Directory for Southern Great Plains Experiment (Oklahoma)
Bounding Longitude and Latitude: [W100.0 to W95.0, N38.5 to N33.0]
*** Expanded Boundaries ***
- As of 02 Feb. 1998, most of the data sets for the Southern
Great Plains Experiment region have been extended to cover a larger area
than the original data sets previously offered on this Web site. At
present, the expanded coverage applies to digital elevation model, land
cover, and soil properties data sets. Cartographic products and data
sets for streams, watersheds, and water flow records are currently still
restricted to the
original SGP region.
Datasets Covering All or Most of Region
Files Describing Region
Subregions Containing Datasets
Ardmore East 1-degree square
- [W97 to W96, N35 to N34]n
Ardmore West 1-degree square
- [W98 to W97, N35 to N34]n
Clinton East 1-degree square
- [W99 to W98, N36 to N35]n
Clinton West 1-degree square
- [W100 to W99, N36 to N35]n
Enid East 1-degree square
- [W97 to W96, N37 to N36]n
Enid West 1-degree square
- [W98 to W97, N37 to N36]n
Lawton East 1-degree square
- [W99 to W98, N35 to N34]n
Lawton West 1-degree square
- [W100 to W99, N35 to N34]n
Oklahoma City East 1-degree square
- [W97 to W96, N36 to N35]n
Oklahoma City West 1-degree square
- [W98 to W97, N36 to N35]n
Woodward East 1-degree square
- [W99 to W98, N37 to N36]n
Woodward West 1-degree square
- [W100 to W99, N37 to N36]n
Please send questions and comments to
Page creation date: 2007 Jan 29