User's Guide


Print a list of all entries in a DLTF or all the fields of one specific DLTF entry


Prints all the fields of one specific display and look-up table file (DLTF) entry or prints the names of all the entries in the DLTF. If a DLTF entry is specified, all of the fields for that entry are printed. However, if no DLTF entry is specified, all of the entries in the DLTF are printed. The output from this program can be routed to the terminal, line printer, file, or any combination of the three as determined by PRINT.


Input file. The display and look-up table file (DLTF) name. The full name of the DLTF is assumed to be INFILE;DLTF.

Display and look-up table file entry. The name of the entry in the display and look-up table file (DLTF) whose mappings, zoom, and pan factors are to be listed. If allowed to default, a listing of the names and descriptions of all the entries in INFILE are generated. Entries are created using XID, MAP, or a similar application.

Output destination. The destination of the output.

  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the user's 
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the 
               printer defined by $PRINTER.
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is sent 
               to the user-supplied file with the 
               extension ".prt".


  1. LAS> lstdltf infile=phoenix

    All the names and a description of all the entries of PHOENIX;DLTF will be printed on the terminal. An example is listed below:

                         Display and Look-up Table File 
         Source file:	[top.images]phoenix;dltf
    Entry Name      Bands    Dtype   SL      SS      NL      NS     
    ==========      =====    =====   ==      ==      ==      ==     
    MAPPING1          3        B     1       1       512     512    
    NORMAL            3        B     1       1       512     512    
    MAPPING2          3        B     1       1       512     512    
    This is a sample comment.
    BRIGHT            3        B     1       1       512     512    
    Created (11/9/88).

  2. LAS> lstdltf infile=[hollaren.images]seoul988 print=seoul

    LSTDLTF prints to the file SEOUL;PRT a listing of all the names and descriptions of all the entries of the DLTF associated with SEOUL988 found in the HOLLAREN.IMAGES directory. An example is listed below:

                         Display and Look-up Table File  
         Source file:	[hollaren.images]seoul988;dltf
    Entry Name      Bands    Dtype   SL      SS      NL      NS     
    ==========      =====    =====   ==      ==      ==      ==     
    MAP1              3        B     207     207     100     100    

  3. LAS> lstdltf infile=[jungling.images]kenya dltfentr=bright print=lp

    A detailed listing of all the fields of the entry BRIGHT in KENYA;DLTF, found in the JUNGLING.IMAGES directory, is printed to the line printer. A partial listing is shown below:

      Wed. Nov  9 1988       EROS Data Center           Report No. LSTDLTF
      Time 12:26      Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198   Page 0001
                         Display and Look-up Table File  
         Source file:	[jungling.images]kenya;dltf
    A mapping created on 11/9/88.
     Entry Name      Bands    Dtype   SL      SS      NL      NS     
     ==========      =====    =====   ==      ==      ==      ==     
     BRIGHT            3        B     1       1       512     512    
     Izoomx  Izoomy  Gzoomx  Gzoomy
     ======  ======  ======  ======
     2       2       1       1
     Ishftx  Ishfty  Gshftx  Gshfty
     ======  ======  ======  ======
     0       0       0       0
     Band   Startpt      Endpt        Slope          Offset
     ====   =======      =====        =====          ======
     1      0            255          1.000000       0.000000
    [  0]: 120   120   121   122
    [  4]: 122   123   124   124
    [  8]: 125   126   127   127
    [ 12]: 128   129   129   130 
    [ 16]: 131   131   132   133 
    [ 20]: 134   134   135   136 
    [ 24]: 136   137   138   138 
    [ 28]: 139   140   141   141 
    [ 32]: 142   143   143   144 
    [ 36]: 145   145   146   147 
    [ 40]: 148   148   149   150 
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
    [244]: 110   110   110   110 
    [248]: 110   110   110   110 
    [252]: 110   110   110   110 
     Band   Startpt      Endpt        Slope          Offset
     ====   =======      =====        =====          ======
     2      0            255          1.000000       0.000000
    [  0]: 120   120   121   122 
    [  4]: 122   123   124   124 
    [  8]: 125   126   127   127 
    [ 12]: 128   129   129   130 
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
    [244]: 110   110   110   110 
    [248]: 110   110   110   110 
    [252]: 110   110   110   110 
     Band   Startpt      Endpt        Slope          Offset
     ====   =======      =====        =====          ======
     3      0            255          1.000000       0.000000
    [  0]: 120   120   121   122 
    [  4]: 122   123   124   124 
    [  8]: 125   126   127   127 
    [ 12]: 128   129   129   130 
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
       .     .     .     .     .
    [244]: 110   110   110   110 
    [248]: 110   110   110   110 
    [252]: 110   110   110   110 


LSTDLTF checks to see if the user specified a DLTF entry name. If a specification was made, LSTDLTF attempts to find the entry and print out information for every field of the entry. If no specification was made, the program prints out the names and descriptions of each entry in the DLTF. A detailed listing contains the DLTF name, the description (if any) for the entry, the entry name, the number of bands, the data type of the entry, the entry window (SL, SS, NL, NS), the zoom and shift factors for both the image and graphics planes, and the look-up table (LUT) information for each band of the entry. The LUT information consists of the band number for the LUT, the starting and ending points of the LUT, the slope and offset of the LUT, and the index and LUT data. The index for the LUT is contained in brackets and covers the entire range of the LUT from the starting point to the ending point and is incremented by the number of columns of LUT data that is output per iteration. For example, the output column :

                [  0]: 120  112  121  200
                [  4]:  35  117  129  212
                   .     .    .    .    .
                   .     .    .    .    .
                   .     .    .    .    .
                [252]:  89  100  197  135

would imply that the starting point of the LUT is 0 and that its ending point is 255 (0 through 255 is a BYTE range). It further implies that the data value of entry 0 is 120, the data value of entry number 1 is 112, the data value for entry number 6 is 129, the data value for entry number 252 is 89 and so on. The important thing to remember is that the entry number of the first column of LUT data is always equal to the index value.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [lstdltf-nomem] Error allocating buffer space for DLTF record

    The program was unable to allocate sufficient memory to contain the data portion of the DLTF entry. Heavy system load is the likely cause and the program may need to be run at a later time when fewer processes are active.

  2. [lstdltf-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.

User Notes:
