User's Guide

Formats images on disk for later generation of film products


Reformats an image on disk for generation of film products.


Input image. Only byte data is accepted. The number of bands depends on the film format. Pseudocolor and black and white film require a single band image; falsecolor film expects a three band image.

Output image. It is a single band byte image. The image size depends on the truncation option.

Color format.

  = FALSE:  False color
  = PSEUDO: Pseudo color
  = B/W:    Black and white

Display and Lookup Table File containing the LUT to be applied to the input image. If specified, DLTFENTR will also have to be specified. Default: For COLRFORM = PSEUDO, a default color LUT will be used. A linear LUT will be used for COLRFORM = B/W or FALSE.

Name of the LUT entry in the Display and Lookup Table File. Required if INDLTF is specified.

Image truncation option.

  = TRUNC: Truncate output image. Chooses from five
           reserved image sizes one that is one step
           smaller than the input image size; any 
           excess in the input image is truncated; 
           the smallest output image size is 
           512 x 512.
  = FILL:  Fill output image. Chooses from five 
           reserved image sizes one that is one step
           larger than the input image size; the 
           area outside the active image area is 

Text string. Character string to be placed on film. It can be up to 62 characters, including blanks. If the default is used,it is the first 62 characters of the input image name.

Color tags (valid only when COLRFORM=FALSE). Values may only be R for red, G for green, and B for blue. The character specified for each color will be on the lower right corner of the film, so that when the photo lab is doing color separation work it will be apparent which transparency is red, green, or blue.

Color label(s) for the 32 sections of the color scale along the side of the film; valid only when COLRFORM=PSEUDO. Up to six characters (including blanks) are allowed for each label. Note: Default labels will be used for the default LUT.


  1. LAS> film in="black.white(1,1,512,512)" colrform="b/w" trunopt=trunc text="this is b/w"

    The output image, BW.FILM (512 x 512), is produced with the annotation line "THIS IS B/W" on disk. The input image has been truncated to 444 x 436. Note that the output image size would have been 1024x1024 if TRUNCOPT were FILL.

  2. LAS> film in=monkey out=psmonkey colrform=pseudo trunopt=trunc label(1)=nose label(2)=eyes

    A pseudocolor image, PSMONKEY, is produced. The output image is truncated. The film annotation line contains "MONKEY," since the parameter TEXT is not specified. The output image has the first two colors in the color scale region labeled NOSE, EYES.

  3. LAS> film in="false.dat(1,1,1024,1024:2,3,4)" out=false.color colrform=false coltags=(b,g,r)

    A false color image, FALSE.COLOR, is produced from the subsection of the input image members 2, 3, and 4 of FALSE.DAT. The output file size is 2048 x 2048, since truncation of the input image is not allowed. The bands of the output image FALSE.COLOR are tagged as blue, green, and red respectively.


FILM produces either color or black and white displays on disk for later transfer to CCT-F tapes. The color displays produced by FILM may be pseudocolor or false color.

Each display type includes an embedded image area surrounded by regularly spaced major and minor tick marks. Beneath the image area are five lines of annotation. Three lines of annotation are extracted from the history portion of the image label. One line of annotation may be specified by the user. The last annotation line on the image identifies LAS as the generation facility, gives the date of generation, and identifies the image as red, green, blue, or black and white.

Pseudocolor displays have a labeled color scale alongside the image, with the labels provided by the user. False color displays have a standard color scale in the same position. Black and white images have a gray scale.

Description for the Display Modes:

  FALSE:  false color.  A three-band input image is 
          required and a three-band output image is
          produced.  The user may define the film 
          color tags (optional).  A standard color 
          scale is displayed alongside the image.
          The LUT in the specified DLTF will be used
          to create the output image.  The default
          is linear mapping (no transformation).

  PSEUDO: pseudocolor.  One input image band is 
          required and a three-band output image is
          produced.  The LUT in the specified DLTF 
          will be used to create the output image 
          data and will also determine the contents
          of the color scale.  The user may optionally
          define the color scale labels.  
          If no DLTF is specified a default color LUT
          is used and default color scale labels are 
          placed on the image.  The default color LUT
          is shown in Table 1.

  B/W:    black and white.  One input image band is 
          required and one output image band is 
          produced.  The LUT in the specified DLTF 
          will be used to create the output.  If no 
          DLTF is specified then no transformation of
          the data takes place.  
The user can influence the output image size selection by the TRUNOPT option. The five reserved image sizes (lines x pixels) are as follows:

             1.  512( 444)   x    512( 436)
             2. 1024( 888)   x   1024( 872)
             3. 2048(1776)   x   2048(1744)
             4. 4096(3552)   x   4096(3488)
             5. 8192(7104)   x   8192(6976)

The size indicates the final film image. The values in parentheses indicate the area reserved for the input image.

Non-fatal Error Messages:

  1. [film-deflut] No DLTF specified - default LUT will be used

    INDLTF and DLTFENTR parameters are defaulted. A default lookup table will be used

  2. [film-nointsct] No intersection between two windows

    No intersection was found between the two window specifications

Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [film-dltfent] No DLTF entry specified

    DLTFENTR must be specified when INDLTF is specified.

  2. [film-luttype] Invalid lookup table type

    Check the entry in the Display and Lookup Table File. Film types PSEUDO and FALSE expect a byte, color lookup table, and B/W expects a byte, black and white lookup table.

  3. [film-oneband] Single band image expected for PSEUDO color or B/W option

    The PSEUDO and B/W film types need a single-band image.

  4. [film-square] Invalid square type specified in square description

    Picture description table contains invalid data.

  5. [film-threebands] Three band image expected for FALSE color option

    The color type FALSE needs an input image with three bands.

User Notes:

  1. The FALSE color option requires three bands, while the PSEUDO and B/W options require one.

  2. See CLASSMAP for a more detailed description of the image size selection.

  3. Default LUT is defined for only 32 colors; input image values greater than 32 will not be colored and the output values will be zero.

                         Table 1
                Default Color Lookup Table
         COLOR         RED         GREEN          BLUE
         BLACK           0            0              0
         PURP-1        140	 	 28            196
         PURP-2        164           68            252
         PURP-3        188 		124            252
         PURP-4        212          148            252
         BLUE-1          0            0            252
         BLUE-2          0          156            252
         BLUE-3         76          188            252
         BLUE-4        108          252            252
         BLUE-5        188          252            252
         GREN-1          0          180              0
         GREN-2          0          220              0
         GREN-3         92          252             92
         GREN-4        172          252            172
         PINK-1        252            0            252
         PINK-2        252          102            252
         RED-1         236            0              0
         RED-2         252           72            164
         RED-3         252          140            196
         RED-4         252          188            220
         ORAN-1        220          120              0
         ORAN-2        255          156              0
         YELO-1        255          255             60
         YELO-2        255          255              0
         YELO-3        255          255            170
         BROW-1        108           60             60
         BROW-2        140           94             94
         BROW-3        172          124            124
         BROW-4        204          156            156
         GRAY-1        160          160            160
         GRAY-2        200          200            200
         WHITE         255          255            255