User's Guide


Creates an output tape in EDIPS 0.0 format from an input LAS image


Creates an output tape in EDIPS 0.0 format from an input LAS image. This module can be used to write a user-specified number of bands from a LAS image to tape in EROS Digital Image Processing System--Version 0.0 (EDIPS) format in either a BSQ or BIL format.

EDIPSOUT is primarily used to create tapes which can be run through the laser beam recorder (LBR).


Subcommand -BSQ:
Band sequential format. Processes an input LAS image out to tape in band sequential format. The image data for each band is given in a separate image file as sequential records for the total number of lines in the input image. Each band also has header, annotation, and trailer records associated with it.

Input image. The input image may be BYTE data only. The user may specify a subset of bands and/or a window of the image to be processed. However, the maximum number of bands that can be processed is four. If the user specifies more than four bands, only the first four specified are processed. For tapes to be run through the LBR, the data must be in the range of 0 through 127.

Description of tape. A text string sent to the operator's terminal. COMMENT consists of two pieces of information:

   1.  Tape label or identifier
   2.  Short description of the tape

The operator uses this text to find the tape to be mounted, so COMMENT should be as descriptive as possible. Including both the label and a short description gives the operator a double check to ensure that the correct tape gets mounted.

Tape density. The density of the output tape(s) in bytes per inch.

WRS nominal path number. The optional World Reference System (WRS) nominal path number used to identify the image.

WRS nominal row number. The optional World Reference System (WRS) nominal row number used to identify the image.

Annotation text. The four fields to be contained in the annotation record(s). If left to default, the original annotation record is written to tape. If it does not exist, EDIPSOUT fills in the known values and defaults the rest to blanks and zeroes. If any one of the four fields are entered with text, the entire original record is replaced. Maximum length specifications for each field are given in the chart below.

  ___       ______________   ___         ______________


  NOTE:  These fields are not necessarily adjacent.  
	 Therefore, if you specify 27 characters 
         for FIELD1, the extra two characters are
 	 truncated; they are not written to FIELD2.

Band numbers. An EDIPS format tape stores in its header records the Landsat band numbers that each image band on the tape represents. BANDS is used to specify which Landsat band numbers are to be stored with the LAS input image when it is written to the EDIPS tape. If the sensor type is RBV, this field is ignored.

Fill value. Fill value used for centering the image. A fully processed MSS image is 2983 lines by 3548 samples. A fully processed RBV image is 5322 lines by 5322 samples. FILLVAL specifies what pixel intensity is used to surround the actual image data in order to center the image within the appropriate area.

Sensor type. An MSS band has 2983 lines x 3548 samples. This gives a spot size of 57 microns on the LBR. An RBV band has 5322 lines x 5322 samples; giving a spot size of 38 microns on the LBR.

  = MSS: Multispectral Scanner System
  = RBV: Return-Beam Vidicon camera system
Subcommand -BIL:
Band interleaved by line format. Processes an input LAS image out to tape in band interleaved by line format. The image data for all bands are given in one image file. The lines of BIL are sequenced by interleaving four bands of image data. If the data for a band is missing, the line is zero filled. There is only one set of header, annotation and trailer data files for all bands. Subcommand BIL is valid only for MSS data.

Input image. The input image may be BYTE data only. The user may specify a subset of bands and/or a window of the image to be processed. However, the maximum number of bands that can be processed is four. If the user specifies more than four bands, only the first four specified are processed. For tapes to be run through the LBR, the data must be in the range of 0 through 127.

Description of tape. A text string sent to the operator's terminal. COMMENT consists of two pieces of information:

   1.  Tape label or identifier
   2.  Short description of the tape

The operator uses this text to find the tape to be mounted, so COMMENT should be as descriptive as possible. Including both the label and a short description gives the operator a double check to ensure that the correct tape gets mounted.

Tape density. The density of the output tape(s) in bytes per inch.

WRS nominal path number. The optional World Reference System (WRS) nominal path number used to identify the image.

WRS nominal row number. The optional World Reference System (WRS) nominal row number used to identify the image.

Annotation text. The four fields to be contained in the annotation record(s). If left to default, the original annotation record is written to tape. If it does not exist, EDIPSOUT fills in the known values and defaults the rest to blanks and zeroes. If any one of the four fields are entered with text, the entire original record is replaced. Maximum length specifications for each field are given in the chart below.

  ___       ______________   


  NOTE:  These fields are not necessarily adjacent.  
	 Therefore, if you specify 27 characters 
         for FIELD1, the extra two characters are
 	 truncated; they are not written to FIELD2.

Band numbers. An EDIPS format tape stores in its header records the Landsat band numbers that each image band on the tape represents. BANDS is used to specify which Landsat band numbers are to be stored with the LAS input image when it is written to the EDIPS tape. If the sensor type is RBV, this field is ignored.

Fill value. Fill value used for centering the image. A fully processed MSS image is 2983 lines by 3548 samples. FILLVAL specifies what pixel intensity is used to surround the actual image data in order to center the image within the appropriate area.


  1. LAS> edipsout-bil in="dc(1 1 500 500)" comment="please mount k0943", tapedens=1600 annote(1)="16 jul 84" annote(2)="sensor/mss" annote(3)="50 meter pixels"

    EDIPSOUT-BIL executes using a 500 x 500 window from image DC starting at line 1, sample 1 as input. The tape density is 1600, and the sensor type is assumed to be MSS since processing is being done in band interleaved by line format. The nominal path row indicator is allowed to default to blanks. The annotation record contains the date, the sensor type, and the number of meters per pixel in the first three fields. These values replace the original annotation record. The default values are used for the BANDS and FILLVAL parameters.

  2. LAS> edipsout-bil in = "image.dat(:2 4)" comment="please mount j870" wrspathn=202 wrsrown = 101 + bands = (1,2)

    EDIPSOUT-BIL executes using IMAGE.DAT bands 2 and 4 as input. The bands are numbered 1 and 2 as specified by BANDS with bands 3 and 4 being zero filled. The density of the output tape defaults to 1600 bpi. The output image is written band interleaved by line. The path number is 202, and the row number is 101. The sensor type is assumed to be MSS, and all remaining parameters are allowed to default.

  3. LAS> edipsout-bsq in=needles.dat comment="please mount a scratch tape" annote(1)="29 sep 84" annote(2)="sensor/mss" bands=(1,2,4)

    EDIPSOUT-BSQ executes using NEEDLES.DAT as its input image. Because no band option is specified, all bands of the image are processed. The output tape density defaults to 1600 bpi. Sensor type is allowed to default to MSS. The path row indicator is also allowed to default. Assuming NEEDLES.DAT is a three-band image, band 1 is associated with the first input image band, band 2 is associated with the second input image band, and band 4 is associated with the third input image band. The annotation record contains the date and the sensor type in the first two fields (these values replace the original annotation record(s)).

  4. LAS> edipsout-bsq in=test.dat comment="please mount c518" tapedens=6250 bands=(1,4) fillval=127 sensor=rbv

    EDIPSOUT executes using the BSQ subcommand. The output tape is in band sequential format. The input image is TEST.DAT, and the output tape density is 6250 bpi. If the image is smaller than 5322 lines by 5322 samples, the image is centered using a fill value of 127. All other parameters are allowed to default.


A multi-band Landsat MSS image may be output in band sequential (BSQ) or band interleaved (BIL) by line format as specified by the subcommand chosen. In BIL format, the image lines are sequenced by interleaving four bands of data. Where less than four input bands are specified, zero-filled lines are interleaved. For example, if the user specifies the second and fourth bands of an image are to be output in band interleaved by line format, a line of zeros are written, followed by an image line from the second band, followed by another line of zeros, followed by an image line from the fourth band. Single-band images are written as band sequential. Landsat RBV images are also written as band sequential. If band interleaved by line format is specified with a single-band Landsat MSS image, the user is warned and the specification is ignored.

A Landsat MSS image may not be larger than 2983 lines by 3548 samples. A Landsat RBV image may not be larger than 5322 lines by 5322 samples. If the input image is larger than the above specifications, the user may specify a window indicating which portion of the image is to be processed. If no window is specified, EDIPSOUT extracts the center 2983 lines and center 3548 samples for MSS data and the center 5322 lines and samples for RBV data. If the input image is smaller than the above specifications, it is centered in the output tape file filled to the image edges by the user-specified value.

The user may also specify a text field from which the annotation records are constructed. This text is stored in the annotation records of the EDIPS tape in ASCII format. If annotation was not specified by the user, the original annotation records are retained and written to the EDIPS tape. However, user-specified text always overrides original annotation text. The original annotation may or may not be stored on disk as an associated file. If this associated file does not exist, user-specified information is written to the record. The same annotation text is used for each band with the exception of three band-dependent fields which are extracted from the header record and from a user-specified parameter. These fields are the MSS sensor gain option, the MSS transmission type, and the MSS band number (these fields are not needed for RBV data).

Similar action is taken with header and trailer information. If associated files exist which contain header and trailer information, this information is retained. If these files do not exist, known information is written to the tape, and the unknown information defaults to zeros and blanks.

Naming conventions for the annotation, header, and trailer files (if they exist) are as follows:

        Type                           LAS Name
  (A)  Header record           input image name;edips.headr
  (B)  Annotation record       input image name;edips.annot
  (C)  Trailer record          input image name;edips.trail

Nonfatal Error Messages:

  1. [edipso-extra] More than four bands were specified, Only the first four are being processed

    A warning indicating that the user specified more than four bands on input. When this occurs, only the first four bands specified are processed.

  2. [edipso-note] Image is being processed in band sequential format

    A warning indicating that the user specified band interleaved by line format with a single-band MSS image. When this occurs, the image is processed in band sequential format instead.

  3. [edipso-tpcloserr] Warning: Error closing tape

    Indicates an error was encountered while closing the input tape, so the tape is still mounted and there is nothing for the user to do. When the process is finished the tape will be dismounted.

Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [edipso-fatal] Fatal error encountered--output tape is not valid

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The output tape is closed, and processing is terminated. The tape is not valid. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this error message is the specific error that was encountered.

  2. [edipso-mnterr] Error mounting tape

    Indicates that the tape could not be mounted.

  3. [edipso-notbyte] Input image is not BYTE, Only BYTE data is currently supported

    Indicates that the user specified an input image whose data type was not BYTE. Currently, BYTE data is the only type supported.

  4. [edipso-openerr] Error opening associated <header, annotation, or trailer> file

    Indicates an error in attempting to open an associated header, annotation, or trailer file.

  5. [edipso-window] Input images do not have the same window size

    Indicates that the user specified multiple input images with different window sizes.

User Notes:

  1. Only tapes with densities of 1600 and 6250 bpi are supported.

  2. Only BYTE data is supported.

  3. RBV images and MSS single-band images are processed using band sequential format only.

  4. If the user is processing less than four bands, it would be advantageous to use EDIPSOUT-BSQ rather than EDIPSOUT-BIL. This is due to the fact that processing three bands or less in band sequential format requires only one tape, whereas processing in band interleaved by line format requires two tapes.

  5. Timing for creating a two-volume tape set in band sequential format from a four-band MSS size image is 05:20.