User's Guide


Converts a Merged Tie Point file (MTP) to a Tie Point Location (TPL) file.


Converts a Merged Tie Point file (MTP) to a Tie Point Location (TPL) file.


Input merged tie point file. The merged tie point file to be converted.

Output tie point location file. The output tie point file containing the tie point records.


  1. LAS> mtp2tpl inmt=tstgrid outtl=tstgrid

    The input merged tie point file TSTGRID;MTP is converted to a tie point file location and written to TSTGRID;TPL.


The input merged tie point file is read and converted into a tie point location file. First, the header information from the input file is copied to the appropriate fields within the output file. Each tie point data record in the input file is then read and the output tie point data record is updated and written to the output file.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [mtp2tpl-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing is terminated.

User Note:

  1. A related routine is TPL2MTP.