Utility to write EOSAT Fast Format B tapes.
Copies a LAS image to an EOSAT fast format B tape.
- IN
- Input image. IN may be a single or multi-band image. Window and/or band options may be specified.
- Description of tape. A text string sent to the operator's terminal describing the tape to be mounted. If a new tape is being created the comment should indicate the type of tape to be used. For example, "please mount a 9-track scratch tape." If there is a specific tape that the images are to be placed on, then the comment should contain the tape library identification number and a short description of the tape. This will allow the operator to ensure that the correct tape is mounted.
- Tape density. The density of the tape in bits per inch. The default is defined by the TAE global $TPDENS and the list of valid densities are defined by the TAE global $TPVAL.
- Block size. The number of image lines to be written as a physical tape record.
The user has specified to copy one LAS image to tape M055. This tape must have a density of 6250 bits per inch. By default, the data type of the image placed on the tape will be the same as the image on disk; it will have a blocking factor of one; and all 7 bands will be copied to tape.
The user has specified to copy two LAS images to a scratch tape. The first two files to be copied are band one and two of the LAS image IMAGE1. The third band will come from IMAGE2. The tape will have a density of 6250 bits per inch.
After the first tape is mounted, a standard EOSAT fast format header file is written to tape. This header file is taken from the LAS image associated file .fhdr. If a header file does not exits, the necessary information is taken from the ddr and a generic header file is produced. Then each input image is copied to tape. When a tape becomes full, the next tape mounting comment is sent to the operator's terminal. Processing continues after the next tape has been mounted. As each tape is mounted, an updated header file is written to the tape, and the tape identification number is echoed to the terminal.If the user types "<ctrl> C" after the tape copy is invoked, the tape is rewound and dismounted.
A nonfatal error was encountered during processing. The image was successfully written to the tape. The message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.
The corner parameters in the DDR are invalid. If a header file is not associated with the image, the corner parameters in the DDR must be valid.
A fatal error was encountered. The preceding message describes the error that was encountered.
If OUTSYS=HP, Hewlett Packard, the maximum number of samples for an image is 14,999. Specify a window for the image or supply a value for SAMPINC for this image.
An error occurred while allocating dynamic memory. There isn't enough memory available at this time for this application to run. If the error persists contact the system administrator.
The projection parameters in the DDR are invalid. If a header file is not associated with the image, the projection parameters in the DDR must be valid.
The projection code in the DDR is invalid. If a header file is not associated with the image, the projection code in the DDR must be valid.
An error ocurred while updating the header. Contact the LAS System Administer if problem persists.
Input images do not have the same window size. When using multiple input images to create one output image all of the images must have the same size. Check the size of the images and specify windows as necessary.
The zone code in the DDR is invalid. If a header file is not associated with the image, the zone code in the DDR must be valid.