Print or display a TAE session log
Displays a TAE session log. Three subcommands allow the user different processing options. The -ALL subcommand writes the session log from beginning to end. The -TIME subcommand writes records from the session log based on a starting date (mm/dd/yr) and time (hh:mm:ss) to an ending date and time. The -DIR subcommand displays a directory listing of session logs.
- INFILE(--)
- Input file. Name of the TAE session log file to be processed. The default name is SESSION.TSL.
- Output destination. The destination of the output.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ".prt".
- INFILE(--)
- Input file. Name of the TAE session log file to be processed. The default name is SESSION.TSL.
- Beginning date. BEGDATE has the format mm/dd/yy, where mm, dd and yy are month, day and year. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers but all three values are required. Valid month values are 1 to 12, valid day values are 1 to 31 and valid year values are 0 to 99. A null value indicates a beginning date is not used to determine whether a given record is to be displayed (i.e. a record is not discarded because its date is too early).
- Ending date. ENDDATE has the format mm/dd/yy, where mm, dd and yy are month, day and year. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers but all three values are required. Valid month values are 1 to 12, valid day values are 1 to 31 and valid year values are 0 to 99. A null value indicates an ending date is not used to determine whether a given record is to be displayed (i.e. a record is not discarded because its date is too late).
- Beginning time. BEGTIME has the format hh:mm:ss, where hh, mm and ss are hours, minutes and seconds, respectively, on a 24-hour clock. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers and omitted values are defaulted to zeroes (i.e. 8:56 implies 08:56:00). Valid hour values are 1 to 24, valid minute values are 0 to 59 and valid second values are 0 to 59. A null value indicates a beginning time is not used to determine whether a given record is to be displayed (i.e. a record is not discarded because its time stamp is too early).
- ENDTIME(-- )
- Ending time. ENDTIME has the format hh:mm:ss, where hh, mm and ss are hours, minutes and seconds, respectively, on a 24-hour clock. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers and omitted values are defaulted to zeroes (i.e. 8:56 implies 08:56:00). Valid hour values are 1 to 24, valid minute values are 0 to 59 and valid second values are 0 to 59. A null value indicates an ending time is not used to determine whether a given record is to be displayed (i.e. a record is not discarded because its time stamp is too late).
- Output destination. The destination of the output.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ".prt".
- Output destination. The destination of the output.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ".prt".
Lists the entire current session log at the line printer.
Displays selected records from the session log SAVE.TSL at the terminal. Any record with a time stamp of 10:15 AM or later (regardless of the date) is displayed.
Displays selected records from the session log SAVE.TSL at the terminal. Any record with a date of June 15, 1990 or later (regardless of the time) is displayed.
Displays selected records from the session log SESSION.TSL at the terminal. Any record with a date and time stamp of July 1, 1990 8:45 AM or later is displayed.
Displays selected records from the session log SESSION.TSL at the terminal. Any record with a time stamp later than 8:45 AM and earlier than 4:00 PM (regardless of the date) is displayed.
Lists records from the 15th of September whose time stamp is 9:15 AM or later to the 20th of September whose time stamp is 2:00 PM or earlier at the terminal and on the line printer.
Displays a list of session log files at the user's terminal with the time and date of each.
DSPLOG first disables TAE session logging. If the subcommand -DIR was selected, a directory listing of files with the extension .TSL from the current directory is output to the appropriate destinations. If the subcommands -ALL or -TIME are selected, the specified or most recent (if the parameter INFILE is defaulted) SESSION.TSL file is then read line by line. If subcommand -TIME is specified, only those records recorded within the specified date and time range are processed. DSPLOG then displays these records on the terminal, line printer or to a user specified file. Finally, DSPLOG always enables session logging even if logging was disabled before running DSPLOG. Users may then disable session logging if so desired.
An error occurred while attempting to close the temporary print file, the user specified print file or the session log file. Contact the system manager.
A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.
An invalid date was entered for the BEGDATE or ENDDATE parameter. The correct format for date specifications is mm/dd/yy. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers but all three portions of the date (month, day and year) are required. Valid month values are 1 to 12, valid day values are 1 to 31 and valid year values are 0 to 99.
An invalid time was entered for the BEGTIME or ENDTIME parameter. The correct format for time specifications is hh:mm:ss. Leading zeroes are not required for single digit numbers and omitted portions are defaulted to zeroes (i.e. 8:56 implies 08:56:00). Valid hour values are 1 to 24, valid minute values are 0 to 59 and valid second values are 0 to 59.
An error occurred while attempting to open the temporary print file or the user specified file. Be sure the user has write permission for the current directory and that there is disk space available or contact the system manager.
The SESSION.TSL file or the user specified session log file either does not exist because session logging was never enabled in TAE or there was a system error while attempting to open the file. Be sure the session log file exists. If it does, try again or contact the system manager.
The subcommand -TIME will output this error if no records in the input session log file meet the criteria established by the parameters BEGDATE, ENDDATE, BEGTIME and ENDTIME. Respecify these parameters or use the subcommand -ALL to print all records from the session log file.