3.0 Software Maintenance

This section presents additional information which may be helpful to the LAS software maintainer. This information pertains to the Linux version of LAS; it differs somewhat from the Sun Solaris environment.

3.1 Standard LAS environment variables
3.2 Additional useful variables and aliases
3.3 System management tools in the bin/ directory
3.4 Dependencies on other software
3.5 Miscellaneous information

3.1 Standard LAS Environment Variables

At startup, LAS defines a number of environment variables which point to run-time directories. These include
APPLOG = <las-top-directory>/env/las/logfiles
LASASSIGN = <las-top-directory>/env/las/assign
LASBASE = <las-top-directory>/run/las/base
LASCONTRIB = <las-top-directory>/run/las/contrib
LASDITTO = <las-top-directory>/run/las/ditto
LASDOC = <las-top-directory>/run/las/doc
LASLOCAL = <las-top-directory>/run/las/local
LASROOT = <las-top-directory>
LASTABLES = <las-top-directory>/env/las/tables
LASTEST = <las-top-directory>/run/las/test
LASTOOLS = <las-top-directory>/run/bin
LAS_RGBDATA = /usr/lib/X11
TAE = <las-top-directory>/tae
TAEBIN = <las-top-directory>/tae/bin/run
TAEHELP = <las-top-directory>/tae/help
TAEHELPMSG = <las-top-directory>/tae/help/msg
TAEHELPTM = <las-top-directory>/tae/help/tm
TAEMAN = <las-top-directory>/tae/man
TAEMENU = <las-top-directory>/tae/menu
TAEPDF = <las-top-directory>/tae/pdf
Additional environment variables are defined by script tae/bin/csh/las.setup pointing to directories needed for (re)building LAS or individual LAS applications modules. These include
LASINCLUDE = <las-top-directory>/build/las/include
LASLIB = <las-top-directory>/build/las/lib
TAEINC = <las-top-directory>/tae/include
TAELIB = <las-top-directory>/tae/lib
As noted in the discussion of Customizing the Build Environment for (re)building LAS from source code, building the Xwindows modules tiepts and xid references two environment variables which specifiy the locations of the Motif object libraries and header files.

For the PSU installation under Solaris 2.6, these are defined as

LAS_XMINC = /usr/openwin/include/Xm
LAS_XMLIB = /usr/openwin/lib/libXm.so
Under Linux 2.4, they have the values

LAS_XMINC = /usr/include/Xm
LAS_XMLIB = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.so
Note that LAS_XMLIB points to a file rather than a directory.

3.2 Additional Useful Variables and Aliases

In addition to the environment variables specified above, LAS programmers and system managers may find it helpful to include the following lines in their .cshrc files:

    setenv LAS74 <top-of-las7.4-directory-tree>
    setenv LASLAPP $LAS74/las/local/app
    alias setlas 'source $LAS74/run/bin/setup_las74_bash' or
    alias setlas 'source $LAS74/run/bin/setup_las74_csh'

3.3 System Management Tools in the bin/ Directory

The LAS bin/ directory contains a number of "tools" (utility programs) for building LAS and performing miscellaneous support functions. These are briefly descirbed below.

Tools Required for Building LAS

pdfhtml Create an HTML-format User's Guide from a .pdf file.
setup_las_csh Set all environment variables needed for building LAS modules (C-shell users).
setup_las_bash Set all environment variables needed for building LAS modules (Bash-shell users).
Tools for Building Menus

These tools use the alpha.mdl and hierarchy.menus files in directory las/local/app/menus to build menus and perform supporting functions. Their usage is described in detail as part of the instructions for installing LAS, under the heading "Modifying LAS Menus".

bldmdf.pl Build .mdf menu files using the codes and hierarchy defined by alpha.mdl and hierarchy.menus.
bldught.pl Build HTML tables of contents for the User's Guides, including a functional listing having the same structure as the menus, and a separate alphabetical listing.
listmdf.pl List all applications modules assigned to each second-level menu category.
listpgm.pl List only the names of all applications modules included in file alpha.mdl.
Additional Tools Developed at PSU
printddr Print the data descriptor records for a file without invoking LAS -- this facilitates accessing DDR fields from shell or Perl scripts.
log_psumods Create an entry in a CVS/PSUmods file to record PSU-specific modifications in a standard format.
run_las Start an LAS interactive session or run a single LAS command.
summ_applog.pl Create summary of LAS usage by each user listed in the logfile(s).
Other Miscellaneous Tools
TIEpts.ad The "xresources" file used by the tiepts Xwindows application.
dellines Delete "newline" characters from a file.
fpr Convert printer-control characters in a Fortran formatted output file to Unix-comaptible control characters.
host2las Convert filenames from standard Unix syntax to Catalog Manager syntax.
htmlascii Convert HTML files to plain ASCII text.
las2host Convert filenames from Catalog Manager syntax to standard Unix syntax.
newlines Insert "newline" characters after every n-th character in a file, where n is specified by the user.

3.4 Dependencies on Other Software

Certain LAS applications rely on software that is not included in the LAS distribution.

The on-line help facility for the Xwindows applications xid and tiepoints and the hypertext version of the user manual use the Netscape browser. The Netscape browser is available for free download from URL http://www.netscape.com/download.

The Xwindows applications also make use of the Xwindows support libraries supplied by the operating system. Some of the libaries supplied with versions of Sun Solaris prior to 2.6 are not compatible with more recent versions; this problem is discussed in greater detail in the section on LAS installation. See also the note about file TIEpts.ad in Section 3.5.

Some applications make use of a public domain graphics software package called gnuplot that is not included within the LAS distribution. Gnuplot is available via anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp.dartmouth.edu/pub/gnuplot.

Some of the LAS system management tools use the Perl scripting language. The scripts expect to find the perl compiler/interpreter in directory /opt/local/bin/. Perl can be downloaded from http://www.perl.com/.

For (re)building LAS applications, the GNU gcc compiler is recommended; it is specified by the enviroment variable CC defined in the script env/las/assign/pgmassign. This compiler may be downloaded from http://www.gnu.org/.

3.5 Miscellaneous Information

The tiepts application uses the file TIEpts.ad to specify certain Xwindows defaults. The runtime version of this file is in directory run/bin; when LAS is (re)built, it is copied from source directory bin/xresources.

Equations that are found in the Description/Algorithm section of the user guides have not been standardized and, therefore, may be confusing.

The online LAS documentatiion now includes