User's Guide


Copies graphics records from a graphics overlay file (GOF) into another GOF


Copies graphics records from a graphics overlay file (GOF) into another GOF. Subcommand -GOF copies/appends the records from the input GOF to the output GOF. Defined attribute names from the input GOF are added to the output GOF and records marked for deletion in the input GOF are not copied. Subcommand -CLEAN removes any records marked for deletion from the input GOF. When removing deleted records, valid records are resequenced to free unused space.


Subcommand -GOF:
Copies records from a graphics overlay file (GOF) into another GOF. Deleted records are not copied.

Input file. The input GOF name. The appropriate extension will be appended to this name based on FTYPE.

Output file. The output GOF into which records are copied. The appropriate extension will be appended to this name based on FTYPE. If the output GOF already exists, the records are appended to the GOF; otherwise, the output GOF is created.

File type. The type of graphics overlay files to be copied.

  = POINT:  Point file.  Graphics records of the point
            GOF are copied. INFILE;GOF.POINT
  = LINE:   Line file.  Graphics records of the line
            GOF are copied. INFILE;GOF.LINE
  = POLY:   Polygon file.  Graphics records of the
            polygon GOF are copied. INFILE;GOF.POLY
  = ANNOT:  Annotation file.  Graphics records of the
            annotation GOF are copied. INFILE;GOF.ANNOT
Subcommand -CLEAN:
Removes any records marked for deletion from the specified graphics overlay file.

Input file. The input GOF name. The appropriate extension will be appended to this name based on FTYPE.

File type. The type of graphics overlay files to be cleaned.

  = POINT:  Point file.  Graphics records of the point
            GOF are cleaned. INFILE;GOF.POINT
  = LINE:   Line file.  Graphics records of the line
            GOF are cleaned. INFILE;GOF.LINE
  = POLY:   Polygon file.  Graphics records of the
            polygon GOF are cleaned. INFILE;GOF.POLY
  = ANNOT:  Annotation file.  Graphics records of the
            annotation GOF are cleaned. INFILE;GOF.ANNOT


  1. LAS> cpygof-gof infile=input outfile=output ftype=point

    The point records from INPUT;GOF.POINT are copied/ appended to OUTPUT;GOF.POINT. Deleted records are not copied. OUTPUT;GOF.POINT is created if it does not currently exist.

  2. LAS> cpygof-clean infile=input ftype=line

    All records marked for deletion are removed from INPUT;GOF.LINE. The valid records are resequenced and the space used by the deleted records is reclaimed.


For CPYGOF-GOF, the input GOF is opened and verified. Records from INFILE;GOF.FTYPE are copied/appended to OUTFILE;GOF.FTYPE. Records that are marked for deletion are not copied to the output file. If the output file already exists, records are appended; otherwise, the GOF is created before writing the records. The attribute names from the input GOF that are different from the attribute names of the output GOF are also added to the output GOF.

For CPYGOF-CLEAN, INFILE;GOF.FTYPE is opened and verified. All records marked for deletion are removed from the GOF. The net effect of this operation removes all deleted records from the input GOF, resequences the valid records, and frees unused space from the file.

Nonfatal Error Message:

  1. [cpygof-nonfatal] Nonfatal error encountered

    The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message in the specific error encountered. Processing continues.

Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [cpygof-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The error message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered. Processing is terminated.

  2. [cpygof-maxatt] Maximum number of attributes exceeded

    This error occurs when an input GOF is being appended to an existing GOF. The attribute names from the input GOF that are different from the attribute names of the existing GOF are added to the existing GOF. A GOF may contain a maximum of 35 attribute names. Some of the attributes names from the input or existing GOF must be deleted using DELGOF-ATT if the input GOF is to be appended to the existing GOF.

User Notes:

  1. Deleted records from the input GOF are not copied to the output GOF. The valid records are resequenced and space used by the deleted records is freed.

  2. The attribute names from the input GOF that are different from the attribute names of the existing GOF are added to the existing GOF up to the maximum number of attributes allowed.

  3. A record may be marked for deletion using XID.

  4. Related functions are DELGOF and DSPGOF.