The boundaries and dimensions of the box are as follows:
Dimensions Min X Max X Max Y Min Y E-W N-S Albers Equal -80000 110000 321000 151000 190000 170000 Area Projection (easting) (northing) Approximate -79.0 -76.7 41.9 40.3 2.3 1.6 Lat/Long (longitude) (latitude)
The northwest corner of this box is at the same easting as the box defined for the entire Susquehanna River Basin; its northing is 129 km less. For images and data layers gridded at 1 km, the box enclosing the West Branch above Williamsport extends from line (row) 130, sample (column) 1 of the SRB box through line 299, sample 190.
The corners specified above should be used with GIS software packages such as Arc/Info. For gridded data used with image processing packages such as LAS or ERDAS, the coordinates of the upper left corner of the image specified by the LAS .ddr file or in the ERDAS header record refer to the CENTER of the upper left pixel; i.e., they are offset by one-half pixel from the corner of the bounding rectangle (the necessary adjustments are made automatically by Arc routines such as IMAGEGRID and GRIDIMAGE). To overlay data at different resolutions, therefore, the LAS/ERDAS upper left corner easting should be increased by one-half the grid cell size, and the northing decreased by one-half the grid cell size. For the lower right corner, the easting should be decreased by one-half the grid-cell size and the northing increased by the same amount. For the pixel (grid) dimensions commonly used for SRB data sets, this yields the pixel-center coordinates at the upper left and lower right corners and the image dimensions which are given below.
Pixel Size Image U. L. C. Image L. R. C. Image Size (meters) Northing Easting Northing Easting (lines x pixels/line) 1000 320500 -79500 151500 109500 170 x 190 100 320950 -79950 151050 109950 1700 x 1900
Projection units: meters Spheroid: Clarke 1866 1st standard parallel: 40.0° N 2nd standard parallel: 42.0° N Central meridian: -78.0° (W) Latitude of origin: 39° N False easting: 0 False northing: 0