User's Guide


Rotate an image 90, or 180, or 270 degrees, or flip or mirror it.


Allows the user to rotate images. The user may perform a 90, 180, or 270 degree clockwise rotation, a flip (about the horizontal axis), or a mirror (about the vertical axis).


Subcommand -90:
Rotates the image 90 degrees in a clockwise direction.

The input image name. The input image may be subwindowed and/or subbanded. It may be of data types BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4. It may be one or multi-images and may be one or multi-bands.

The output image name. The output image will be of the same data type as the input image.
Subcommand -180:
Rotates the image 180 degrees in a clockwise direction.

The input image name. The input image may be subwindowed and/or subbanded. It may be of data types BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4. It may be one or multi-images and may be one or multi-bands.

The output image name. The output image will be of the same data type as the input image.
Subcommand -270:
Rotates the image 270 degrees in a clockwise direction.

The input image name. The input image may be subwindowed and/or subbanded. It may be of data types BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4. It may be one or multi-images and may be one or multi-bands.

The output image name. The output image will be of the same data type as the input image.
Subcommand -FLIP:
Flips the image about its horizontal axis, top to bottom.

The input image name. The input image may be subwindowed and/or subbanded. It may be of data types BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4. It may be one or multi-images and may be one or multi-bands.

The output image name. The output image will be of the same data type as the input image.
Subcommand -MIRROR:
Mirrors the image about its vertical axis, left to right.

The input image name. The input image may be subwindowed and/or subbanded. It may be of data types BYTE, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, or REAL*4. It may be one or multi-images and may be one or multi-bands.

The output image name. The output image will be of the same data type as the input image.


  1. LAS> flip-90 in=ny.dat out=out.dat

    The user has requested to flip image NY.DAT 90 degrees in a clockwise direction, storing the resultant image in OUT.DAT.

  2. LAS> flip-flip in="image1(:1,3)" out=outb13.img

    The user has requested to flip bands 1 and 3 of image IMAGE1 about their horizontal axes, storing the resultant image in OUTB13.IMG.

  3. LAS> flip-mirror in="image1(1,1,512,512:1)" out=outwin.img

    The user has requested to flip a 512 x 512 window of band 1 of image IMAGE1 about its vertical axis, storing the resultant image in OUTWIN.IMG

The TAE input parameters are retrieved and checked for errors.

The new image is adjusted according to the specified subcommand, and copied to the output image.

Nonfatal Error Messages:

  1. [flip-warn] Nonfatal error encountered--Image data saved

    A nonfatal error was encountered during processing. The output image file is retained, and processing continues. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.

  2. [flip-corner] DDR contains invalid corner point information

    An error was encountered attempting to update the corner point information of the DDR record with the newly rotated corner point values.

Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [flip-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The output image file is deleted or not, depending on the TAE global $DELFLG, and processing is terminated. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the the specific error that was encountered.

  2. [flip-same] Input images must be same size

    If multiple image names are specified as input to the IN parameter, the images specified or the windows specified must all be the same size.

  3. [flip-type] Input images must be of same data type

    If multiple image names are specified as input to the IN parameter, the images specified must all be of the same data type.

  4. [flip-alloc] Error allocating dynamic memory

    An error was encountered attempting to dynamically allocate memory for buffers to flip the image data.

  5. [flip-read] Error reading input image

    An error was encountered while reading image lines from the input image.

  6. [flip-write] Error writing input image

    An error was encountered while writing image lines to the output image.

User Note:

  1. Processing times for the subcommands 90 and 270 will become increasingly greater than those of other subcommands as the image size increases.