisiana North 4301 North 1701 Central 4302 South 1702 South 4303 Offshore 1703 Vermont 4400 Maine Virginia East 1801 North 4501 West 1802 South 4502 Maryland 1900 Washington Massachusetts North 4601 Mainland 2001 South 4602 Island 2002 West Virginia Michigan North 4701 East ---- 2101 South 4702 Central ---- 2102 Wisconsin West ---- 2103 North 4801 North 2111 Central 4802 Central 2112 South 4803 South 2113 Wyoming Minnesota East 4901 North 2201 East Central 4902 Central 2202 West Central 4903 South 2203 West 4904 Mississippi Puerto Rico 5200 5201 East 2301 Virgin Islands 5200 5201 West 2302 St. Croix 5200 5202 Missouri American Samoa ---- 5300 East 2401 Guam ---- 5400 Central 2402 West 2403 **Only the zones that are different between NAD27 and NAD83 are listed for NAD83. If nothing is given for NAD83 the zone is the same as NAD27.
Obtained from: "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation Package," National Mapping Program Technical Instructions, U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Division, Appendix B, Table 1.
UTM Zone Locations and Central Meridians Zone C.M. Range Zone C.M. Range ------------------------------------------------------ 01 177W 180W-174W 31 003E 000E-006E 02 171W 174W-168W 32 009E 006E-012E 03 165W 168W-162W 33 015E 012E-018E 04 159W 162W-156W 34 021E 018E-024E 05 153W 156W-150W 35 027E 024E-030E 06 147W 150W-144W 36 033E 030E-036E 07 141W 144W-138W 37 039E 036E-042E 08 135W 138W-132W 38 045E 042E-048E 09 129W 132W-126W 39 051E 048E-054E 10 123W 126W-120W 40 057E 054E-060E 11 117W 120W-114W 41 063E 060E-066E 12 111W 114W-108W 42 069E 066E-072E 13 105W 108W-102W 43 075E 072E-078E 14 099W 102W-096W 44 081E 078E-084E 15 093W 096W-090W 45 087E 084E-090E 16 087W 090W-084W 46 093E 090E-096E 17 081W 084W-078W 47 099E 096E-102E 18 075W 078W-072W 48 105E 102E-108E 19 069W 072W-066W 49 111E 108E-114E 20 063W 066W-060W 50 117E 114E-120E 21 057W 060W-054W 51 123E 120E-126E 22 051W 054W-048W 52 129E 126E-132E 23 045W 048W-042W 53 135E 132E-138E 24 039W 042W-036W 54 141E 138E-144E 25 033W 036W-030W 55 147E 144E-150E 26 027W 030W-024W 56 153E 150E-156E 27 021W 024W-018W 57 159E 156E-162E 28 015W 018W-012W 58 165E 162E-168E 29 009W 012W-006W 59 171E 168E-174E 30 003W 006W-000E 60 177E 174E-180WObtained from: "Software Documentation for GCTP General Cartographic Transformation Package," National Mapping Program Technical Instructions, U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Division, Appendix B, Table 2.
CODE SPHEROID ---- -------- 0 Clarke 1866 (default) 1 Clarke 1880 2 Bessel 3 International 1967 4 International 1909 5 WGS 72 6 Everest 7 WGS 66 8 GRS 1980 (NAD 1983) 9 Airy 10 Modified Everest 11 Modified Airy 12 WGS 84 13 Southeast Asia 14 Australian National 15 Krassovsky 16 Hough 17 Mercury 1960 18 Modified Mercury 1968 19 Sphere of Radius 6370997 meters 20 Bessel 1841 21 Everest (Sabah and Sarawak) 22 Everest (India 1956) 23 Everest (Malaysia 1969) 24 Everest (Malay. and Singapore 1948) 25 Everest (Pakistan) 26 Hayford 27 Helmert 1906 28 Indonesian 1974 29 South American 1969 30 WGS 60 31 MODIS Spheroid