The sequential processing scenario seems the best way to handle BIL (band interleaved by line) tapes; whereas, the random scenario is better for BSQ (band sequential) processing.
Only external variables should be declared in header files (and rarely since they are then globals). Under no circumstances should static variables be defined in header files.
Use the following raw C types.
char Signed 8-bit integer or text string unsigned char Unsigned 8-bit integer short Signed 16-bit integer unsigned short Unsigned 16-bit integer int Signed 32-bit integer (Do not use long) unsigned int Unsigned 32-bit integer long long Signed 64-bit integer unsigned long long Unsigned 64-bit integer float 32-bit real double 64-bit realThe following can precede a variable declaration.
const Variable value can not be changed static Define variable as a static
Programmers writing modules to run in conjunction with the LAS system need to use a variety of include files. Each major service (such as image i/o or tape i/o) generally requires that a programmer include a specific file. TAE also requires an include file. These files typically define several symbolic constants. Whatever the contents or purpose of these include files, they are all accessed in the same way on the LAS system. All LAS include files are stored in the directory whose specification is the value of the environment variable LASINCLUDE.
To lessen the number of include files that must be specified within the source code, one general include file "las.h" has been defined. This include file contains general include files within LAS. It does not contain the include files that are used for very specific tasks such as tape i/o and labeled table.
The standard C include files or operating system include files may need to be specified.
Thus, a typical application program might make the following include statements:
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "las.h"The Makefile specification will specify the path name where the include file can be located.
The individual include files and their contents are listed in the Include File section of this guide.