Return the value of a VMS symbol, VMS logical, or UNIX environment variable in a TAE variable
This function will get the value of a VMS symbol, VMS logical, or UNIX environment variable and set the TAE variable specified by OUT to that value. If the symbol, logical, or environment variable value contains multiple blanks between words, the output value contains only single blanks between words. If the input symbol logical, or environment variable does not exist, the output value will be a null string.Following are several differences between the VMS and UNIX versions of GETSYMBL.
VMS UNIX --- ---- 1. All returned values 1. Returned values retain are in upper case. the case used when the environment variable was set. 2. If the symbol value 2. There is no limit on the contains more than number of words the 7 words, an error environment variable may will occur. contain.On VMS systems, GETSYMBL returns symbol values and logical values. Finding the value of a logical name can be done one of two ways; specify a logical name in SYMBOL and set CONVFLG=LOGICAL, or issue the following DCL command prior to running GETSYMBL (x is any symbol name).
dcl x :== 'f$trnlnm("logical")'
- VMS symbol/logical name or UNIX environment variable. The name of the VMS symbol or UNIX environment variable whose value is to be returned.
- Output value. The returned value of the VMS symbol, VMS logical or UNIX nvironment variable specified. OUT is the value passed back to the calling procedure and therefore must be the name of another variable (i.e. OUT is a parameter of type NAME).
- Conversion flag. Convert either a VMS symbol or logical name. This parameter is ignored on UNIX systems.
= SYMBOL: Convert a VMS symbol = LOGICAL: Convert a VMS logical