Registering Maps to Digitizers

The process of registering a map to a digitizer proceeds as follows:

The user is prompted for map parameters. Refer to the tiepts or mappts user's guides for a description of the user interface and the type of data to be entered.

Digitizer Interface

The digitizer is connected between the user's terminal and the host computer system (as shown below).


With this configuration, the digitizer coordinates usually echo on the user's terminal. Currently, ALTEC and COMPLOT 7000 digitizers are supported. This interface should also work with a variety of other digitizers.

The routines which interface with the digitizer expect the following format:

          B XXXXX YYYYY


B is the digitizer button pushed,

XXXXX is the X digitizer coordinate,

YYYYY is the Y digitizer coordinate,

<CR> is a carriage return (one character),

and a blank is a space.

The button numbers for various digitizer functions are described in the digitizer.h include file. This file also contains the digitizer format. The active button numbers may be changed in the include file and become valid when the modules which interface to the digitizer are rebuilt. The digitizer format is not as easily changeable at this time.