The following is a list of helpful hints when porting LAS to a computer that is not supported. This list was compiled from the phone support given by EDC personnel to sites that were porting LAS to an unsupported system; therefore, this list is not comprehensive.
Note: | This list does not reflect PSU modifications to the EDC distribution of LAS 7.4, nor does it address possible changes to TAE. |
las/base/include/imageio.h las/base/include/imageio.mfi las/base/include/sysdef.h las/base/include/sysdef.mfi las/base/include/tapeio.h las/base/include/tapeio.mfi las/base/include/typlim.h las/base/include/typlim.mfi las/base/support/ddr/c_comsys.c las/base/support/ddr/c_getsys.c las/base/support/pixman/c_pxsys.c las/base/support/util/c_sysset.c