User's Guide


Applies polygonal masks to an image


Performs a masking of the input image using polygonal sites from a statistics file. The output image contains the input image pixel values within the polygons and a user-specified constant value outside the polygons. Boundary points are classified as inside the polygon.


Input image to which the masking is applied. Image may be BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4.

Input statistics file containing polygonal sites to be used for masking.

Output image. It will have the same number of bands and data type as input image.

Name of class containing polygonal sites. The mask contains all the polygons corresponding to all the sites in the specified class. Default: all classes are considered.

Constant pixel value for the region outside the polygons


  1. LAS> mask in=image1.dat instat=stat.dat out=image2.dat classnam=water

    A masking is performed on the input image, IMAGE1.DAT, using the polygons in the statistics file STAT.DAT for the class WATER. The output image, IMAGE2.DAT, contains a masked area from polygons for the class WATER, with the area outside the polygons having a uniform value of 0.

  2. LAS> mask instat=stat.dat out=image.two exter=255

    A masking is performed on the input image, IMAGE.ONE, using the polygons from STAT.DAT for all classes and sites. The area outside the polygons in the output image, IMAGE.TWO, has a uniform value of 255.


MASK is a procedure that uses the program INSERT for processing. See INSERT for more information.

Nonfatal Error Messages:

    See INSERT for error messages.

Fatal Error Messages:

    See INSERT for error messages.

User Notes:
