User's Guide


Writes Digital Chart of the World (DCW) data to a labeled table.


Writes Digital Chart of the World (DCW) data to a labeled table.


The location of the CD drive. If the DCW is stored on disk, this value should define root directory of the DCW data.

DCW Library. The DCW library that lines will be extracted from. The DCW is divided into four libraries. Each library exists on a single CD, or in a single directory on disk. These libraries are:

    = NOAMER:      North America
    = EURNASIA:    Europe and Northern Asia
    = SOAMAFR:     South America and Africa
    = SASAUS:      South Asia and Australia

Output Labeled Table. The output file, <XXXX>, will contain the coordinates for each point of each line. In addition, three subfiles will be generated:

   1)  <XXXX>_br - The bounding rectangle subfile 
                   contains the upper left
                   and lower right coordinates.
   2)  <XXXX>_la - The line attribute subfile defines 
                   each of the different type of lines 
                   defined by the query.  The Line 
                   attribute description includes:

                   Attribute Index 
                   Line Style      

   3)  <XXXX>_ai - The attribute index subfile contains 
                   the attribute index for each line 
                   defined by the query.

Lower left coordinate. The minimum lat/lon of the area of interest. Lines which lie East or South of this value will be excluded. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.

Upper right coordinate. The maximum lat/lon of the area of interest. Lines which lie West or North of this value will be excluded. These coordinates are the latitude and longitude of the center of the projection that is entered in the same type of units as specified by GEOUNITS.

PO(-- VALID=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
Political Boundaries and Ocean Features. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   International Boundary Dejure
   International Bound, Defacto
   International Bound, Dejure & Defacto
   Administrative Bound, primary
   Administrative Bound, major
   Treaty or occupancy
   Coastal Closure Line
   Ocean Demarcation Line
   Ice Line
   Ice/Water line
   International Date Line

DN(-- VALID=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Drainage Feature. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   Streams, rivers, etc.
   Inland shorelines
   Wet sand limits
   Canals, aqueducts, etc.
   Glacial limits
   Snowfield, glacier
   Land/ice line

RD(-- VALID=(1,2,3)
Road Feature. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   Dual lane highways
   Primary or Secondary Roads
   Tracks, trails, etc.

RR(-- VALID=(1,2,3)
Railroad Feature. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   Single Track Railroad
   Multi  Track Railroad
   Light Railroad

HY(-- VALID=(1,2,3,4,5)
Hypsography Feature. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   Close land contour
   Depression contour
   Closed land, approx.
   Carrying Contour
   Depression, approx.

HS(-- VALID=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Hypsography-Supplemental Feature. The following fields may be selected for this feature. Selected fields are set to "ON".

   Partial Interm or Aux Contour
   Partial Depression Contour
   Partial Interm Contour,approx
   Carrying Contour
   Cut or fill
   Transition or mistake contour


  1. LAS> dcw2tab library="soamafr" llcoor=-26,43 urcoor=-10,51 po=(10)

    All coastline information about Madagascar will be written to the labeled table files.

  2. LAS> dcw2tab library="soamafr" llcoor=-26,43 urcoor=-10,51 dn=(1,2)

    All rivers and inland shorelines about Madagascar will be written to the labeled tables.

  3. LAS> dcw2tab llcoor=30,-105 urcoor=45,90 dn=(1,2) rd=(1,2,3)

    All rivers, inland shorelines, and roads over the central United States.


After reading and parsing the parameter values, all requested lines which lie within the defined rectangular region are loaded. Once loaded, the output labeled table and all subfiles are opened for writing. The main file contains the points of each line in latitude and longitude coordinates. The bounding rectangle coordinates are written to the "_br" file. Line attribute definitions (e.g. color, description, etc.) are write to the "_la" file. The attribute index of each line is written to the "_ai" file.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [dcw2tab-alloc] Error allocating dynamic memory

    An error occurred allocating memory. Rerun the function, and if the error reoccurs, process the image in segments as described by the Description/Algorithm section. If the error again reoccurs, notify the system manager.

  2. [dcw2tab-coord] Error: Error converting coordinates

    Unable to convert entered coordinates to degrees.

  3. [dcw2tab-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error encountered. Processing is terminated.

User Note:

  1. The Digital Chart of the World (DCW) typically reside on four compact disks. The location of the CD must be defined in the CDPATH entry. If the DCW is stored on disk, the CDPATH must define the root directory where all four DCW libraries reside.