Documentation for Land And Water Masks

This dataset contains land and water masks for the 48 conterminous United States, extracted from the "Conterminous United States AVHRR Companion Disc" CDROM, distributed by the USGS EROS Data Center (EDC).

The data are in raster format, with a raster spacing of 1 km and raster dimensions of 2889 lines (rows) by 4587 samples (columns). Two versions of the mask are available, as follows:

land_mask.bsq.gz Array of 8-bit (1-byte) binary integers having value 1 for land and 0 for water
water_mask.bsq.gz Array of 8-bit (1-byte) binary integers having value 1 for water and 0 for land
The two .bsq.gz arrays are stored in the database in GNU gzip (compressed) format. Each file is accompained by an LAS .ddr file, which contains raster size and georeferencing information. Note that the .bsq format is identical to the LAS .img format.

Projection and Geolocation Information

Projection parameters:
Name: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Projection units: meters
Spheroid: sphere of radius 6,370,997 meters
Central longitude: -100° (W)
Central latitude: 45° N
False easting: 0
False northing: 0
Bounding coordinates:
Projection --
-2050500 to 2536500 easting
752500 to -2136500 northing
Geographic (approximate) --
-128° to -65° longitude
51° to 23° latitude
Cell size for gridded data: 1 km by 1 km.

Grid dimensions: 2889 lines (rows) of 4587 samples (columns) each.

Last change: 1998 May 7, R. A. White /