Displays graphics overlay file (GOF) record information to the terminal, file, and/or line printer
Displays graphics overlay file (GOF) record information to the terminal, line printer, or user-specified file. The user may display all records, or specific records based on record number or attribute value. The user also has the choice of what type of graphics elements to display (lines, points, annotation, and/or polygons) as well as the option to display all of the point pairs for a line or polygon.
- Input file. The GOF name from which record information is to be displayed. The appropriate extension will be appended to this name based on FTYPE.
- File type. The type of GOF to be displayed.
= POINT: Point file. Graphics records of the point GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.POINT = LINE: Line file. Graphics records of the line GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.LINE = POLY: Polygon file. Graphics records of the polygon GOF displayed. INFILE;GOF.POLY = ANNOT: Annotation file. Graphics records of the annotation GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.ANNOT
- Output destination. Indicates where the graphics records list should be displayed.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ";prt".
- RECNUM(--)
- Record numbers. The numbers of the records to be displayed. If NULL, either those records specified by ATRVAL are displayed or, if ATRVAL is also NULL, all records are displayed.
- ATRVAL(--)
- Attribute values. Allows attribute names with corresponding attribute values to be specified. To display records by attribute value, specify the attribute name and value in the form:
ATTRIBUTE NAME:ATTRIBUTE VALUE (Note that a colon with no blank spaces must be used to separate the attribute name from the attribute value.)ATTRIBUTE NAME is an 8-character name that must be defined in the point, line, polygon, or annotation GOF. ATTRIBUTE VALUE is a 12-character string that must be a valid value for the data type defined for the ATTRIBUTE NAME. If NULL, either all records are displayed or only those records specified by RECNUM are displayed.
- List flag. Specifies whether or not to list all of the point pairs for a line or polygon record.
= YES: List point pairs. Include all of the point pairs in the listing of the line or polygon records. = NO: Do not list points. Do not include the point pairs in the listing of the line or polygon records.
- Input file. The GOF name from which record information is to be displayed. The appropriate extension will be appended to this name based on FTYPE.
- File type. The type of GOF to be displayed.
= POINT: Point file. Graphics records of the point GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.POINT = LINE: Line file. Graphics records of the line GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.LINE = POLY: Polygon file. Graphics records of the polygon GOF displayed. INFILE;GOF.POLY = ANNOT: Annotation file. Graphics records of the annotation GOF are displayed. INFILE;GOF.ANNOT
- Output destination. Indicates where the graphics records list should be displayed.
= TERM: Terminal. Output is sent to the user's terminal. = LP: Line printer. Output is sent to the printer defined by $PRINTER. = Filename: User-supplied filename. Output is sent to the user-supplied file with the extension ";prt".
All point records for TEST;GOF.POINT are displayed to the user's terminal.
Records 1 and 3 and records with a font value of 1 in TEST;GOF.ANNOT are displayed to the user's terminal.
All definitions of the attributes for TEST;GOF.LINE are displayed to the users terminal and written to the user specified file named TEST;DEFS.
For DSPGOF-GOF, the defined GOF is opened and verified. DSPGOF then checks every record for a match with any of the specified attribute values or the specified record numbers. If a match is found, a listing is generated with or without the coordinate pairs (as specified by LISTFLG). The listing is routed to the PRINT destination(s).For DSPGOF-DEF the defined GOF is opened and is verified. A listing of the attribute definitions is output to the PRINT destination(s).
A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing terminates.
No information was found to be listed for one of the following reasons:
o No GOF information exists. o No attributes matched the ATRVAL values. o An invalid record number is specified.
An error was encountered reading the GOF. Output files are deleted and the process terminates. Check the file and re-run.