User's Guide


Display the LT overview


Lists the LAS Labeled Table (LT) overview text to the terminal, line printer, or user-specified file. When displaying to the terminal, the user may skip to the desired section by using the table of contents provided.


Output destination. The destination of the output.

  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the
               user's terminal.
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the 
               printer defined by $PRINTER.
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is 
               sent to the user-supplied file with 
               the extension ".prt".


  1. LAS> lt print=(term,over.txt)

    The LAS labeled table (LT) overview text is displayed to the user's terminal, and it is written to a disk file name OVER.TXT.


LT begins by determining the output destinations specified by the user. Following this, the directory containing the LAS labeled table overview text is found. If the text cannot be found, an error message is output and the application terminates. If it is found, the LT overview text is output to the user-specified destinations.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [lt-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.

  2. [lt-notfnd] Unable to find LT overview text

    The LT overview text could not be found in the current list list of libraries defined. Issue the TAE command SHOW to verify that the appropriate LAS libraries are defined. If the LAS libraries are defined, contact the system manager.

  3. [lt-taeblk] Error writing TAE parameter block

    An error occurred while writing out the TAE parameter block with updated values.

  4. [lt-taeprm] Error setting variable in TAE parameter block

    An error occurred while attempting to a set the value of a TAE variable in the parameter block.

  5. [lt-print] Error getting print option

    An error occured while attempting to retrieve the print option.

User Notes:
