Creates a LAS image from an EROS Digital Image Processing System (EDIPS) -- Version 0.0 format tape.
Creates a LAS image from an EROS Digital Image Processing System (EDIPS)--Version 0.0 format tape. The MSS subcommand is used to process MSS tapes, while the RBV subcommand is specified for RBV tapes.The user is given the option to specify a subset of the bands to be output to the image. This option does not apply to RBV data since RBV tapes contain only one RBV subscene per tape. The user may also specify a window and line and sample increments to process a subset of the image. Optionally, the header, annotation, ancillary, and trailer records may be dumped to associated disk files. Associated ASCII files containing the information necessary for systematic correction and platform modeling are created for uncorrected MSS tapes.
- Description of tape(s). A text string sent to the operator's terminal describing each tape to be mounted. COMMENT should contain the tape library identification number and a short description of the tape. This will allow the operator to ensure that the correct tape is mounted.
- Output image. The name of the image created by the program. The output image is always BYTE.
- BANDS(--)
- Band number(s). The image bands on the tape to be processed. The default value indicates that all the bands that are present on the tape are processed.
- WINDOW(-- VALID=(1:5375)
- Window specification (SL SS NL NS). Specifies the starting line, starting sample, number of lines, and number of samples to be processed. The default value indicates that the entire image is processed.
- Line increment. The line increment factor to read image lines from tape. Increasing the line increment reduces the number of lines in the output image. The default value causes no lines to be excluded.
- Sample increment. The sample increment factor to read image samples from tape. Increasing the sample increment reduces the number of samples in the output image. The default value causes no samples to be excluded.
- Write to disk. Write the specified records to associated disk files. No formatting or conversions are performed, so the format is the same as that of the input tape. The default value indicates that no records are written to associated files.
= ANC: Ancillary records. Indicates that the ancillary records are to be written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.ancil". If ancillary records are not present on the tape, this specification is ignored. = HAN: Header and annotation records. Indicates that header records are written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.headr", and annotation records are written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.annot". Only one copy of the header and annotation records is stored in the associated disk files. Therefore, the MSS sensor gain option and the MSS transmission type (which are band-dependent fields) from each annotation record are stored in fields at the end of the header record. This allows the annotation records for each band to be reconstructed from one copy of the annotation record. Due to the fact that the header record is used to store band dependent information from the annotation record, the user is not given the option to dump these records separately. Either both types of records must be dumped to their respective disk files or neither is dumped. = TRA: Trailer records. Indicates that the trailer records are to be written to an associated disk file name "xxxxx;edips.trail".
- Print flag. Print preselected information from the header and annotation records. The information consists of the following data: the sensor type, the number of tapes in the tape set, the interleaving type, which spectral bands are present, the tape generation date, the nominal path row, the center latitude and longitude, the nominal latitude and longitude, the MSS transmission type, the scene ID, the sun information, the MSS sensor gain options, the image scale, the type of projection, the type of correction applied, the resampling algorithm, the contrast enhancement indicator, the atmospheric scatter compensation indicator, and the edge enhancement indicator.
= YES: Print the defined information = NO: Do not print the information
- Description of tape(s). A text string sent to the operator's terminal describing each tape to be mounted. COMMENT should contain the tape library identification number and a short description of the tape. This will allow the operator to ensure that the correct tape is mounted.
- Output image. The name of the image created by the program. The output image is always BYTE.
- WINDOW(-- VALID=(1:5375)
- Window specification (SL SS NL NS). Specifies the starting line, starting sample, number of lines, and number of samples to be processed. The default value indicates that the entire image is processed.
- Line increment. The line increment factor to read image lines from tape. Increasing the line increment reduces the number of lines in the output image. The default value causes no lines to be excluded.
- Sample increment. The sample increment factor to read image samples from tape. Increasing the sample increment reduces the number of samples in the output image. The default value causes no samples to be excluded.
- Write to disk. Write the specified records to associated disk files. No formatting or conversions are performed, so the format is the same as that of the input tape. The default value indicates that no records are written to associated files.
= ANC: Ancillary records. Indicates that the ancillary records are to be written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.ancil". If ancillary records are not present on the tape, this specification is ignored. = HAN: Header and annotation records. Indicates that header records are written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.headr", and annotation records are written to an associated disk file named "xxxxx;edips.annot". Only one copy of the header and annotation records is stored in the associated disk files. Therefore, the MSS sensor gain option and the MSS transmission type (which are band-dependent fields) from each annotation record are stored in fields at the end of the header record. This allows the annotation records for each band to be reconstructed from one copy of the annotation record. Due to the fact that the header record is used to store band dependent information from the annotation record, the user is not given the option to dump these records separately. Either both types of records must be dumped to their respective disk files or neither is dumped. = TRA: Trailer records. Indicates that the trailer records are to be written to an associated disk file name "xxxxx;edips.trail".
- Print flag. Print preselected information from the header and annotation records. The information consists of the following data: the sensor type, the number of tapes in the tape set, the interleaving type, which spectral bands are present, the tape generation date, the nominal path row, the center latitude and longitude, the nominal latitude and longitude, the MSS transmission type, the scene ID, the sun information, the MSS sensor gain options, the image scale, the type of projection, the type of correction applied, the resampling algorithm, the contrast enhancement indicator, the atmospheric scatter compensation indicator, and the edge enhancement indicator.
= YES: Print the defined information = NO: Do not print the information
EDIPSIN-MSS processes the input tape in MSS format. A copy of the header and annotation records are dumped to associated disk files, and only the first and the fourth image bands on the tape are output. The entire image is copied and certain predefined information from the header and annotation records is sent to the line printer.
EDIPSIN-MSS processes a 1000 x 1000 window starting at line 500 and sample 1 in MSS format. If the tape contains ancillary records, they are written to an associated disk file. If ancillary records do not exist, this parameter is ignored.
EDIPSIN executes subcommand -RBV. The data of every other line (starting with line 1) and every third sample (starting with sample 1) is processed. No records are written to associated disk files. Predefined information from the header and annotation records is sent to the line printer.
The program begins by getting the user-specified parameters and the global variable values. The input tape is opened and the tape directory read to determine the tape characteristics. Next, the specified associated files are opened. Then, depending upon the type of the input tape, the appropriate processing subroutine is called. If the user requested a printout of information from the header and annotation records, the desired information is written to a file which is printed and deleted after program completion. Finally, the files and the input tape are closed.
The number of lines specified exceeded the image size. The
number of lines is adjusted to the largest number within the
bounds of the image.
The number of samples specified exceeded the image size. The number of samples is adjusted to the largest number within the bounds of the image.
The user specified more bands to be processed than were present on the tape set. The output image only contains the number of specified bands that were present.
An error was detected opening the specified associated file.
The first tape mounted was actually the second volume of the set, so the operator was flagged to mount the other volume of the set instead.
A nonfatal error was encountered during processing. The message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.
An error was encountered while writing a record to the specified associated file.
A fatal error was encountered during processing. The input tape is closed. The error message immediately preceding this message is the specified error that was encountered.
The user specified a starting line or starting sample that exceeds the bounds of the image.
-- xxxxx;edips.headr for header records. -- xxxxx;edips.ancil for ancillary records. -- xxxxx;edips.annot for annotation records. -- xxxxx;edips.trail for trailer records.
For a description of the contents of each of these records, refer to the following manual and any respective updates: The Manual on Characteristics of Landsat Computer-Compatible Tapes Produced by the EROS Data Center Digital Image Processing System.
-- xxxxx;edips.cor for the systematic corrections file -- xxxxx;edips.mod for the platform modeling file