Projection Albers Datum NAD27 Units meters Spheroid Clarke1866 1st standard parallel 29 30 0.000 2nd standard parallel 45 30 0.000 Central meridian -96 0 0.000 Latitude of projection's origin 23 0 0.000 False easting (meters) 0.0 False northing (meters) 0.0Relative to this cooordinate system, the polygon version of the dataset has the following bounding coordinates (in meters):
Xmin = -2356126.750 Xmax = 2258291.500 Ymin = 277036.625 Ymax = 3172584.750For the 1-km grid version, the bounding coordinates were extended outwards to an exact multiple of 1000 meters, giving
Xmin = -2357000 Xmax = 2259000 Ymin = 277000 Ymax = 3173000 nrow = 2896 ncol = 4616 cellsize = 1000For most image processing software packages, the coordinates of the center of the upper left (northwest) cell should be entered as
x = -2356500, y = 3172500