Global TAE parameters for LAS system.
These are the global parameters needed for LAS. These globals are active during each LAS session. Globals may be set on the command line by entering LET name=value or may be changed by tutoring LASGBLS.
- Facility name. The facility name to be used in the standard heading of a print out.
- Facility address. The facility address to be used in the standard heading of a print out.
- $TPDENS("0")
- Tape density. The default tape density to be used by the system.
- $TPVAL("0" "800" "1600" "6250", "LO", "MED", "HI")
- Valid tape densities. These will be used as the valid values within the density parameters used within tape routines. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user.
- $TTYPE("3490")
- Tape media types. The default tape media type to be used by the system.
- $TTYPEVAL("9-TRACK","3480","3490","4MM","8LO","8HI", "DLT4000","DLT7000")
- Tape media types. These are the valid types of tape media that are currently supported. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user.
- $MTYPE("3490")
- Media types. The default digital media type to be used by the system.
- $MTYPEVAL("9-TRACK","3480","3490","4MM","8LO","8HI", "DLT4000","DLT7000","CD","CDR")
- Media types. This is the valid types of digital media supported. It includes CD and CDR as well as the values in $TTYPEVAL. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user. Maximum megabytes. The default maximum number of megabytes that can be written to a tape. Maximum megabytes. The maximum number of megabytes that can be written to a tape. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user.
- Local printers. The valid list of local printers.
- Remote printers. The valid list of remote printers.
- Default printer. The default printer for output that is sent to a printer. The valid list of printers is taken from the valid list of local and remote printers.
- Print landscape. The output will be printed in landscape mode if set to "YES".
- Flag to set unknown DDR fields.
= IN: INVALID = UN: UNKNOWNDefines whether fields of the DDR which are not known by the application program should be made INVALID or UNKNOWN.
- $PROJTOL(.5)
- Projection coordinate tolerance. Defines the tolerance (in number of pixels) that the projection corner fields of two or more input DDRs can differentiate from each other and still be considered equal.
- $TAPEID(-- )
- Tape ID. The tape ID of the most recently mounted tape.
- Compression flag. This flag will allow certain applications to create either compressed or uncompressed images.
- Delete output file flag. Defines whether the output files being created by the application program are deleted by the application or not when a fatal error is encountered.
= YES: Delete output file = NO: Do not delete output file
- History flag. Copying history records can consume time and disk space. Specify NO if the history records from the input images are not needed. If NO specified, one record will still be created which lists all the parameter values for the proc.
= YES: Copy input history files = NO: Do not copy input history files
- MINMAX flag. Determines if minimum and maximum image values are updated by the application modules.
= YES: Update image min/max values. The minimum and maximum pixel values and validity flag are updated. = NO: Do not update the min/max values. The output minimum and maximum values are NOT updated by the application modules.Note: program MINMAX may be run to update the minimum and maximum values for individual images.
- Copy associated files flag
= YES: Automatically copy associated files whenever a las function is run. All files with the same root name are considered to be associated with an image. = NO: Do not copy associated files.
- $MSGTIM(10)
- Message timing. Determines the timing interval for the processing messages generated by an appliation module. The value defines the number of clock seconds between messages.
- Database option. System option showing whether or not the system is running one of the following Database systems. This is informational and may not be changed by the user.
= ORC: Oracle database is available. Oracle functions may be run on this machine. = DBAS: Dbase database is available. Dbase functions may be run on this machine. = NONE: No database is not available. Database functions may not be run on this machine.
- PLOTTER option. Defines the type of plotter that can be accessed on this machine. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user.
= VERSA: VERSATEC plotter is available. Functions using a Versatec plotter may be run on this machine. = NONE: No plotter is available. Output may not be sent to a plotter on this machine.
- Statistical package option. System flag showing whether or not the system is running one of the following statistical packages. This is a system global that should not be changed by the user.
= SPSS: SPSS is available. SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) functions may be run on this machine. = NONE: No statistical package is not available. Functions depenant upon a statistical package may not be run on this machine.
- $TAPEDRV(--)
- Drive. Drive where the requested tape or CD has been mounted.
- $MAXTAPE(14)
- Maxtape. The maximum number of tapes for a stacker.
- $MTAPEID(--)
- Multiple Tape ID. List of all the tape IDs in a set.
The $DDRVFLG global will be set to the value of UNKNOWN and $PROJTOL will be set to the value of .25 pixels.
The $MSGTIM will be set to the value of 25 seconds.
The $DELFLAG flag will be set to "YES." This means each of the output file(s) will be deleted if a fatal error is encountered.
The values of the global parameters used by LAS are set according to the input parameters. These global parameters are used by most of the LAS applications.