c_inittm - Initializes the processing message utility


#include "worgen.h"

FUNCTION c_inittm (subject, verb, entity, category, text, max_entity, max_category, msgtim, flag)

     char               *subject;
     char               *verb;
     char               *entity;
     char               *category;
     char               *text;
     long               *max_entity;
     long               *max_category;
     long               *msgtim;
     long               *flag;


subject (input, character, length(*))

Contains the program name of the calling module. To conform with standards, it should be all upper-case characters.

verb (input, character, length(*))

The type of action being performed. To conform with standards, the first character of the string is upper case, the rest is lower case. The verb is used in the past tense. Some examples are: Processed, Histogrammed, Calculated, Printed.

entity (input, character, length(*))

The entity being processed. To conform with standards, it should be all lower-case characters. Some examples are: line, section, page.

category (input, character, length(*))

The category being processed. To conform with standards, it should be all lower-case characters. Some examples are: band, page.

text (input, character, length(*))

An optional text string to be appended to the processing message. This text is normally blank. An example is: "for relation ARCXYS."

max_entity (input, integer)

The maximum number of entities described in parameter entity.

max_category (input, integer)

The maximum number of categories described in parameter category.

msgtim (input, integer, valid=(0:3599))

The number of seconds to elapse between processing messages. This should be the value of the TAE global $MSGTIM.

flag (input, integer)

Flag determining the format of the output message. Valid values are:

     = ALLCAT (0): BIL message format (all categories processed at once)
     = ONECAT (1): BSQ message format (categories processed separately)
     = GEN1   (2): General message format one
     = GEN2   (3): General message format two


The c_inittm() routine is used to initialize the processing message utility. The utility routines c_startm() and c_stoptm() are required to enable and disable the processing message utility.

There are two external variables that the application program is required to reference. They are:

     curent--current entity being processed
     curcat--current category being processed.
The external variables are referenced from FORTRAN by the following statements:

     integer*4 var1,var2
The external variables are referenced from "C" by the following statements:

     extern long curent
     extern long curcat
The application program may modify the processing message format by calling c_inittm() outputs the new line character so that the processing message will scroll.

The processing message is displayed on the last terminal line. If text already exists on this line, it is overwritten.

The processing message is appended with blanks so that the full terminal line is overwritten. If the processing message is greater than the number of columns on the terminal, the results are undefined.


c_inittm('COPY','Processed','line','band',' ',&hundred,&three,&msgtim,&flag) 

          0:  "COPY Processed line + of 100 for all 3 bands"
          1:  "COPY Processed line _ of 100 for band _ of 3"
          2:  "COPY Processed line _"
          3:  "COPY Processed line _ of 100"


c_inittm() has no return values but will output a message if terminal initialization fails.