User's Guide


Creates a Spectrum format image file


Converts a 6 or 12 band CLUSTER image to a Spectrum format image.


Input image. The name of the LAS image to be converted. No windowing or sub-banding is allowed. See User Note 1. User Note 1.

Input labeled table. The name of the labeled table (LT) file containing cluster mean centroids for IN. See User Note 1.

Output file. The name of the output Spectrum format image. The default extension for the output image is ;SPEC. See User Note 2.

NCLUST(241 )
Number of clusters. Number of clusters contained in IN. The default value is the number of clusters specified when running CLUSTER.


  1. LAS> clust2spec in=white12k;img inlt=white12;lt outfile=bob

    The input image WHITE12K;IMG, and the input labeled table WHITE12;LT are utilized to create the appropriate header information for the output Spectrum image, BOB;SPEC. When the header has been generated and written to OUTFILE, the LAS image specified by IN will be appended to OUTFILE.


CLUST2SPEC creates Khoros header records from information contained in the LAS ;DDR and ;LT files. Following these header records, the LAS image data is written to the output file.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [clust2spec-exist] Output file already exists

    The specified file already exists. If reprocessing is desired, rename the output file, or delete the existing file.

  2. [clust2spec-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered during processing. The message that is displayed immediately preceding this message is the specific error that was encountered.

  3. [clust2spec-nodisk] No available disk space

    There is not enough available disk space to write the output file. Either clean up disk space locally, or add a disk path with sufficient free space to the $DATAPATH environment variable.

  4. [clust2spec-open] Error opening <XXX>

    An error occurred while trying to open the specified file. Check the file and directory protections.

  5. [clust2spec-read] Error reading <XXX>

    An error occurred while trying to read the specified file. Check the file and directory protections.

  6. [clust2spec-alloc] Error allocating memory

    There was an error allocating memory for the data buffers. If the error persists contact the system administrator.

  7. [clust2spec-write] Error writing <XXX>

    An error occurred while writing the specified file. Check the file and directory protections.

User notes:

  1. This function is intended for use with the 6 or 12 band cluster images, and the labeled table file specifically created for that image by the CLUSTER program.

  2. Spectrum files are the formatted image files for use with the Khoros image processing system. Spectrum files generated by CLUST2SPEC allow Khoros users to readily view cluster products created by the CLUSTER program.