Label Services Routines

The labeled table (LT) file format has been developed as a hub for various data file transfers. Originally, the LT files were not cataloged; therefore, the user was required to specify the LT filename in terms of the host computer filenaming convention. This was done because labeled table format was used mainly as a temporary file. It is now used as a format for other files including the GCTP parameter file, and therefore, it will now be cataloged within the LAS system -- Version 5.0 and subsequent versions.

A program can access the LT routines by linking in the following object library:

The LT consists of one or multiple files (maximum of twenty). If there are multiple files, the first record of the master LT file contains a list of the subfiles associated with it. By convention, subfilenames are generated by appending an ascending numeric value to the master LT filename.

Since all data in the LT is stored as ASCII, the LT is transportable among computer systems and the user is allowed to edit the LT files with a text editor. The following data types may be stored in an LT:

     1. Character data
     2. 8-bit integer
     3. 16-bit integer
     4. 32-bit integer
     5. 32-bit real
     6. 64-bit real
     7. Date
     8. Time
The user should note that precision may be lost by converting a real number into an ASCII string.

The LT is a selfdefining file in which the first three records define the file, and the remaining records are the actual data records. The first record contains a list of LT subfilenames that are associated with the current LT file. The second record contains the LT file type and description. The third record (called the label vector) defines the actual data in the LT. The LT uses special characters to define records and fields within an LT record. Special characters may be embedded in a character string as long as the character string is delimited by quotes.

     Special Character           Description 
     Double quotes            Character string delimiter
     Comma                    LT record field separator
     New line                 LT record field separator
     Semicolon                LT record separator
Each component of the label vector contains the following five record fields:
     1. Attribute name
     2. Attribute data type
     3. Attribute description
     4. Number of rows in matrix
     5. Number of columns in matrix
If an attribute is a scalar value, it is stored as a 1 x 1 matrix. Character data cannot be matrix data. For character data, the number of rows should be set to 1 and the number of columns should be set to the maximum character string length. The matrix size specified in the label vector is required to be assigned the maximum matrix size. A smaller matrix will be written to the upperleft corner and filled with null values.

The following is an example of an LT generated from a GOF containing polygon data (line numbers are for documentation purposes):

     1    "poly.dat1";
     2    "REGATT","File generated from #SCITEST.PHOENIX";
     3    "REGNUM","I4","unique region number",1,1
     4    "LABEL","C","user defined label",1,16
     5    "CLASS","C","",1,13
     6     "SITE","C","",1,13;
     7     1,"agri 1","AGR","LOMAX";
     8     2,"urban 1","URBAN","DOWNTWN";
     9     ;<
     10    "REGXY","File generated from #SCITEST.PHOENIX";
     11    "REGNUM","I4","unique region number",1,1
     12    "X","I4","column number",1,1
     13    "Y","I4","row number",1,1;
     14    1,2184,704;
     15    1,2232,848;
     16    1,2240,768;
     17    2,400,720;
     18    2,368,848;
     19    2,432,856;
     20    2,480,792;
Description of each line number:

     1    First record of the master LT file poly.dat.
     2    A record containing two fields.  The first field defines
          the LT file type to be REGATT (attribute file for polygon 
          data).  The second field is a short description indicating 
          that this LT was created from #SCITEST.PHOENIX.
     3    Start of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named REGNUM to be a 32-bit scalar integer value. 
     4    Part of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named LABEL to be a character text string with a maximum length
          of 16 characters.  
     5    Part of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named CLASS to be a character text string with a maximum length
          of 13 characters.  
     6    End of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named SITE to be a character text string with a maximum length
          of 13 characters.  
     7    First data record containing a record field for each attribute
          defined in the label vector.  The value of each attribute is:
               REGNUM = 1
               LABEL  = agri 1
               CLASS  = AGR
               SITE   = LOMAX
     8    Second data record containing a record field for each 
          attribute defined in the label vector.  The value of each
          attribute is:
               REGNUM = 2
               LABEL  = urban 1
               CLASS  = URBAN
               SITE   = DOWNTWN
     9    First record of LT subfile poly.dat1 subfiles. 
     10   A record containing two fields.  The first field defines 
          the LT file type to be REGXY (data file for polygon data).
          The second field is a short description indicating that 
          this LT was created from #SCITEST.PHOENIX.  
     11   Start of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named REGNUM to be a 32-bit scalar integer value.  
     12   Part of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named X to be a 32-bit scalar integer value.  
     13   End of the label vector record.  It defines an attribute 
          named Y to be a 32-bit scalar integer value. 
     14   Through 20 are data records of the polygon points.  Each 
          record consists of three fields: region number, X point,
          and the Y point.

C Labeled Table Routines

The following functions are utility routines to manipulate a labeled table (LT). The utility routines allow the application program to read or write an ASCII character string or a numeric matrix. The utility routines ensure that the LT has the correct format.

The C callable routines include:

     close_tab():      Close the LT
     get_field_ptr():  Return pointer to LT record field
     get_lt_date():    Get date field
     get_lt_time():    Get time field
     get_matrix():     Get an I*1, I*2, I*4, R*4, or R*8 matrix
     get_record():     Read a record from the LT
     get_vector():     Read the label vector and set up record structure
     make_lt_name():   Make an associated LT filename
     open_tab():       Open the LT
     put_lt_date():    Put date field
     put_lt_time():    Put time field
     put_matrix():     Put an I*1, I*2, I*4, R*4, or R*8 matrix
     put_record():     Write a record to the LT
     put_vector():     Write the label vector and set up record structure
The sequence of calls to read a LT would be as follows:
     call open_tab to open the LT with read access
     call get_vector to read label vector and set up record pointers
     do for each row in the LT
       call get_record to read record from the LT
       do for each column in the LT
          if data type is character then
               access the character string
          else if data type is date then
               call get_lt_date
          else if data type is time then
               call get_lt_time
          else if data type is numeric
               call get_matrix to get I*1, I*2, I*4, R*4, or R*8 matrix
       end do
     end do
     call close_tab to close the LT
The sequence of calls to write a LT would be as follows:
     call open_tab to open the LT with write access
     do for each column to be defined in the LT
       call put_vector to write label vector and set up record pointers
     end do
     do for each row in the LT
       do for each column in the LT
          if data type is character then
               access the character string
          else if data type is date then
               call put_lt_date
          else if data type is time then
               call put_lt_time
          else if data type is numeric then
               call put_matrix to put I*1, I*2, I*4, R*4, or R*8 matrix
       end do
       call put_vector to write record to the LT
     end do
     call close_tab to close the LT
There is an include file named ltable.h which contains variable definitions used in the LT utilities. The following tables explain each variable definition.

LT File Constants:

     MAX_SUB           Maximum number of associated LT files
     MAX_FIELD_LEN     Maximum number of characters in a record field
     NDTYPE            Total number of valid LT field data types
LT Logical Record Identifiers:
     FIELD_SEP1         Field separator one (comma)
     FIELD_SEP2         Field separator two (new line)
     RECORD_SEP         Record separator (semicolon)
     CHAR_DEL           Delimit character strings (double quotes)
LT Record Field Data Types:
     C                  Character string (less than 1024 characters)
     I1                 8-bit integer
     I2                 16-bit integer
     I4                 32-bit integer
     R4                 32-bit real
     R8                 64-bit real
     LTDATE             Date field (mm/dd/yy)
     LTTIME             Time field (hr:min:sec)
Structure defining date field:
     struct LT_DATE
          long month
          long day
          long year


Structure defining time field:
     struct LT_TIME
          long hour
          long minute
          long second
Structure defining matrix size:
     struct MATRIX
          long nrow     number of rows in matrix
          long ncol     number of columns in matrix
Structure defining record field:
     struct VECTOR
          char          *label     Label name for this field
          long           dtype     Data type for this field
          char          *desc      Label description for this field
          union                    Variant record depending on dtype
               char        *c      Record value for character data
               char        *i1     Record value for 8bit integer data
               short       *i2     Record value for 16bit integer data
               long        *i4     Record value for 32bit integer data
               float       *r4     Record value for 32bit real data
               double      *r8     Record value for 64bit real data
               } ptr
          struct     MATRIX lt_size   Matrix size written to the LT
          struct     MATRIX size      Matrix size of actual data
          long       null             Null fields detected on read
          char       sep              Separator to be used on write
          long       flag             Boolean to validate label vector
          struct     VECTOR *next     Pointer to next record structure
Structure defining the LT:
     struct TAB_DEF
          char *hname;             Host filename of the LT
          char *subfile[MAX_SUB];  List of files associated to this LT
          long nsubs;              Number of files associated to this LT
          long fd;                 File descriptors for LT file
          long access;             Access the LT file was opened for
          char *ftype;             File type of the LT
          char *fdesc;             File description of the LT
          struct DESC buf;         LT data I/O buffer
          long ncol;               Number of columns in the LT file
          struct VECTOR *vector;   LT record field structure
          long nbytes;             Number of bytes in data I/O buffer
          long cur;                Current byte offset in data I/O buffer
          long label_flag          Boolean indicating label vector exists
The LT utilities has a fatal error handling capability that can be set by the application program. The programmer may allow the LT utility routine to output an error message and abort or may set a flag to output an error message and return to the calling routine. The default is to have the LT utility routine to output an error message and abort. There are two extern long variables defined to implement the error handling:

     Name           Description
     tabmode         Defines whether the LT utility routine should 
                    abort the program or if control is to be returned
                    to the calling routine on a fatal error condition.
                    The default is for the LT utility routine to 
                    abort.  Valid values are:
                        =  1 => Utility aborts the process
                        <> 1 => Utility returns to calling routine 
     tabstat          Defines the status of the LT utility routine.  If
                    tabmode is set to 1 (i.e., LT utility routine 
                    aborts on fatal error conditions), the status may 
                    be ignored.  Valid values are:
                        = 1 => Utility completed successfully
                        < 0 => Utility encountered an error

This is a list of available Label Services Routines:
