User's Guide


Displays tie point files to terminal, disk, or printer


Displays tie point selection files, merged tie point files, and tie point location files. It provides the options of printing the file on the line printer, on the user's terminal, or to a text file.


Subcommand -TPS:
Displays the contents of a tie point selection file.

Input tie point selection file. The tie point selection file to be printed.

List options. The following fields in the tie point selection file may be turned "ON" or "OFF" in the resulting report:

   Image Coordinates
   Geographic/Projection/User-defined Coordinates
   Elevation of the point
   Zoom factor used in point selection 
   Tie point selection file header information
   Correlation Parameters for each point

Labeled table file. This file contains map identifiers and parameters in a labeled table format. The file contains a map id, the latitude/longitude of the upper-left corner, lower-right corner, a verify point, as well as other information needed to register the map. If this parameter is NULL, the map information is not reported. The format of the file is given in the User Notes section.

Point identifier(s). The point identifiers of the tie points to be reported. If this parameter is NULL, all tie points are reported.

Output destination. The output destination of the tie point report. The available output destinations are:

  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the user's
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the 
               printer defined by $PRINTER.  
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is sent
               to the user-supplied file with the 
               extension "prt".
Subcommand -MTP:
Displays the contents of a merged tie point file.

Input merged tie point file. The merged tie point file to be printed.

List options. The following fields in the merged tie point file may be turned "ON" or "OFF" in the resulting report:

   Reference Image Coordinates
   Search Image Coordinates
   Geographic/Projection/User-defined Coordinates
   Elevation of the point
   Zoom factor used in point selection 
   Tie point selection file header information
   Correlation Parameters for each point

Labeled table file. This file contains map identifiers and parameters in a labeled table format. The file contains a map id, the latitude/longitude of the upper-left corner, lower-right corner, a verify point, as well as other information needed to register the map. If this parameter is NULL, the map information is not reported. The format of the file is given in the User Notes section.

Point identifier(s). The point identifiers of the tie points to be reported. If this parameter is NULL, all tie points are reported.

Output destination. The output destination of the tie point report. The available output destinations are:

  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the user's
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the 
               printer defined by $PRINTER.  
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is sent
               to the user-supplied file with the 
               extension "prt".
Subcommand -TPL:
Displays the contents of a tie point location file.

Input tie point location file. The tie point location file to be printed.

List options. The following fields in the tie point location file may be turned "ON" or "OFF" in the resulting report:

   Reference Image Coordinates
   Search Image Coordinates
   Geographic/Projection/User-defined Coordinates
   Elevation of the point
   Zoom factor used in point selection 
   Point active flag field
   Tie point selection file header information
   Correlation Parameters for each point

Labeled table file. This file contains map identifiers and parameters in a labeled table format. The file contains a map id, the latitude/longitude of the upper-left corner, lower-right corner, a verify point, as well as other information needed to register the map. If this parameter is NULL, the map information is not reported. The format of the file is given in the User Notes section.

Point identifier(s). The point identifiers of the tie points to be reported. If this parameter is NULL, all tie points are reported.

Output destination. The output destination of the tie point report. The available output destinations are:

  = TERM:      Terminal.  Output is sent to the user's
  = LP:        Line printer.  Output is sent to the 
               printer defined by $PRINTER.  
  = Filename:  User-supplied filename.  Output is sent
               to the user-supplied file with the 
               extension "prt".


  1. LAS> dsptie-tps ints=ref inlt=mapfile ptid=-- listopt=("on","on","on","on","on","on") print=term

    All the contents of the tie point selection file REF are displayed on the terminal. A listing of map parameters is also given.

  2. LAS> dsptie-mtp inmt=merged.out inlt=-- ptid=-- listopt=("on","on","on","on","on","on","on") print=(term,lp)

    The contents of the merged tie point file MERGED.OUT are displayed on the terminal and printed on a printer. All tie points are listed.

  3. LAS> dsptie-tpl intl=fit.out ptid=("p1","p2") inlt=mapfile listopt=("on","on","on","on","on","on","on","on") print=(term,lp)

    Two tie point records (p1 and p2) are read from the tie point location file FIT.OUT and are displayed on the terminal and printed on a printer. A full report, listing all file contents for the two tie points, is given, including the parameters of the map used to obtain the two tie points.


The header and tie point records contained in the tie point file are displayed on the terminal and, optionally, are printed on a printer or written to a text file. The user may select fields to report, resulting in flexible reporting options. The default report for each subcommand lists the most commonly used information. The full report gives all information contained for each point and also includes map parameter information, if such information is used.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Message:

  1. [dsptie-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing is terminated.

User Notes:

  1. Tie point files may be produced by functions such as EDITTIE, TIEPTS, TRANCOORD, TIEMERGE, CORRELATE, and POLYFIT.

  2. The map identifier file contains information needed to register a map to a digitizer. The file is in labeled table format. It may contain as many records as needed to define multiple maps used in a project. The format of the file follows:

        "MAPFILE","Map identifier parameter file";
        "ID","C","Unique map identifier",1,20
        "UNITS","I4","Coordinate unit code 4=deg 6=xy",1,1
        "UL_Y","R8","Upper left Y/latitude coordinate",1,1
        "UL_X","R8","Upper left X/longitude coordinate",1,1
        "LR_Y","R8","Lower right Y/latitude coordinate",1,1
        "LR_X","R8","Lower right X/longitude coordinate",1,1
        "VER_Y","R8","Verify pt Y/latitude coordinate",1,1
        "VER_X","R8","Verify pt X/longitude coordinate",1,1
        "NPTS_Y","I4","Number of tics in Y",1,1
        "NPTS_X","I4","Number of tics in X",1,1
        "SCALE","I4","Map scale in 1:x",1,1
        "DATUM","C","Map datum",1,80
        "TYPE","C","Map type",1,80
        "DATE","C","Map date",1,10
        "DESC","C","Map description",1,80;