User's Guide


Fill a maximum of ten windows in a LAS image with a user specified value.


Fill a maximum of ten windows in a LAS image with a user specified value. The input image will be updated if the output image is NULL, otherwise the input image is copied to the output image.


Input image. The LAS image to be updated or copied into a new image. If no output image is specified, the input image will be updated. The input image may be sub-banded with the BANDS parameter, but sub-windowing is not allowed. The input image may be any data type.

OUT(-- )
Output image. If this image name is specified, the input image is copied to OUT with PIXVAL written to the specified window. If an output image is created, it will be the same data type as the input image. If set to NULL (--), the input image is updated.

Starting line. The starting line for each window. The number of values in SL must match the number of values specified in SS, NL, and NS.

Starting sample. The starting sample(s) for each window. The number of values in SS must match the number of values in SL, NL, and NS.

Number of lines. The number of lines to be filled for each window. The number of values in NL must match the number of values in SL, SS, and NS.

Number of samples. The number of samples to be filled for each window. The number of values in NS must match the number of values in SL, SS, and NL.

Pixel value. The value to be written to the specified window(s). PIXVAL must be within the range of the input image's data type. See User Note 1.

Input bands. The bands for the image that are to be changed to the new pixel value. The default is to change all bands.


  1. LAS> pixfill in=image1 out=-- sl=(100 600) ss=(200 700) nl=(300 800) ns=(400 900) pixval=255 bands=1

    The LAS image IMAGE1 will be updated with two windows, one a 300 line by 400 sample window starting at line 100 and sample 200; the other an 800 line by 900 sample window, starting at line 600 and sample 700. Both windows are filled with a pixel value of 255 only for band 1.

  2. LAS> pixfill in=image1 out=image2 sl=1 ss=1 nl=500 ns=512 pixval=0

    The LAS image IMAGE1 will be copied to IMAGE2 with the pixels in the 500 line by 512 sample window changed to a value of 0 for all bands.


A LAS image is read. If another image is to be created, the image is copied into the new image with the window(s) being filled with the new pixel value. If the current image is to be updated, the window(s) of the image are updated to the new pixel value.

Nonfatal Error Messages:

  1. [pixfill-chkline] NL is too large, resetting

    The number of lines to be processed from SL exceeds the maximum number of lines for the image. NL is changed so that all lines from SL to the end of the image will be processed.

  2. [pixfill-chksamp] NS is too large, resetting

    The number of samples to be processed from SS exceeds the maximum number of samples for the image. NS is changed so that all samples from SS to the end of the line will be processed.

  3. [pixfill-warn] Nonfatal error encountered

    A nonfatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing will continue.

Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [pixfill-alloc] Error allocating dynamic memory

    An error occurred while trying to allocate space for the I/O buffer.

  2. [pixfill-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. Processing is terminated. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered.

  3. [pixfill-nband] Band <XXX> does not exist in image file

    The requested band does not exist in the input image.

  4. [pixfill-uneqwin] Unequal number of windows

    The parameters, SL, SS, NL, and NS did not have the same number of values for the specified window(s).

  5. [pixfill-<XXXX>] Pixval is out of range of data type

    Pixval was out of the range for the particular data type of the image. See User Note 1 for valid ranges.

User Notes:

  1. The valid ranges for PIXVAL depend on the data type of the input image.

        = BYTE:  BYTE      (8-bit unsigned integer)
    		       (0 through 255)
        = I*2:   INTEGER*2 (16-bit signed integer)
     		       (-32768 through 32767)
        = I*4:   INTEGER*4 (32-bit signed integer)
     	               (-2147483648 through 2147483647)
        = R*4:   REAL*4    (32-bit signed real)
    		       (System dependent)