#include "las.h"
FUNCTION c_inmnmx (dtype, totbnd, minval, maxval)
long *dtype; long *totbnd; double *minval; double *maxval;
Data type used to initialize minval arrays.
Total number of bands to be processed. This is the maximum index into minval arrays.
Minimum pixel value array. It contains the minimum pixel values for each band being processed. It is initialized with the maximum value for the specified data type.
Maximum pixel value array. It contains the maximum pixel values for each band being processed. It is initialized with the minimum value for the specified data type.
The c_inmnmx() routine is used to initialize the minimum/maximum arrays for the current data type. It sets the elements of the minval array to the maximum allowed value of the data type, and sets the elements of the maxval array to the minimum allowed value of the dtata type.
c_inmnmx() returns
E_SUCC (0) --> successful completion TYPERR (66) --> invalid data type