Performs editing on a statistics file
EDITSTAT enables the user to manipulate a statistics file by creating, combining, deleting, editing, and inserting data during a single editing session. If the input statistics file does not exist, the INPLACE subcommand will create a new statistics file for editing. This subcommand makes direct changes on the input file as they are entered by the user. Alternately, new statistics files may be created with options from the COPY and SORT subcommands to reduce the number of bands, to sort by band mean, and/or to copy only the polygons. Subsequent editing will then apply to the new file, preserving the old file. The statistics file may be listed at the terminal, line printer, and/or to a user-specified file during interactive editing. Listings to a terminal, to a line printer, and/or to a user-specified file may also be obtained through the LIST subcommand.
The available interactive commands are: COMBCLASS - Combines several classes into a new class. DROPCLASS - Deletes a class from the file. DROPHIST - Deletes a histogram from the file. DROPSITE - Deletes a site from the file. EDITCOR - Edits or creates a correlation matrix. EDITCOV - Edits or creates a covariance matrix. EDITHIST - Edits or creates a histogram. EDITMEAN - Edits or creates a mean vector. EDITSITE - Edits or creates a polygon (site definition). EXIT - Terminates an EDITSTAT session. HELP - Displays information on EDITSTAT commands. LIST - Lists file information to specified device. MOVESITE - Moves a site from one class to another. NEWCLASS - Adds a new class to the file. RENCLASS - Renames a class in the file. RENSITE - Renames a site within a class.
- Input statistics file. If the name specified by INSTAT does not exist, the user will be prompted whether or not to create the new statistics file. If the user enters YES, a statistics file will be created for interactive editing.
All editing during this EDITSTAT session affects the INSTAT file directly. Each change command is applied to the input file immediately after the command is given.
Changes made are permanent at the time the change is made. There is no way to "undo" changes made during an interactive editing session other than to explicitly correct mistakes via the interactive command menu.
The subcommands -COPY and -SORT may be used to create new files for editing without affecting the input file.
- Input statistics file. This file is copied to file OUTSTAT which then may be edited. The input file is first copied to a new statistics file specified by OUTSTAT. Any interactive editing done during this EDITSTAT session affects OUTSTAT and not INSTAT. If the name specified by INSTAT does not exist, EDITSTAT will terminate with an error message.
After the editing session, INSTAT exists unchanged and OUTSTAT exists with the changes made during this editing session.
- Output statistics file. This file is created after copying. If the LAS file name specified by OUTSTAT already exists, EDITSTAT will terminate with an error message.
- Polygon flag. This flag allows the user the choice to either copy only the polygon vertices to the new statistics file or copy both the polygon vertices and the statistical information to the new statistics file. A value of YES will result in only the polygons of the classes specified by CLASSNAM being copied to the new statistics file. All the statistical information is copied if POLYFLG is left at the default value of NO.
= YES: Copy only selected polygons = NO: Copy statistical and polygon information
- BANDS(--)
- Band numbers. Bands to be copied to the new statistics file. The default will copy all bands of all the specified classes to the new file.
- Class names. Classes to be copied to the new statistics file. The default is to retrieve all the classes from INSTAT. This parameter is not case sensitive; it may contain upper and/or lower case letters. It cannot be abbreviated. Setting CLASSNAM to 0 will automatically set SITENAM to 0.
= *: All classes. = 0: Image level only. = Class name: User-specified class name
- Edit flag. This flag allows the user the option to edit the newly copied statistics file by specifying YES or to just copy and then exit the module using the NO option.
= YES: Edit the new file = NO: Do not edit the file
- Input statistics file. This statistics file is sorted by class mean for a specified band and can be edited. If the name specified by INSTAT does not exist, EDITSTAT will terminate with an error message.
All subsequent editing during this EDITSTAT session affects OUTSTAT and not INSTAT. After the editing session, INSTAT exists unchanged and the file specified by OUTSTAT exists with the changes made during this editing session.
Note that there must be a mean vector at the class level for all classes in this file for the sort to take place. Mean vectors can be created using the interactive command EDITMEAN or by ISOCLASS or STATS. If no mean vector is found at a class level, EDITSTAT terminates with an error message.
- Output statistics file. If the LAS file name specified by OUTSTAT already exists, EDITSTAT will terminate with an error message.
This file will contain the same information contained in the input file. The classes will have been rearranged in the file by ascending or descending order of the mean value of the band specified by BAND for each class.
- Band number. Classes will be sorted by the mean value of this band in each class. The mean vector is normally stored as a 64-bit floating point value and "ties" between classes are unlikely to occur. However, if this should happen, classes are sorted as "first-found/first-copied" during the sort.
- Sort option. Classes may be sorted by ascending or descending order by the mean value of BAND. EDITSTAT first sorts classes by ascending order by the mean value of the specified band for each class. If descending is specified for SORTOPT, EDITSTAT then reverses the ascending sorted array of class indices and copies classes in this order.
= ASC: Ascending = DES: Descending
- Edit flag. This flag allows the user the option to edit the newly sorted statistics file by specifying YES or to just sort and then exit the module using the NO option.
= YES: Edit the new file = NO: Do not edit the file
The output file can be edited by a text editor, but the file is a listing only and cannot be used as an input statistics file for LAS modules which require them.
During interactive editing sessions, the user may use the command LIST to list file contents at the terminal only.
- Input statistics file. If the name specified does not exist, EDITSTAT will terminate with an error message.
- List option. Specification to list directory only, statistics only, or both. The directory listing consists of the names of classes, sites, and data types found within each of these at the image, class, and site levels as specified. The statistics listing consists of the actual contents of these data types at all specified levels.
= DIR: Directory = STAT: Statistics = BOTH: Both
- DATAITEM("*" )
- Data item. Name of data item to be listed.
New statistics types may be introduced by LAS image processing developers writing new programs. EDITSTAT is designed to access any statistics type which may exist in a statistics file. Some of the more common statistics dataitems used in existing LAS applications are:
BOUNDS CONFUSION_MATRIX COVARIANCE_MATRIX CORRELATION_MATRIX DSCWT EIGENVALUES EIGENVECTORS HISTOGRAMS HORIZONTAL_MARK MEAN_VECTOR NAME NBANDS NCLASSES NSITES NVERTICES POLYGON PROBABILITYThe item specified will be converted to all upper case but it cannot be abbreviated or misspelled. It must exactly match the name of the item to be retrieved. For example:
- Class names. Classes to be copied to the new statistics file. The default is to retrieve all the classes from INSTAT. This parameter is not case sensitive; it may contain upper and/or lower case letters. It cannot be abbreviated. Setting CLASSNAM to 0 will automatically set SITENAM to 0.
= *: All classes. = 0: Image level only. = Class name: User-specified class name
- SITENAM("*")
- Site name. The name of the site for which information is to be listed. A value of "0" will produce a listing of the classes only, no site information. This name can be upper and or lower case. It cannot be abbreviated.
= *: All sites. = 0: Class level only. = Site name: User specified site name
- Output destination. The destination of the output.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ".prt".
- LWIDTH(80)
- Output line width. The line width in characters of the output.
= 80 = 120
- Data item(s) to exclude. Data item(s) to exclude from the listing of the statistics file. The item(s) specified will be converted to all upper case and cannot be abbreviated or misspelled.
The user enters EDITSTAT. The existing statistics file CURLU is opened for editing. EDITSTAT displays the command menu and prompts for a command.
Enter Command:helpA dynamic tutor session is initiated, providing first and second level help for each menu command. Typing "help <command_name>" displays more detailed help for each command. Typing RUN or EXIT restores the user to the main command menu.
Enter Command:RENSITEThe classes are listed, and the user is prompted to enter a class name.
Enter a class name, List, or Quit:URBANThe selected class is displayed, and all sites in class URBAN are listed. The user is prompted for a site name.
Enter site name to be changed, List, or Back:SITE1The user is prompted for a new name for this site.
Enter a new site name, List, or Back:FIRSTSite SITE1 in class URBAN is renamed FIRST. The updated site names for class URBAN are listed, and the user is again prompted for a site name to be changed.
Enter site name to be changed, List, or Back:backClasses are relisted and the user is prompted again.
Enter class name, List, or Quit:QuitUser returns to the EDITSTAT command menu.
Enter Command:ExitThe user exits EDITSTAT.
Copies the current version of the edited file to the file specified in OUTSTAT and opens the new file for subsequent editing. The user is then presented with the main command menu.
Enter Command:RENCLASSClasses are listed and the user is prompted to enter a class name.
Enter class name to be changed, List, or Quit:forestThe user is prompted for a new name for this class.
Enter the new class name, List, or Back:backUser is prompted to enter a class name.
Enter class name to be changed, List, or Quit:listClasses are listed and the user is prompted to enter a class name.
Enter class name to be changed, List, or Quit:CL1The user is prompted for a new name for this class.
Enter the new class name, List, or Back:SOYBEANSClass CL1 is renamed SOYBEANS. The user is then prompted for a new class name.
Enter class name to be changed, List, or Quit:quitUser returns to the EDITSTAT command menu.
Enter Command:exitThe user exits EDITSTAT.
FLAGSTAFF is copied to FLAGSORT in the same way as in EDITSTAT-COPY. The order in which each class is selected for copy is determined by the value of the mean vector for band 2. The class with the lowest mean value will be copied first, and classes with increasing mean values will be copied in turn.
When all classes are copied, the file FLAGSTAFF is closed. Since the edit flag, EDITFLG, was set to no, the program will exit without allowing the user to edit the new statistics file FLAGSORT.
The file SIOUXF is opened, and the covariance matrices for all sites in class FOREST are listed at the line printer with an identical copy of this listing saved in the file STLIST. EDITSTAT-LIST then terminates.
EDITSTAT is controlled by user commands. It begins by opening the specified input statistics file. Once opened, the user enters the interactive mode and is prompted to enter a command. The user may, however, use the subcommands -COPY or -SORT to create a copy of the input file prior to editing. Subsequent modifications can be made to the copied file and the input file is unaffected. The LIST subcommand will provide a listing of all or parts of the statistics file to a user-specified destination.Subcommand -INPLACE:
If the input file does not exist, the user is prompted whether or not to create a new file. A response of NO will cause EDITSTAT to terminate. If YES is specified, a new file is opened for interactive editing. User-entered statistics information can then be added to the file via the command menu.
If the input file does exist, it is opened for editing and all commands that modify the statistics file do so directly. That is, the changes are made in place at the moment that the command is executed and no new file or version is created.
Subcommand -COPY:
The COPY subcommand first creates the file named by OUTSTAT by copying the input file. The input file is then closed, and subsequent editing is performed on the output file. During the copy phase, the user may copy only the polygon vertices. If EDITFLG is set to YES, the copy is performed and the command menu is presented for editing. The user is also allowed to specify whether any band information should be dropped from the statistics file. This is done by specifying which bands should be copied. It is not allowed to drop all band information from the file.
Note that the bands to copy, entered by the user, represent band data as relative from the first to the last band in the statistics file; that is, if the statistics file was created using bands 1, 4 and 7 of an image, they would correspond with bands 1, 2 and 3 in the resultant statistics file.
Subcommand -SORT:
The SORT subcommand creates a class-sorted copy of the input file under a new name for editing. The order in which classes are ordered in the output file is sorted--ascending or descending--by the mean value of the band specified by the user. The copy itself is performed with the same procedure as provided by the subcommand COPY.
EDITSTAT-SORT first sorts classes in ascending order by the mean value of the specified band for each class. If DESCENDING is specified for SORTOPT, EDITSTAT then reverses the ascending sorted array of class names or indices and copies classes in this order. After the sort, the input file is closed and subsequent editing may optionally be performed on the sorted file via the EDITSTAT command menu.
Subcommand -LIST:
Subcommand -LIST sends a listing of selected statistics file information to the terminal, line printer, and/or to a user-specified text file which can be edited. Note that the output text file is a listing of the statistics file only and cannot be used as an input file for LAS applications which require a statistics file for input. EDITSTAT-LIST will produce a single listing of the information specified and will terminate.
Command Algorithms: __________________COMBCLASS
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for a destination class name. If the class already exists, the user is prompted to verify that other classes are to be added to this one. If the class name does not exist, it is added to the statistics file. Subsequent prompts are for class names to be combined into the first class specified (see User Note 5).
If any site name found in the class that is to be added to the destination class is identical to any site name in the destination class, all sites in the destination class are listed and the user is prompted to give a new unique name for the site to be merged into the destination class. The user types BACK to stop adding classes to the destination class.
The user is then prompted for another destination class. The user may repeat the above procedure or return to the main menu.
NOTE: The statistics will need to be recalculated after this step (see User Note 6).
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of the class to delete. If a valid class name is entered, the user is prompted to verify the delete; if YES, the class is deleted and the user can enter another class name to delete or return to the command menu.
If the user enters a name with pre- and/or postscripts along with an asterisk, e.g., abc*, *abc or ab*c, all class names which match the combination are displayed at the screen. The user is then prompted to verify that all of the listed names are to be deleted. If YES, all listed classes are deleted and the user is prompted for another class name to delete.
If an asterisk (*) is entered alone, the user is prompted to verify that all classes should be deleted; if YES, all class and site level information is deleted (see User Note 4).
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. The user may type a "0" (zero) to indicate image level (see User Note 1). If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Users may type "0" for class level or a valid site name. When the correct level is reached, all histograms found at that level are listed at the screen. Users are prompted to enter the name of a histogram to delete. If a valid histogram name is entered, the user is prompted to verify the delete; if YES, the histogram is deleted and the user can enter another histogram name to delete or return to the command menu.
If the user enters a name with pre- and/or postscripts along with an asterisk, e.g., abc*, *abc or ab*c, all histogram names which match the combination are displayed at the screen. The user is then prompted to verify that all of the listed names are to be deleted. If YES, all listed histograms are deleted and the user is prompted for another histogram name to delete.
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. EDITSTAT then lists the sites for the selected class and prompts the user for the name of a site to delete. The user may return to the class list or select a site name. If a valid site name is entered, the user is prompted to verify the delete. If NO is specified, class names are relisted and the user is prompted for a class name; if YES, the site is deleted, classes are listed again, and the user is prompted to select a class. The user may return to the command menu or select a class.
NOTE: Dropping a site will cause all class level statistics to be deleted (see User Note 6).
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. The user may type a "0" (zero) to indicate image level (see User Note 1). If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Users may type "0" for class level or a valid site name.
If the correlation matrix is not found at the level indicated, the user is informed that a new matrix is being created and is prompted for a value <X> so that an X by X dimensioned matrix is created. Note that this size should conform to the size of other matrices and vectors throughout the statistics file. There is no automatic check in EDITSTAT for this condition and inconsistencies may cause unpredictable results during editing or later use of the file (see User Note 8). If the user does not wish to create the new matrix, they may quit the editor without making any changes to or saving the matrix. If the correlation matrix is found at the level indicated, it is displayed on the screen for editing.
Users may page through the matrix by typing PAGE or P, or the user can page to a particular element by typing PAGE <ROW COLUMN> or P <ROW COLUMN>, where ROW is a particular row of a matrix and COLUMN is a particular column of a matrix. Alternatively, users may enter the row and column coordinates to be changed. This portion of the matrix will appear on the screen. Users will then be prompted for the new value at this location. After making all desired changes, the user types SAVE to save the matrix and returns to the list of class names. The user may specify a new level of matrix to edit or type QUIT to return to the command menu.
The classes are listed and the user is prompted for the name of a class. The user may type a "0" (zero) to indicate image level (see User Note 1). If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Users may type "0" for class level or a valid site name.
If the covariance matrix is not found at the level indicated, the user is informed that a new matrix is being created and is prompted for a value <X> so that an X by X dimensioned matrix is created. Note that this size should conform to the size of other matrices and vectors throughout the file. There is no automatic check in EDITSTAT for this condition and inconsistencies may cause unpredictable results during editing or later use of the file (see User Note 8). If the user does not wish to create the new matrix, they may quit the editor without making any changes to the matrix or saving the matrix. If the covariance matrix is found at the level indicated, it is displayed on the screen for editing.
Users may page through the matrix by typing PAGE or P, or the user can page to a particular element by typing PAGE <ROW COLUMN> or P <ROW COLUMN>, where ROW is a particular row of a matrix and COLUMN is a particular column of a matrix. Alternatively, users may enter the row and column coordinates to be changed. This portion of the matrix will appear on the screen. Users will then be prompted for the new value at this location.
After making all desired changes, the user types SAVE to save the matrix and return the list of class names or BACK to avoid preserving the changes. The user may then specify a new level of matrix to edit or return to the command menu.
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. The user may type a "0" (zero) to indicate image level (see User Note 1). If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Users may type "0" for class level or a valid site name. When the correct level is reached, all histograms found at that level are listed at the screen. Users are prompted to enter the name of a histogram to edit. If the histogram does not exist, a new histogram of the specified name is created.
Note that LAS modules, such as STATS, BAYES, and others, use the histogram naming convention HISTxxx, where xxx can be 001,002,...,999. EDITSTAT allows any character string for histogram names and no checks are made for correct histogram name format. It is up to the user to name histograms as is appropriate.
Users may page through the histogram by typing PAGE or P, or the user can page to a particular element by typing PAGE <X> or P <X>, where X is a particular page number. There are four pages for each 256-bin histogram.
Users are prompted for a bin number or range of bin numbers to be modified. If the user enters a single number, then only one bin will be modified. If two different numbers are entered, then all bins between the two entries, inclusive, will be modified. The user is then prompted for a value to be placed into the specified bin(s).
After making all desired changes, the user types SAVE to save the histogram and return to the list of class names or BACK to avoid saving the changes. The user may then specify a new level of histogram to edit or to return to the command menu.
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. The user may type a "0" (zero) to indicate image level, (see User Note 1). If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Users may type "0" for class level or a valid site name.
If the mean vector is not found at the level indicated, the user is informed that a new vector is being created and is prompted for the number of bands for the vector. Note that this size should conform to the size of other vectors and matrices throughout the file. There is no automatic check in EDITSTAT for this condition, and inconsistencies may cause unpredictable results during editing or later use of the file. If the user does not wish to create the new vector, they may quit the editor without making any changes to the vector or saving the vector. If the mean vector is found at the level indicated, it is displayed on the screen for editing.
Users may page through the vector by typing PAGE or P, or the user can page to a particular element by typing PAGE <X> or P <X>, where X is the number of a vector. Alternatively, users may enter the element to be changed. This portion of the vector will appear on the screen. Users will then be prompted for the new value at this location. If the user types BACK at this moment, the prompt for the vector element to change will reappear on the screen.
After making all desired changes, the user types SAVE to save the vector and return the list of class names or BACK to avoid preserving the changes. The user may then specify a new level of vector to edit or to return to the command menu.
Lists classes and prompts the user for the name of a class. If a class name is entered, sites for that class are listed. Class and site names of "0" are not used for EDITSITE (see User Note 1).
If the polygon is not found at the site indicated, the user is informed that a new polygon with only 1 vertex, initialized to zero, is created. If the polygon is found at the level indicated, it is displayed on the screen for editing.
Users may page through the polygon by typing PAGE or P, or the user can page to a particular vertices by typing PAGE <X> or P <X>, where X is a particular vertex number. Alternatively, users may enter the vertex number to be changed. This portion of the polygon will appear on the screen. Users will then be prompted for the new row and column values for this vertex. If the user types BACK at this moment, the prompt for the vertex number to change will reappear on the screen. Users may lengthen the polygon by specifying a vertex element that is one greater than the current length of the polygon.
After making all desired changes, the user types SAVE to save the polygon and return to the list of class names or BACK to avoid saving the changes. Classes are relisted, and the user may specify a new class and site to edit or return to the command menu.
Closes any open files and terminates the editing session.
Initiates a dynamic tutor session which provides first and second level help for each menu command as well as help for the EDITSTAT module in general. Typing HELP * provides help on the EDITSTAT module. Typing HELP <command name> gives detailed help on each command. Typing RUN or EXIT restores the user to the EDITSTAT interactive command menu.
Initiates a dynamic tutor session to allow the user to specify parameters to list the directory and/or actual data of the file at the terminal, line printer, or to a user-specified file.
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class of origin. If a valid class name is entered, EDITSTAT will list sites for the selected class and prompt the user for the name of a site to be moved. The user may return to the class list or select a site name.
If a valid site name is entered, EDITSTAT lists classes and prompts the user for the name of a destination class. It then lists sites for the destination class and prompts the user for a unique destination site name. It prompts the user to verify that the intended move from origin class/site to destination class/site is desired. If YES is specified, the site is moved and user is prompted for a new class or origin. The user may continue moving sites or return to the EDITSTAT command menu.
Note that moving a site causes the class level statistics, except for site names, to be deleted for both classes. The LAS modules STATS, COVAR, and others may be used to restore class statistics given the new sites (see User Notes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7).
The classes are listed and the user is prompted for the name of a new class. Class names are added until the user types LIST or QUIT or until the maximum number of classes allowed (256 for a statistics file) is reached. Invalid class names are ignored. Class names must be alphanumeric and must not begin with a numeric value. For example:
Class name C1 is valid. Class name MY_FOREST_1 is valid. Class name MY FOREST is invalid: Blank in name. Class name 1C is invalid: First character is numeric. Class name 0 is invalid: First character is numeric. Class name * is invalid: Nonalphanumeric character.
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. After a class is selected, EDITSTAT prompts the user for a new name. Syntax of the new class name is checked and, if valid, the class is renamed and class names are relisted. The user can enter another class name to be entered or return to the command menu. Invalid class names are ignored. Class names must be alphanumeric and must not begin with a numeric value (see User Note 5).
The classes are listed, and the user is prompted for the name of a class. It then lists sites for the selected class and prompts the user for the name of a site to rename. The user may return to the class list or select a site name; otherwise, if a valid site name is entered, the user is prompted for the new name for the site. If the new site name already exists, the user is asked to respecify the new site name. The site is renamed, and sites in the selected class are relisted. The user is prompted for another site in the class to be renamed. The user may continue to rename sites in that class or may type BACK to relist classes.
Blanks are not allowed within names. Use the underscore character to specify a blank in a name.
An invalid character was found in a name. Only alphanumeric characters are permitted in names (see User Note 5).
No negative values are allowed to be specified on the diagonal of a covariance matrix. Re-enter the value.
The name specified is the same as the name that it is being combined with. Re-enter a new name.
The first character of a name cannot be a numeric character. Re-enter the name (see User Note 5).
An invalid character was specified for this prompt. Reenter with a valid character string.
<XXX> is an invalid band. This value will be ignored, but the valid bands that were specified will be processed.
An invalid string was entered where a number was expected. Re-enter the number.
An invalid size for <XXXXX> was specified. The size of <XXXXX> cannot exceed MAXBND. Re-enter the size of <XXXXX>.
The maximum number of <XXXXX> has been reached. No more <XXXXX> can be added.
The class name specified already exists in the statistics file. Re-enter a new class name.
The name specified is too long. Names have a limit of <XXX> characters. Re-enter a shorter name.
An invalid <XXXXX> number was specified. Re-enter the <XXXXX> number.
The values specified are out of the range of the data type. Re-enter values within the range.
The site name <XXXX> from the class <XXXXX> has already been used in the class <XXXXX>. Enter a new name for this site.
Both the row and column values must be entered. Re-enter both the row and column values.
The row and column values must be positive vales. Re-enter the row and column values as positive values.
The row and/or column value must be a valid integer not greater than the maximum dimension of the matrix. Re-enter the row and column values within the proper range.
An error was encountered while trying to allocate dynamic memory--see the System Manager.
The bands specified were greater than the bands that are in the statistics file. Re-specify the bands needed.
A fatal error was encountered during processing. Processing is terminated. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.
For the -SORT subcommand, the class-level mean vector is used to sort the classes in the file. If this vector does not exist at any class level, it must be created using the EDITMEAN command or produced in some other way such as by the LAS module COVAR.
There was an error encountered when opening <XXXXX> file. Verify that this file exists.
An error was encountered while sending information back to the TAE parameter block--contact System Manager.
There was an error retrieving <XXXXX> from the statistics file. Verify that the <XXXXX> file exists in the statistics file.
The same band was specified twice. Re-specify with no duplicate band numbers.
- A prefix followed by a star, e.g. xyz* - A star followed by a postfix e.g. *xyz - Both a prefix and a postfix separated by a star, e.g. abc*xyz - A star alone (*) indicates that the user wishes to delete all classesUsers are always prompted to verify that the matching class names found are the desired classes to be deleted before executing the delete.
5. Class and site naming standards
Class and site names must be alphanumeric, must not contain blanks or asterisks, and must not begin with a numeric value. For example:
Class name C1 is valid. Class name MY_FOREST_1 is valid. Class name MY FOREST is invalid: Blank in name. Class name 1C is invalid: First character is numeric. Class name 0 is invalid: First character is numeric. Class name * is invalid: Non-alphanumeric in name.6. After editing class and site information, the user is encouraged to run STATS to recalculate the statistics information since EDITSTAT does not perform the recalculation of the statistics. The statistics will be deleted when the DROPSITE and MOVESITE commands are used.
7. General usage of QUIT and BACK
Generally, any abbreviated form of the response BACK is intended to return the user one step back in the command procedure being executed; for example, typing BACK in response to a prompt for a site name returns the user to a prompt for a class name. The response QUIT is usually available at the highest level of a command procedure after the command has been selected from the command menu. QUIT restores the user to the command menu.
8. Consistency among different classes/sites for mean vector, covariance, and correlation matrix dimensions is up to the user. The length of the image level mean vector is used by some commands to determine the number of bands represented by the file. Results are unpredictable if different classes have different lengths for mean vectors, covariance matrices, etc., especially, when used as input to other LAS modules.
9. Whenever listings to the user run beyond a terminal screen, users are prompted to select a name, SELECT; quit the function, QUIT; or list the next page, <CR>.