c_complt - Writes a standard completion message

#include "worgen.h"

FUNCTION c_complt(name,out,count);

     char               *name;
     char                out [][CMLEN];
     long               *count;


name (input, character, length(CMLEN))

Name of the program that has completed.

out (input, character, length(count,CMLEN))

Array of output filenames created by the program that has completed.

count (input, integer)

Number of output filenames specified in parameter out.

The c_complt() routine is used to output a standard completion message to the terminal and TAE session log. It includes a list of output filenames created by the program and the amount of CPU time required to run the program.

If the UNIX environment variable APPLOG exists, the date, time, user code, and program name are written to the log file pointed to by APPLOG. To speed up file access to the log file after reaching a size limit, the log file will be renamed to the log filename appended with the date (in the form of yymmdd) and a new log file is created.


c_complt() has no return value.