User's Guide


Check the drive to determine if it is mounted and at the BOT(Beginning of Tape).


Check the drive status to determine if it is at the BOT or until a specified number of tries have been attempted.


Drive. The drive name of the tape device to check for a BOT status.

Number of tries. CKDRIVE will loop a maximum of NTRIES times, at 10 second intervals, to detect a BOT status.

Return status. CKDRIVE will return one of the following values in the named parameter.

  = YES: BOT status found
  = NO:  BOT status not found


  1. LAS>ckdrive drive=@drive ntries=12 status=rstat

    DRIVE is checked up to 12 times for the BOT status. RSTAT will contain a "YES" or "NO" depending on the success or failure of detecting the BOT status.


CKDRIVE will loop NTRIES times, at 10 second intervals, and at the beginning of each interval will check for a BOT status on the device. If a BOT status is found before the NTRIES have been used, CKDRIVE will exit and return with a value of "YES" in STATUS. If a BOT is not found before the NTRIES have been used, CKDRIVE will exit and return with a value of "NO" in STATUS.

Nonfatal Error Messages:


Fatal Error Messages:

  1. [ckdrive-fatal] Fatal error encountered

    A fatal error was encountered. The message displayed preceding this message is the error that was encountered. Processing terminates.

User Notes:
